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How Spells Work

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Spells are the tools by which Sorcerers influence Reality and shape it to their will. They are a formulaic representation of Reality, and through subtly changing that formula the Sorcerer can create a specific result. To understand and form a spell, the caster must first possess knowledge of three magical disciplines: Schools, Racking, and Lynchpins. It is upon these three concepts that Sorcery is based. Every spell is also defined by its Complexity.

Like all equations and formulas, spells vary in degrees of difficulty to learn and cast. All spells will fall under one of these Complexity levels: Easy, Normal, Difficult, Challenging, and Ritual. To properly cast one of these spells, you must possess enough skill in Sorcery, i.e. Basic, Advanced, or Ritual. These complexities are defined as follows:

  • Easy: Basic spells that require a Base Cast Time of 15 minutes;
  • Normal: Basic spells that require a Base Cast Time of 30 minutes;
  • Difficult: Advanced spells that require a Base Cast Time of 60 to 120 minutes;
  • Challenging: Advanced spells that require a Base Cast Time of 120 minutes or more; and
  • Ritual: Spells so complex they require an excessive amount of energy, skill, and time (days, even weeks). Usually reserved only for Pattern or Logrus Sorcery.
Page last modified on October 08, 2006, at 04:41 PM