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Orcini Visiting the Queen Mother

"Neither here nor there, for us, for now." Huttner adds. "We support the Serpent and deal with the current problem, which is this Omphalos that the Serpent, blessed his name, wants you to deal with." He cracks the shell and grabs the last piece of tender flesh. "So, then, our next stop is to her Highness the Queen Mother, then?"

"Her instructions were to present myself to her if I survived." Orcini nods. "So far, I have no reason to suspect I have not so to the Queen Mother, I shall go." Orcini chuckles.

"I am no delusion of your dying mind." Huttner says. "If I was, I would have appointed myself in great luxury." he grins.

"Come brother. Our path awaits."

Setting down the inedible remainder of his meal, Huttner moves to follow his brother.

Orcini strides forth from the SubWay of his people and returns to the Ways of Sawall. He boldly inquires of any servants or functionaries where he might find the Queen Mother using her instructions as a shield against usual protocol and a bludgeon to break through any bureaucratic walls.

The location of the Queen Mother proves to be less of a bureaucratic nightmare than a hunting of the snark sort of problem. Many of the functionaries are at a loss for her current location, giving wide ranging guesses. "She usually visits her son his Majesty the Emperor at this point in the week." "She may be visiting her maternal House" "She may be consulting with her son Mandor." Orcini doesn't get the sense that he's being deliberately mislead, but that the answer is unknown. Even using her command as a weapon doesn't improve matters.

Finally, one of the servitor demons of Sawall tells Orcini and Huttner that the Queen Mother has traveled to, and not, to any reports, emerged from her personal Ways. The report is that she traveled there in the company of the new Tanista, that is to say, the new heir, the new heir's retinue, as well as an Amberite friend of the Heir. Said servitor demon provides Orcini directions for the most-well traveled passage to the Queen Mother's Ways.

"Her Majesty the Queen Mother has seen to elevate Espérance quickly." Huttner comments to Orcini. "She herself may not be entirely pleased by this. And she couldn't have done it without the Emperor, so we know they must have talked to him, too." Huttner muses "I wonder if the Emperor is visiting his mother, too?"

"What little I know of them speaks of bonds of obligation and usefulness rather than affection." Orcini replies. "They may meet, discuss or conspire but I very much doubt that he visits." Orcini pauses to make a shift of gravity to follow the arc of the passage. "Of course, it matters little if he is present. He would hear of my elevation soon enough."

"That is what I was wondering" Huttner comments. "How you are going to handle dealing with him as a temporal power. We haven't had an Emperor strongly aligned to the Ambelrash in a long while, but given how precarious his position can be, he hasn't gone out of his way to antagonize them, either. At least, not in public." Huttner says. "The shrines of the Amberites are still technically illegal. There is no official Ambassador to or from Amber, even if Ingrey Wererathe dreams of taking that role..."


The passage height narrows considerably, and suddenly, requiring some shifting, or crawling on all fours, to navigate the next bit. The light colored rock is also relatively warm to the touch.

"As I was saying" Huttner says. "You're right, he is going to hear about you and your actions. Especially going off to aid his ancestor General Benedict. I wonder if the General would dare to ask him directly."

"Daring is something the line of Barimen does not lack." Orcini comments. "If the General would call in a marker with the Queen Mother, then I think he would take any course he deems strategically sound."

"It would be something to see Merlin as a Regent Militant." Huttner replies. "There hasn't been one of those in the Courts in a few Emperors. Swayvill, his body consigned to the Void and his soul to the Serpent definitely was not. Probably none since the last Emperor from Hendrake."

The twisty passages finally end at an unlocked, ordinary looking door. Opening it reveals an overlook of a wide canyon. Spanning the canyon is a tall, spindly bone-white bridge climbing upward toward the higher far side of the canyon all this against a sky the color of scarlet sunset. Standing on the edge of this cliff near the end of the bridge is a tall tower of jet black stone. The top is decorated with silver. It is clean, elegant, and yet has an air of malice and danger.

"Whatever else you would say about the Queen Mother, she has style." Orcini comments. A bone bridge is nothing to him after walking the edge of a sword so he heads in the direction of the bridge and tower. "As for the Emperor, I am hoping for guidance from my principal on that score. I seek no conflict with the Emperor but I do not know what the Serpent seeks: the Church over all or the temporal and the spiritual split."

"Does the Serpent merely wish to topple The Cathedral, or wishes to topple Thelbane as well, you mean, brother." Huttner says. The bridge is far more ordinary than that fateful bridge Orcini walked upon during his trial. Its merely a big bone bridge, spanning the chasm over a silver river. Far below, he can just make out a couple of figures at the river's edge, little more than dots even to shapeshifted sight.

"Not a river of water." Huttner comments. "Mercury, maybe."

The jet black stone tower at the far end of the bridge looms higher and higher, as does the trio of guards at the entrance. With their dark hair and pale skin, they are quite obviously hellmaidens of House Hendrake. Or were in that service.

"You owe me Mervi" one of them says to another. "Told you we'd have someone other than her Highness' daughter to watch out for today."

"I'll pay up later, Elsi." she adds, and looks at Orcini and Huttner and sniffs. "What is your business with Lady Dara today, Sawalls?"

"How do you know they are Sawalls?" the third puts in.

"We can smell the salt on both, Kaari, especially the little one." Elsi says. "Marids generally only breed with Draynells and Sawalls. And their clothes color is wrong for Draynell."

"Your senses do you credit, guardian." Orcini inclines his head towards Elsi. "The Queen Mother commanded me to present myself to her when I survived my encounter with the Keeper of the Logrus." Orcini smiles his newly fanged grin. "As you can see, I have survived and so have come as instructed. My brother accompanies me."

"Just because you show some shapeshifted fangs does not mean that you visited the Keeper of the Logrus." Elsi says sharply. Her tone softens as she considers Orcini and Huttner. "Her Highness did say that a Knight and his brother from Sawall might come here from the Keeper, seeking audience."

"The Queen Mother did not *command* them to visit the Keeper, did she?" Mervi says.

"No." Elsi says. "That's none of our affair whether they actually did or not."

"Isn't that where Horatia was taking the Barimen?" Mervi says.

"Maybe. Again, not our affair." Elsi says to Mervi. "How DID you survive the War?"

Orcini barely quashes a chuckle at that.

"Perhaps the Queen Mother should be alerted to her guests arrival." Kaari interrupts "I'll go."

"Do that." Elsi says. Kaari nods to the other two guards, gives an inclination of the head to Orcini and his brother, and departs into the interior of the tower.

"Forgive my companions." Elsi says. "If you will enter, you will be directed to a place to await her Highness the Queen Mother."

"Thank you, guardians." Orcini nods. "You do credit to your profession."

"Be seeing you." Mervi says. She gets a skeptical look from Elsi.

Orcini proceeds to enter the enter and waits for his brother to approach alongside just beyond the threshold. "Those three have stories to tell, brother." Orcini chuckles. "Though I doubt we should ever hear them."

"We likely will not ever know the full story behind the three hellmaidens." Huttner agrees. "I do find it not incurious that the Queen Mother employs Hendrake hellmaidens so casually. The demons are a far more common servitor."

The last remark is made as a mostly faceless humanoid demon, six feet tall at the head, bows and without prompting directs Orcini and Huttner to a side room not far away from the entrance with an outstretched arm and index finger.

Upon arriving, the room is done all in tiles of white and black, floors, ceiling and walls alike. What appear to be random collections of white tiles amongst a sea of black seem to suggest patterns and shapes upon study.

The furniture, too, is also done in bone white and jet black.

Orcini and Huttner have a couple of minutes to inspect the room before a demon comes in, bearing a tray with a pot of tea.

"The Queen would have a breaking of the fast tea with you." this demon, a thin grey-skinned one with an elongated mouth and a feathered covered head. "She will be here momentarily. Protocol dictates that tea be displayed for you, but that you not serve yourselves or have this one serve you until she arrives."

"Do you have any questions of protocol before she is here." the demon adds.

"Aside from treating the Queen Mother with all the deference due to her rank and position, I am wholly ignorant of the protocols regarding tea." Orcini replies. "Please relate the basics of protocol when it comes to eating and drinking in Her presence and in Her personal Ways."

"Indeed" The demon says. "It is fortunate that the Queen Mother has designated this to be an informal breaking of the fast tea. Thus, the usual three protocols of proskynesis is not necessary. The Sixfold Analects on Medium and High formal teas are not necessary for you to study and obey, either." There appears to be relief in the demon's voice.

"As an informal tea, the Queen should be served first, of course, but once the Queen has eaten a bite and taken her first sip, the restrictions on guests are no longer adhered to. You are free to then eat, drink and ask questions and converse with Her Highness in a polite and respectful manner as due her rank and your own."

The Queen wishes to see to your comfort and sustenance. You may serve yourself, or direct me to serve you, as you see fit."

"Are there any further questions?"

"None. Thank you for the knowledge. You serve your mistress and her guests well." Orcini turns to his brother. "Somehow, I feel sure that the task placed before us pales in comparison to the complexity and precision required for a formal tea. Serpent protect us should that become necessary in our quest."

"I have heard stories about General Benedict, brother." Huttner requires. "He understands formality and ritual, and knows the Chaosian forms, given his age and experience. We may yet face a more perilous tea than with the Queen Mother--one with *him*."

"This may yet happen." Through a side door, the Queen Mother of the Emperor of Chaos, the wife of the head of House Sawall, Dara Sawall walks into the room. She gives Orcini a nod, Huttner a somewhat smaller one, and the demon is completely ignored.

"You may be seated" she says to Orcini and Huttner, "and tea may be served now." she says to the demon. The demon does so, pouring draughts of tea, traditional dragon tea, at that. The demon then bows and retreats--but not too quickly.

"Congratulations, Lord Orcini." she says, using the Chaosian honorific due anyone surviving the Logrus. "Logrus Madness is usually a longer affliction to recover from. Unless the Keeper has been playing with time and causality again."

"Thank you, Majesty." Orcini nods. "I cannot say with certainty if the Keeper or other entities bent time on my behalf. Much of my experience had a timeless quality to it. I can, however, report that he remarked on my Logrus Imprint as shining, different, and unique."

Dara slows the raising of a cup of tea to her lips, but does not quite stop her motion. Interest flashes in her eyes, but she follows the form of "taking the first sip to be taken" even given her obvious curiosity. Once she does do so, however, she nods.

"Indeed? It is said that every Logrus Imprint is unique, just as every imprint of the Amberites is exactly the same. But I suspect Lord Suhuy was not speaking of philosophy."

"Please do elaborate." she encourages Orcini.

Orcini says nothing for a moment as he watches the steam rise from his teacup. "I was Invested with a portion of the Serpent's venom before I assayed the Logrus." Orcini replies. "As a result, my Logrus Imprint looks and responds differently from what is considered the usual spectrum. So the Keeper informed me at any rate." Orcini takes a sip of his tea. "He further said that any who viewed my aura could not mistake that this was true. Please forgive my presumption, Majesty, but I would know if this is true. Would you look upon me and favor me with your learned opinion?"

 "Very well." Dara says. She puts her cup aside, and fixates her gaze on Orcini. Dara says nothing for about a full minute. Its not quite a stare, her eyes flicker up and down even if the rest of her body is rigid. Orcini can feel the arcane regard of her gaze studying him, it feels to him like sunshine warming parts of his body as her eyes travel along it, up and down.

Huttner, hands shaking at the stare Dara gives her brother, manages to take a sip of tea.

Finally, Dara breaks the look, takes her cup up in hand and takes a long sip before speaking.

"The Keeper spoke truth." Dara says. "As I have said, every Logrus imprint is different, which is right and proper for the central force of Chaos. But they are in the main usually very similar."

"Yours is considerably different." she says. "One might say remarkably different. I know it is not your Marid ancestry, I've seen what a Logrus user of such breeding looks like before--Morza Sawall, in your family line, for instance."

Orcini smiles in fond remembrance of "Crazy Aunt" Morza.

"Nor is yours like my son's, with the Pattern and Logrus wrapped about each other. If you say this is because the venom of the Serpent is now in your veins, I have nothing to gainsay against it."

"Interesting" she says, taking another sip of tea.

"It is fascinating from this end as well, Majesty." Orcini affirms. "I have had little direct experience with users of the Logrus but it seems that my Imprint functions differently as well. I traveled along a Logrus tendril as if I were traversing a road for example." Orcini takes another sip of tea. "The coming days will prove most instructive as I put these new abilities to the test." Orcini looks at Dara and waits for her to choose the next topic of conversation.

"So your experience of the Logrus is different externally as well as internally, then?" she says, temporizing for a moment. "You shall have to keep me apprised."

After another sip of tea, she continues. "While you were engaged with your trip to the Keeper, I received a Trump Call from one of the Metropolitans of the Church. Metropolitan Sophyia Ambelrash, although I remember her when she was a scheming Minobee, would like me to 'turn you over' to her. Both of you, actually. I shall have to ask my husband to do some housecleaning of the Church's spies within Sawall."

Huttner, of course, is not a member of the Church, still a member of Sawall and that request will be ignored." Orcini can hear his brother exhale slightly. "But why shouldn't I accede to the request in your case, Orcini?

"Well, Majesty, you would have to find someone else to send to Prince Benedict for a start." Orcini looks up from his tea. "The Keeper chose not to hand me over because the Serpent advised him not too but I am sure that was a singular event. I shall have to convince you on my own merits." Orcini sets down his cup.

"I do not need to tell you that the Church is focused on political intrigue." Orcini goes on. "It pursues its stratagems with the zeal that should be reserved for its piety. I have been charged by the Serpent with the Reformation of His Church." Orcini snakes his hand down his chest. "The result will be a Church focused on the spiritual and not the temporal. If I succeed, it is a large thorn removed from your side. If I fail, I assure you that I will create much havoc in their ranks before I go. There is much to be gained by letting me try and only momentary goodwill swiftly forgotten by the Metropolitans if you turn me over."

"Well said." Dara says, considering Orcini's words for a few moments. "In addition, your brother might take such a cavalier attitude, badly. I would rather not pour poison into

the waters of the body politic of Sawall thusly. You would be angry, would you not, Huttner?" she looks at Orcini's brother.

"I am loyal to my brother." he says simply.

"Indeed." Dara says. "Loyalty is what I was getting at, Orcini. You say you have been charged with a Reformation by the Serpent. And you are bound to the task I have set you. Those are personal loyalties. What I concern myself with is your greater loyalty."

"You were never a cleric, to deny your House and fully ensconce yourself within Ambelrash and climb the ranks of the clergy. However, it is understood in the Courts that a Knight's loyalty to their House is somewhat..." she takes a sip of tea. "tenuous. But you are no longer a Knight of the Church of the Serpent. Or at best, a Knight who is being sought for punishment by Metropolitan Sophyia and her kind."

"Are you again a good son of House Sawall, even given these other loyalties?" Dara asks Orcini.

Orcini considers this for a moment. "Do you remember, Majesty, the incident in one of the Black Zone realms allied to Sawall in which a meeting of the Cult of Fiona was raided by the Church?"

Dara gives a nod, and spends the next couple of minutes quietly drinking tea, calculation and thought behind her eyes, but there is a pregnant pause for Orcini and his brother to drink and eat before the Queen Mother speaks again.

"Infused with the venom of the Logrus, charged by the Serpent with Reformation of the Church." She pauses a moment and continues.. "I somehow think that your task

to being seconded to Lord Benedict will be a vacation by comparison." Dara says. "You said earlier, Orcini, that if I were to turn you over to the Metropolitan, I would need to find another for that duty. Does the Serpent, then, approve of that burden I have laid upon you? Or are you." she smiles slightly. "already committing a sin of omission, as it were?"

"The Serpent recognizes the threat of the Omphalos and desires them slain without quarter." Orcini replies. "He knows of the obligation laid upon me and has to objections to it being fulfilled. Has there been any new intelligence on that front Majesty?" Orcini inquires.

"As a matter of fact, I do have my sources" Dara says with a smile. "How astute of you to ask." She spends a few moments with sipping more tea and eating a finger sandwich before continuing.

"My sources tell me that the Omphalos have been particularly active on the far side of reality recently." Dara says. "An abortive attack in the great wood outside of Amber, an incursion into the city of Rebma. More distressingly, from a competence standpoint, is news I received a short time ago that there is evidence they attacked and destroyed one of the so called Broken Patterns, slaughtering the inhabitants of the shadow and the Pattern itself buried by means of volcanic sorcery."

"A volcano." Huttner says thoughtfully, aloud. "Powerful magic."

"The Omphalos clearly are on the move and active." Dara says, ignoring Huttner's outburst. "And that reinforces my ancestor's desire for a counterstrike all the more. It pleases me that I am in accordance with the Serpent in this regard."

"A hitherto unknown force with enough power at their command to destroy a shadow strengthened by a Broken Pattern." Orcini summarizes with a shake of his head. "Incredible and disturbing." Orcini pauses to eat two sandwich in rapid succession. "How have these Omphalos fared against Chaosian forces and powers? Have they proved as inventively destructive?"

"You were likely in shadow, or the information control proved as effective as we had hoped." Dara says. "As members of this House and allies, I tell you this in confidence." she says, looking at Orcini and her brother both.

Huttner gives a nod of agreement.

"For the most part, the Omphalos have been less willing to engage on this side of Ygg." Dara says. "However, I do know of two attempts at incursion on their part. The first was an abortive attempt, no troops or figures of note came through, and the Door was captured and briefly used in a counter-intelligence operation."

"The second attempt was more substantial, opening into a Shadow under the control of House Hendrake." she continues. "This was beaten back and destroyed in collaboration with House Helgram, and my son, Mandor. Large sections of Shadow Maelwich have been rendered uninhabitable in the process."

"It worries me." Dara continues. "that the recent Shockwave Event and the devastation that it caused here and in nearby shadows has allowed the Omphalos to open another Door in the Black Zone, and we simply lack the intelligence and information that this has occurred."

"That is a most disturbing conjecture." Orcini agrees. "Do we know anything substantial about these Doors, Majesty? How they are created or destroyed?"

"For all of their flaws." Dara responds. "The Amberites have been forthcoming in sharing information. And we with they in turn. Princess

Fiona has been in communication with my son Mandor regarding such issues. I do not know the full details, but it appears their deployment is a combination of a primal power of their own combined with High Sorcery. The dispelling of the sorcerous elements has proven efficacious in destroying their Doors."

"What we do not fully understand and need to learn." she continues. "Is how and why Doors are placed as they are, where they are."

Orcini nods. "Should I have the opportunity to gain such intelligence on the battlefield, I shall do so. Else I shall trust in the abilities of those more sorcerously inclined than I. I shall focus on simpler matters such as making them bleed." Orcini smirks. "Have they proven resilient on the physical plane as well, Majesty?"

"Fortunately." Dara says, after some more tea. "Their military capacity, as so far displayed, has proven capable only against opposition outside of the poles of reality. Against forces led by the forces of Amber, they have not proven themselves. Doubtless this is why my ancestor wishes troops and forces. A large enough force would be able to decisively defeat the Omphalos in a set-piece battle, were their other advantages neutralized or destroyed."

"Did you wish us to recruit forces, Queen Mother?" Huttner asks.

"It may prove useful to do so, as long as your arrival is not delayed. If you feel capable of leading a force, of course. I do understand that the Knights of the Church are more inclined and capable with solitary or small-teams, rather than armies. The days of army units led by militant clerics died with the Lessiman Secession."

"That is so, Majesty," Orcini agrees. "and at present it suits me to remain a skirmisher and special operative rather than a general. Having said that, a small skilled group may prove useful and it occurs to me that such a group owes me a substantial amount of their time." Orcini smiles slightly. "Time for the Unseelie Court to pay their debts."

Dara's look of slight surprise is more a reward for Orcini's play than truly being startled. At least, that's what Orcini can deduce from her reaction.

"The Teind has not been truly enforced since long before my son's predecessor. Or his predecessor." Dara says. "Walking into the Court of Ashen Stars in Fulginwood so boldly is a dangerous gambit, Orcini." she says. She looks at Orcini and Huttner for a few moments, and sips more tea before she speaks again. "You might wish to take something to back up your play, even more than being chosen of the Serpent. A diplomat, perhaps, who has the right of diplomatic immunity and passage, or if you prefer a different approach, something along the lines of a small show of force."

"Expending the scions of the Unseelie Court of the Thari would put the onus of the loss of life on something other than the Courts." she adds. "And they do make such wonderful infiltrators and assassins."

"They do indeed and I have a link to them however tenuous." Orcini glances over at Huttner. "Remember the tale I told the bridgegaunt, brother?"

Huttner nods. "Yes! That's right!" he says, with a slight excess of enthusiasm given the forms and natures of the tea. Dara doesn't quite raise an eyebrow fully.

Orcini turns back to Dara. "Some time back I infiltrated and disbanded a group of Chaosian citizens that patterned themselves on the Unseelie Court. It was thought to be a passing fad gotten out of hand but I found evidence that it was a gambit by the Unseelie Court to gain allies in service of some scheme that never came to fruition." Orcini takes a sip of his tea. "During the course of that event, I secured debts of time from several high status demons and low status lords and ladies. One of them has since risen into the ranks of the diplomatic corps. Lady Vlast of House Minobee."

"The Diplomatic corps is full of such ambitious nobles." Dara says. "Being what it is, if you are of a House high in the cycle of succession, being a diplomat is generally a weak career choice. Minobee is not high, even with one of their own ruling Hendrake, but this Lady Vlast must truly be one of the lowest of the noble class of that House for me not to recall her name or holdings."

"I could have supplied a number of possible candidates." Dara continues. "However, the Lady Vlast sounds like she would be ideal for this situation. People should pay off their debts, I feel, and calling this one is useful. Especially since you will be doing so on your own behalf, and not Ambelrash's, yes?"

Orcini nods in agreement.

"That is a way to deny them resources." she adds after a moment. "Contacts and connections made when you were a knight, enfolding them onto yourself as an agent of the Serpent. And ally of me."

Huttner swallows a gulp of tea loudly.

 "You have summed up my current situation and strategy perfectly, Majesty." Orcini nods. "As the right of the Teind is the Emperor's to enforce, I shall have to beg audience with Him to wield this right in his name. Unless of course, it would be politically expedient for me to be a rogue agent that he could plausibly deny."  Orcini smiles at Dara. "I would be grateful for your advice, Majesty, in how to proceed there."

"For the moment, you are acting as my surrogate with General Benedict." Dara says. "I do not doubt that his call to arms will not be known in every Great House within two turnings. His relation to me is well known, it would be discordant if I declaimed aiding my ancestor, even as you do so. And to no offense to your brother." she glances at Huttner. "but he is not what General Benedict would have in mind as a surrogate."

Huttner nods.

"So, you will openly act for me in this matter of the Omphalos. The fact that you will serve me in other matters afterwards is something that can only be inferred rather than known directly." she says with satisfaction. "Especially if you were to go rogue with actions at some point."

"Do we understand each other, Orcini?"

"Perfectly, Majesty." Orcini nods. "I have been officially unofficial and unofficially official many times in the past. This will not be new territory for me." Orcini devoted himself to his tea for a moment. "What are the logistics of General Benedict's call, Majesty? Has a time and place been designated?"

"Yes" Dara says. "The vagaries of time and space, and shadow make such logistics somewhat fluid, of course. However, he has been kind to provide landmarks and guidelines for reaching the shadow where he has established his base of operations. You have approximately five days, at the standard Chaosian Court time flow, to arrive at his shadow Cincinnatus."

She produces a black bordered envelope and passes it across the table. "He put it in terms that a Logrus Master can use." she says. "No doubt his other invitations use more Amberite terms and references. The trip looks to be a day of long travel from here, giving you several days, Chaos time, to make your preparations. Swan Cainesdottir will wish to go with you, almost certainly."

"As far as my daughter." Dara exhales a breath. "I suspect she will wish to go, even if she is unprepared. If she does go, I am designating you responsible for her safety. I already understand." she looks at Huttner. "You have a formal bond with her."

"Yes, your highness." Hutter says.

"Good" Dara says. "I do wonder where she has disappeared to. I had hoped for Swan and her to both join us here and now."

"With respect Queen Mother, the Tanista seems quite capable of tending to her own safety and headstrong enough to circumvent a minder." Orcini replies. "I will look after her all the same. Or perhaps look for her if you are concerned about her delayed appearance at this time." Orcini offers.

"Indeed, as this tea draws to a conclusion." Dara says after a moment of contemplation over tea. "Determining my daughter's whereabouts would be ideal. With Cazaril and Alex off with my sons, the number of people here that she knows and trusts is small. The two of you comprise a large fraction of that circle." Dara says. "And I would not see her taken advantage of by forces she does not understand. Especially as word of her rank and position become known."

"So, is there anything else to tell me, Orcini?" Dara asks. "Before you depart?"

"Nothing more at the present time, Majesty, but should I need to report to you from the field, what would be the most reliable method?" Orcini inquires.

"My Trump" Dara says.

Dara produces an elegant trump case. Engraved on the case is a circle, divided lengthwise, the left side black obsidian and right side white bone. She opens the case, and produces a trump of herself, and offers it to Orcini. The trump is of Dara in her full power and panoply, standing elegantly on the Jasper Staircase near the Maze of Art in Sawall, dressed in black and white. The back of the trump has an upright pentacle of white within a dark circular background. Sawall has heard of this device--this is the backing of the trumps done by the Emperor himself.

Orcini takes the Trump and examines the image for a moment. Either the Queen Mother trusts him or more likely feels that she is Orcini's superior in force of mind and thus need not fear opening her mind to him. Orcini places the card deep in an inner pocket of his jacket. "You honor me with this, Majesty. I will keep it safe." Orcini assures her.

"I expect so." Dara says with a nod.

"With your leave, Queen Mother, we will withdraw and seek the Tanista."

"You may leave Us, the both of you. Return as quickly as possible." she adds. "There are decisions to be made and words to be spoken before the journey to the General's summons."

"Thank you, Highness." Huttner says, rising.

Dara waits for Orcini to rise before rising herself, and exiting through one of the doors, leaving Orcini and his brother alone in the sitting room.

Orcini lets out the breath he didn't realize he was holding. "Well, brother, we have survived tea." Orcini chuckles.

Huttner nods, relaxing.

"Now the real work begins. Starting with tracking down the Tanista and the Siren." Orcini walks towards the open door. "How are you as a blood tracker, brother?"

Huttner follows his brother, and smoothly starts taking the lead by a quarter step.

"I got plenty of practice trying to find Espérance when I got separated from Lord Cazaril." Huttner says."Although I did have some arcane help for that. However, since I did pledge myself formally to her, with witnesses, that bond will resonate and can be followed. So we can follow the bond formed by the Oath of Fealty." he offers. "Swan would probably require the more conventional Blood Tracking. Its a pity neither of us had mated with her, that would make such a tracking trivial."

"But we probably should concentrate on the Tanista first anyway." Huttner says. "And find Swan on the back end."

He stops in his tracks and closes his eyes. Thanks to their brotherly connection, Orcini can hear Huttner pull on the link, like the plucking of a distant string instrument." Huttner opens his eyes and the sound fades.

"Right. I have the frequency." Huttner says. "Got a bearing and a distance. Shall we?"

Page last modified on October 17, 2012, at 10:24 PM