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Stairway to Chaos

Stairway to Chaos

"I'd say a couple of days before we reach Mount Fatoom, which will give us the opportunity to prepare ourselves for the climb up the stair." he continues. He looks at the assembled group, from Espérance and Hugo, to Alex, Orcini, Swan and Huttner.

"Shall we get going?"

"I'm ready," Espérance says.

The next two days are a journey to the mountain.

Two days is probably an inaccurate term. With Cazaril pulling the group along due to the lack of direct paths, the skies change from a relatively pedestrian dark blue with a yellow-white sun to a pale red with two miniature suns rising together, to a starscape that appears more like a child's fingerpainting, and back to a more sedate and sedentary one sun-in-the sky, although the color of the sky is now a baby blue. Sleeping and rest aside, the group walks for what feels like a day and a half before the imposing mountain, a range of mountains in fact, appears, shimmering, on the horizon.

Another half day brings the group to the base of Mount Fantoom and the Many Colored Shrine, an outpost of monks, clerics, and those who have taken holy orders.The shimmering colors of the tall walls and the tower, ranging from colors beyond red to those beyond violet, give the site its name.

It is the traditional starting point for those wishing to ascend to the Aspirant's Stair. Tilling their plot of land around their wall, the approach of the group does not go unnoticed, and one of the senior members, a pale yellow skinned woman with dark, stringy hair waits for the group to approach.

"Greetings, most noble knight Orcini." she begins her greetings once the group grows near. Her voice is soft and a bit indistinct, like the gentle crumpling of paper "It has been many years since you have mounted the Stair, I remember. I was but then new to the Shrine, and young."

Orcini traces a sinuous trail down his chest with his left hand and bows slightly to the woman. "Greetings Maintainer of the Way. When I last met, you wore the colorless robes of the novice and I thanked you for fetching me water. What name and title are yours now?"

"Once, you only called me novice, for that was the only name allowed me." She replies.

"I am permitted to style myself as my birth name once more, good Knight," she says proudly. "You may call now me Kara, Third Mother of the Many Colored Shrine. Only Mother Benes and Mother Scottai stand higher, here."

"Greetings to the members of House Sawall." Kara says next, dipping her head to Cazaril and Huttner. "You are welcome here."

"Are you an emissary of Charrae, girl of fire?" she adds next, to Alex.

"Not that I know of," Alex looks to Caz for confirmation. "Then again, I'm not 100% sure of a lot lately."

"She is not of that land." Cazaril says. "She partakes of fire but is not born of it."

"I see" Mother Kara says. "So long as you do not torch the shrine, girl, you are welcome."

Alex inclines her head in understanding, a smile hinting at the corners of her lips. "I shall do my best to comply, Mother Kara."

With a nod to Alex's answer, she continues her introductions. "it is exceedingly rare for a scion of Amber to come here." she adds next, looking at Swan. "Unless, perhaps, you have the blood of Chaos as well as Amber, as does our Emperor?" she adds.

“Only the blood on my cloths, doll,” Swan replies, puffing away with wry amusement. “I’m just here for the grub, really.”

"You may be the first who has come here for the insect life." Mother Kara replies. "As long as you have no ill will for the Shrine, be welcome."

Swan quirks a brow, “Say what?” She glances over at Alex, “What’s down with all the hinky gab? Like I’m spillin’ another lingo or something.”

Alex chuckles softly. "Not everyone understands you as well as I do," she tells her lover.

"Greetings, Noble swordswoman, Demon Summoner." she says, looking at Espérance and Hugo. "Your vassal is inside, recuperating, and has been awaiting your arrival."

"My--?" Espérance breaks off, and her eyes widen. "Kolfa? She's

  • here*?"

"Why, yes." Kara says brightly. "She was brought here, yesterday. One of the sisters found her and brought her here to recover from her wounds. Kolfa was certain that her binding to you would have you cross her path, and soon. She will be happy to know this has proven correct."

"I may be subject to a similar effect to you, at least in these sorts of shadows." Huttner says to Espérance.

Espérance glances at Huttner. "Good," she tells him.

"Will you all come inside now?" Mother Kara says. "The Knight can tell you that at least praying at the shrine before mounting the stair is traditional. Perhaps a night of rest and a meal of porage to break your fast. I will assume that you do not wish to spend Three or Seven Penitent Days."

Swan guffaws, “It’ll take me more than a seven-day of praying for my sins. So, I’ll stick to the square and the flop, if that’s alright, sister.” She jerks an appreciative nod.

"She has the right of it, Mother Kara." Orcini agrees. "We walk this road for practical rather than spiritual reasons. Though it is my hope that wisdom shall come to us on the journey. The Serpent strikes both slow and swift after all."

"It does, indeed, Knight Orcini." Mother Kara replies. "Very well, then, bed and board."

"I'd like to see Kolfa first," Espérance says.

Alex says nothing, but steps closer to Swan to follow her lead.

"It would be remiss if you were not conducted to your vassal promptly." Mother Kara says to Espérance. "After all, the Oath of Fealty runs in both directions."

Mother Kara leads the group into the many colored building. Inside, the variations of color give way to a uniform palette of Green and Black, with stylized serpents as the major motif. There is a distinct lack of interior windows, everything lit by lamps, these, too, often done in serpent or dragon shapes.

Espérance's shoulders tighten slightly, the only outward sign of her discomfort with the windowless space.

People of all ranks, both genders (and, possibly more than the two), and all sorts of appearances appear to make up the monks, novices and other people who go about business in the shrine. Some give greeting to Mother Kara upon seeing her, none seem willing or desirous of slowing her errand. The group does get looks of appraisal and study. These range from frank staring at fiery Alex, to curious and confused looks at Swan, and respectful nods to Orcini.

Orcini nods respectfully back but watches the crowd in return for any that watch with motives other than curiosity.

Finally, after going up several flights of stairs, Mother Kara leads the group into what appears to be an infirmary. Several individuals lie in beds in various states of awareness and awakeness, one or two of them being actively tended. One patient stares upward at the ceiling, unblinking, as a monk recites something in a low voice that sounds like a prayer or a poem.

One of these beds, as it so happens, has a (except to Orcini) familiar dark haired Jesby. White sheets and blankets are drawn up high on her, as if she were unnaturally cold. Her relatively quiet state changes like a sudden storm at the appearance of the group.

"Lady Espérance" she says enthusiastically, sitting up on the pallet, blankets still swaddling her. "I am pleased to be reunited with you."

"As am I, to see you alive," Espérance replies at once, stepping up to the bedside. "How did you get off the train?"

Kolfa smiles wanly and closes her eyes as she speaks.

"Fast and frightening was the train's deadly plunge. I leapt from the train as from bridge it fell I landed and faced a Lessiman foe I slew her, but was poisoned in her death. I crawled here in search of whom I had sworn The holy people here have nursed my wounds worn."

Orcini has no role in this reunion but he is curious none the less. "How is it that this one has become bound to the scion of Sawall?" He inquires of the group in a low voice. "She was one of the Jesbys we defeated and captured," Cazaril says quietly, moving to stand next to Orcini. "I believe it was actually Swan's idea that Kolfa swear allegiance to one of us rather than being slain or left for her House to hunt down, since she did reveal the Jesbys' plans. She swore the traditional thrice-oath to Espérance in High Formal Chaosian, so it's definitely binding. If there were any doubts that the Oath was accepted by the Serpent, Orcini, the fact that she is *here* waiting for her has dispelled them."

“See? I do have some rate ideas now and again,” Swan chimes. “And you all thought I was just smiles and giggles.”

"Much more," Alex agrees, resting a hand on her arm.

"You have more skills than as an arbelist." Huttner says.

Swan smiles at Alex and covers the woman’s hand with her own. She turns her head at Huttner’s comment, offering him a confused – yet pleased – grin. “Ta, Hutt. Ain’t sure what I done the make you think I’m savvy with woody plants, but I’ll take that as a compliment.”

Orcini nods agreement to both points. "The Tri-Form Oath is unassailable and her presence beyond coincidence. Let us hope she is a swift healer. The Stair is not a road for the infirm."

"How are you feeling?" Espérance asks her liegewoman.

"I think I am ready to leave bed and take my place at your side, Espérance." she says. Her fierce certainly melts a bit as she turns to look at their guide hopefully. "Mother Kara?"

"I should think that by the time the group is ready to leave after their meal and their rest, you should, if the Serpent is merciful, be well enough to journey with them, yea, even on the Aspirant's stair." Mother Kara replies. " In the meantime, you probably should get as much rest as you can. As the Knight has said, the route you have chosen is not for the infirm or even those of average health."

Hugo barks once.

"indeed" Mother Kara says. "The demon is perceptive in agreeing with Sir Orcini."

"I will be ready to leave the shrine when you all are." Kolfa reaffirms.

"Now, perhaps we should leave her to her rest, and see to your own." Mother Kara says.

"Always take the opportunity to grab more sleep when you can," Espérance advises Kolfa with a wink.

Swan remains quietly in the back, content to study all these hinky Chaos doings.

"Lead on, Mother Kara and we shall follow."  Orcini smiles.

In short order, Kara leads the group away from Kolfa's bed in the infirmary. Indeed, a backward glance proves that Kolfa has returned to sleeping only moments after their departure.

The group is conducted through more windowless corridors, through a few intersections and up and down a couple of staircases. The geometry of the layout starts to niggle at Swan, Espérance and Alex. If they were paying attention properly, at some point, they should have crossed their paths several times over where no intersection was seen.

Anyway, such considerations aside, mother Kara brings the group to a large room, filled with trestle tables. Happily, for Espérance, this room has a few windows, providing the first outside light the group has seen in the place.

Espérance's body language untenses just a bit.

Most of the tables are empty of people, although the room could easily hold 100 or 150 people at the tables.  The tables are not empty, however, with pitchers and platters of food set. There are no utensils or plates, however. Although the bread and butter seems ordinary enough, there are also cubes of what looks like meat and eggs set in gelatin.

"Aspic," Espérance comments with a raised eyebrow.  "Seems a bit high-class for a monastery."  Previously she's only seen such dishes at aristocratic tables.

"We call it Kholodect. It is not very high class for Chaos, though." Huttner says. "At least, not for the Great Houses."

"Indeed" Mother Kara says "I regret we do not have roast Zhind, iced rossplant, mashed asscot root, or any other real delicacies here." Mother Kara says as she continues leading the group to one of the outlying tables. "Those who live and work here and those who come here are given the fare of kholodect, black bread, butter, and beer you see here.  It will nourish you."

"I don't think any of us mind the simple fare, Mother," Alex replies softly.  "We are grateful for the fare you've provided."

"Richer fare would distract the mind and body."  Orcini agrees.  "My thanks as well.  As much for the honor of seeing to us yourself as for the victuals."

"I will be back to see that you are conducted to your quarters.  For now, eat and be welcome."

Mother Kara turns to leave.

Alex sits, leaving room for the rest of her companions close by.  While the foods are nothing she's tried before, she has found in her travels through Shadow that sometimes the strangest looking food has the most wonderful taste.  She does, however, wait to eat.  She will follow Orcini's lead when it comes to proper etiquette here.

Once all are seated, Orcini murmurs a brief prayer over the food and makes a sign over it like a figure eight with the flat of his hand.

Cazaril and Huttner can be heard to say something softly to themselves once Orcini finishes.

"We eat out of the same dish shaping as need be to serve and dine though if one of you wished to summon utensils or otherwise provide no one would object."  So saying, Orcini drew forth a knife from his belt and began slicing the bread for the group.

Espérance also produces a knife, takes a slice of bread, then deftly slices off some of the kholodect (as it seems to be called here) and maneuvers it onto the bread.  She takes an experimental bite.

A small wave of Chaos energy comes over Swan and Alex.

A small pile of eating knives appears in front of the group.

"There are advantages to the Logrus." Cazaril says with a smile, taking a knife and offering them to the utensil-less.

Swan pokes her food with whatever sharp implement has been provided. Satisfied that she doesn’t have to shoot it, she begins eating in uncharacteristic silence.

The food is relatively tasty. Sure, Swan, Alex and Espérance do not recognize the meat in the kholodect (or anything else in it, really, besides the aspic). It gets the job done of filling stomachs, though, without being offensive, or something that Swan has to kill first. The beer is mild as well.

People do come in and out of the large room as the group eats. Aside from respectful nods to an apparently recognized Orcini (if in rank if not in person), the group is given its privacy.

After the meal in the common room, the travelers are led by Mother Kara to small rooms for sleeping. The pallets are simple and small, and are several to a room. Alex and Swan discover that a pallet is not very conducive to sharing with someone else.

After all of the recent exertions and adventures, however, sleep is easy for all of the group to come by.

Morning comes with a small breaking of the fast, mainly bread and some sort of spread made from a locally grown bean. As the group is finishing up a meal of this, Mother Kara brings Kolfa out to the group. Although there is just the slightest limp in her gait, no one would have guessed her recent troubles and travails if they were not already well aware of them.

Mother Kara wishes the group well and waits just within earshot for any final requests or questions before their journey speaking in a low voice to one of the novices.

"Mother Kara has been telling me about the first leg of the Aspirant's stair up Mount Fantoom" Kolfa explains, dipping her head to Espérance and sitting beside her. "There are stops to make if we were penitents, but I was given to understand that the members of a group will always each find themselves on separate paths at a particular point during the climb."

"Some sort of challenge of personal adversity to overcome?' Kolfa asks, looking at Orcini.

"Something of the sort."  Orcini confirms.  "Everyone's experience is different but each faces a challenge tailored to them."

Swan – standing in the background – rubs the back of her neck, thrusting out her chest in an exaggerated yawn.  Her body still aches from the last few days and mentioning a stair-climb doesn’t sit well with her.  Rather complaining though, she soothes her morning frustrations with the coffee and a gasper.

“We expecting more button men along the way, or are we golden until we get you home?” she says, blowing out a blue smoke ring.

"Well the stair is meant to be kept free of all but the penitent but any can seem so as we do."  Orcini replies.  "Time will tell."

"I don't think its likely that the Jesbys would want to try to follow us on the Stair" Cazaril says.  "After all, they would be subject to the challenges that our resident Knight here has mentioned. No, if they are going to hit us, it will be on the far end, on the far side of the Stair, at the Gate, before we cross the bridge."

"So we need to keep ourselves in reasonable shape for that," Espérance comments.

"Yes" Huttner says.

"If we make it through the Fire Gate and across the bridge into the Courts." Huttner says. "We would, as you put it Swan, be golden. They couldn't touch us without asking for a formal duel or vendetta. That's the law, and it would be too public for them to try to skirt the law with an unprovoked attack."

"The trick is." Cazaril says. "is the Stair.  And I think its about time we set to that, do you all agree?" His eyes scan across everyone.

"I'm ready," says Espérance.  She looks over at Kolfa and Hugo.

Kolfa gives a nod. "I've rested and am ready."

Hugo thumps his tail, once.

“Why not do today what you can put off tomorrow?” Swan says with a shrug.  She stands and then offers Alex a hand up.

Alex slips her hand comfortably in Swan's and rises to stand next to her.  Until they fall into some formation - and possibly even beyond - she keeps her hand lightly in Swan's, gaining and giving strength that may be needed for the long climb ahead. 

“Besides, I’d like to glom what hinky business this Stair intends to get up to,” she adds puffing on her gasper.  “So lead on McDuff.”

"The journey of a thousand miles begins with but a single step." Orcini observes.  "That first step is here."  The knight sweeps his hand down to indicate a crude stone step cut into the rock of Mount Fantoom.  On the right side is a deep depression worn down by the steps that have gone before.  To either side are shallower gashes and scratches in the stone.  "It is in fact the first choice to be made. Do you follow in the footsteps of tradition or seek to tread a new path guided by old principles?"  Orcini places his right foot firmly in the worn spot and leads the way onto the stair.

"Well, that's decided." Cazaril says wryly.

Alex positions herself near the center of the group.  She's out of most of her "special friends" and doesn't have much else in the way of protection should the unexpected happen and an ambush occurs. When it comes to where she steps on the stairs, however, it is to the left of the deeper impression.  She has spent all of her years forging new paths for herself.  She isn't about to start following firmly in the footsteps of others now.

Although her time in Amber is limited, Swan is familiar with the stairway up Kolvir, the staircase that Bleys and Corwin fought up in their bid for the throne.  A seemingly endless, treacherous staircase on a mountainside, a climb to test the legs and endurance of anyone.

This stair rivals that climb, and perhaps exceeds it.  Fifty steps up, and the discomfort begins, the unrelenting stone of the steps felt with every one surmounted.

Swan takes another drag on her gasper and grumbles, “You know, this may have been a good time to quit smoking.”  She trudges ever-upward, unwilling slow her pace or waste the clove cigarette hanging from her lips.

For Orcini, this is a religious experience. He has done this before, but even so, this is a new path followed by old principles. It is simultaneously familiar and new.  And, he was younger when he last surmounted this staircase.  It feels more difficult this time, or at least an equal challenge to the last time he attempted Mount Fantoom.

For Alex, the ramps and staircases of the Arcology could not prepare her for a staircase that does not stop.  No landings, no tea houses, no Viet-Thai places for takeaway.  Bare rock, and a climb up that bare rock.

For Espérance, this is like climbing up toward a roof back home, without ever quite reaching that roof. Just climbing, and climbing and climbing, without help or hope for an immediate reward.  Beside her, Hugo pads along, next to Kolfa. He is far too trained to whine or complain, but glances at him and her show that the toil is exactly that: toil.

Finally, there is a respite, after what feels like three days of climbing but is probably more along the lines of a full day.  The staircase finally comes to a real landing carved into the rock face, just large enough for the travelers. The wind howls.  Its not a place to stay long but there is room to stretch legs or more importantly get off of them for a few minutes.

From here, to the top and around the horn for the trip back down, there are exactly eight smaller staircases, wide enough each for one person.  They range from the shortest and steepest one in the center, to longer and less steep ones toward the ends.

From what Orcini remembers, when he made his climb, it was just about the same size as his group of four penitents. And there were four staircases, then.

"One for each of us, I'm willing to bet" Cazaril says.  "None of them marked.  So I guess we each make a choice."  His head swivels around and he counts heads.  "Even one for Hugo by himself, it seems." he says to Espérance.

Swan sits down on a step and rubs her tired knees, “So, let me wager. This is a personal jam each of us has to put up with?  Just my luck we’d have to dance to the tune of some joss house brace.  Great. My dogs are barkin’ already.”

"We've already seen how the laws and rules of the universe differ here from what you are used to, Swan." Cazaril says mildly, giving a head nod to Kolfa.

[Swan] stands and just picks a stairwell at random.  She turns and blows a kiss to Alex, “See you up top, doll.”

And so Swan picks one of the moderate paths and disappears from sight.

"How *do* we choose?" Huttner asks aloud.

"I do not think that even our guide could tell us." Kolfa shrugs, glancing at Orcini.

"Lady" she continues, looking at Espérance. "I will choose a path adjoining the one you do. I suspect your bonded demon will do the same."

Hugo barks once.

Cazaril gives a bow to the other travelers. "Good luck with your trial." He stops next to Alex. "You will make it through. I promise. Remember your lessons." Huttner and Cazaril soon disappear down paths of their own.

Page last modified on April 13, 2011, at 12:27 PM