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Matters and Apologies

With another nod, and a last look at Meriel, Priya turned to Ostegos and departed quietly.

Ostegos follows Priya along. In the wake of Castor and Pollux already entering the Castle, and likely some recognition of who she is, the guards only give nods in her direction at the entrance to the Castle.

"Princess Fiona?" Ostegos asks, once Priya and Ostegos are inside the confines of the Castle.

"Yes." I answer simply, moving briskly down the hall. If the Princess cannot be found, or should not be interrupted, I am hoping to find a secretary with whom to leave a note.

Finding a servant to inquire about the Princess whereabouts is relatively easy. The slight look of disquiet and fear when Princess Fiona's name is mentioned is noticeable to Priya.

"Her Highness is in residence, the last I heard." the middle aged man with slightly graying hair tells Priya. "She doesn't keep a secretary, not like some of the Royal Family. Most people who want to talk to her do it through her children."

He peers at Priya. "Still, I can get you up to her lab, right enough, if that's what you want, though."

"Please. Except we'll be making a brief detour along our way. I wish to see Prince Triton as well."

I indicate that the man should join us proceed down the hall. At the very least, I need to see if he has woken, though that visit will be brief. He doesn't need to socialize, he needs to sleep, and if the Princess is still up and working, I may have enough time to squeeze all the pieces into the remaining day.

"Prince Triton. In the Infirmary, yes." the man says. He takes the lead, although he continues talking as he walks with Priya and the quiet Ostegos toward their first destination.

"I know you're an honored guest..." the man begins, looking back at Priya. "However, it occurs to me...are you going to be the new Rebman Charge D'Affaires?" the man asks at one point, turning a corner and walking down a hallway that is now growing familiar on Priya. "I heard the old one was less than tactful at the Ball the other day, and was pulled for it."

"The previous Charge D'Affaires has returned to Rebma." I agree with that point, but add nothing more. "I am the Queen's emissary until a permanent replacement is chosen."

The servant gives a nod, accepting this answer.

Not long after the exchange, the Infirmary is reached. The infirmary doctor with black hair and the grey streak is not in evidence. Instead, a pale yellow haired physician, male, is making rounds and looks up smartly as Priya, Ostegos and their guide enter.

I leave Ostegos and our 'guide' at the door, allowing the doctor to intercept me if he wishes, but just as willing to see Triton before I speak with him. The doctor watches Priya thoughtfully, scrutinizing her as she heads toward the son of Corwin.

He's awake and propped up in his bed, although he looks relatively tractable. Triton's head turns as Priya approaches, and the Doctor watches the exchange. He is, Priya will note, just within the range of ordinary conversation.

"Priya Luur. I've not seen you in many tides." Triton says, regarding her as she approaches him.

"It has been more recent than you remember, and that may be for the best." I offer a sympathetic smile for the ordeals he has been through recently. "How do you feel?

Triton considers this. "I feel like I have swum from Rebma to Amber without pause and back again. Or, I feel like I have not slept in three days, and yet strangely am too tired to actually sleep."

Stopping at the edge of the bed I refrain from anything more than a light scan, looking for abnormalities in his aura without violating too much of his privacy.

Triton doesn't show any overt reaction to Priya's scanning. He regards her with tired eyes as she performs her light scan. His aura, thankfully, shows no abnormalities. It shows definite signs of recent stress and weakness, but there doesn't seem to be anything oppressing it. Time would be the best salve for it. If Priya felt it needful, a transfer of energies from herself or from another a donor would also boost his recovery time and speed. "I may be able to help with that. May I?" I hold both hands up, hovering, but do not touch him until he consents.

Triton considers it for a moment or two. "If it will get me out of this bed faster...then yes."

"It should." Laying one hand on his head, the other above his heart, I instruct him to close his eyes.

"Let the breath escape, draw a deeper breath so the belly fills with the chest and as you let that breath go, sink into the warmth of the bed. Here, you are safe. You cannot fall." From his eyes, to the furrowed brow that needs smoothed, to his shoulders, arms and all the way to his toes, I quietly guide him in a mindful meditation, easing the stress and strain with small amounts of energy. Soothing jangled nerves and knotted muscle.

Being a man of furious passion, motion and energy, Triton is not the best subject for meditative exercises. Even so, water can wear away at the hardest stone, and by degrees, Triton's mind starts to follow the paths set out by Priya's technique. Once he does submit, it goes smoothly and soft sounds of sleep soon follow.

I continue, even after he is asleep, murmuring the Guide as it was taught to me until it is completed. Timed with his breath, I lift my hands on an inhale, as if they were buoyed up by the breath, so lightly that their leaving cannot disturb him, and then I step away, turning to return to Ostegos.

Priya is fairly certain of her success and the efficacy. The next time Triton wakes should see a marked improvement in his overall state. The doctor does not engage Priya in conversation but she can feel his scrutinizing gaze as she makes his way back to Ostegos and the servant.

"I've seen the Princess Amphtritina do something similar, alone, once, in one of the gardens here." the servant says. "Some sort of meditation?"

"Among other things. Though I did slightly more than simply guide his awareness, it is mostly rest he needs."

"How fares the Prince of Rebma otherwise?" Ostegos asks,simply.

"He should feel much recovered in the morning and will likely be a less willing patient." I glance toward the doctor with the warning.

The silent doctor raises an eyebrow.

"May you have a quiet evening." I bid the doctor goodbye with that and gesture for the servant to continue us on our way.

The doctor turns away and toward his patients as the servant leads Priya and Ostegos away from the infirmary and back into the corridors and passages of the Castle proper.

Instead of the main staircase Priya has previously used, the servant leads Ostegos and herself to a narrower staircase clearly for the use of servants and others who are aware of it. There is no guard at its base, however, at the top, there is one of the guards, female, who furrows her eyebrows as the servant leads Priya to the top.

"Where are you bringing her, Atapan?" the sandy haired woman asks, holding up a hand.

"This is the Lady Priya, sent by Queen Moire, don't you know..." the middle aged servant begins to speak, but the guard cuts him off.

"I know *that*." she says in an annoyed tone. She regards Priya briefly and then looks at Atapan. "A friend of the Queen. Where are you taking her is what I asked."

"She wants to see Princess Fiona, Siti." Atapan responds, keeping his voice level.

Siti considers this. "Fine. Just needed to know with recent events heightening security. Be lucky if they don't start insisting on guard escorts for the Princes and Princesses visitors."

She waves for Atapan, Priya and Ostegos to pass.

"We were away this afternoon. Has something happened?" Priya had listened to the exchange silently, but turned to the guard instead of following the servant. Atapan stops all motion as Priya turns to address and speak with the guard. Siti turns toward Priya and gives a nod of the head. Ostegos cocks his head to listen to the answer.

"Nothing *this* afternoon, particularly. Still. all sorts of things have been happening lately, honored guest, and its finally adding up." Siti replies. "The disruption of the ball and the explosion in Prince Jayson's quarters. A recent assassination attempt on his Majesty. A near-fatal duel between two Princes. There's even talk of a Chaosian breaking into the Castle and causing havoc."

"We're a bit of a beehive of activity, Priya Luur" Siti finishes. Her finger rubs the hilt of her sword. "Keeps me on my toes, anyway. I mislike lax security."

"You're only Selene Typle's Primary, though." Atapan puts in. "And even she is only second in command to Sir Gericson."

Siti ignores Atapan's interjection and continues to look at Priya.

"Adding up to what, if I might ask." Matching the other woman's regard, Priya remained where she was, curious as to what conclusion might have been drawn. "Or are you simply waiting for it to add up to action on the King's part?" "I conclude this." Siti takes on a more martial and strict bearing. Its one that Priya has seen in officers throughout her life. Even Ostegos subconsciously changes his pose in response to it. Atapan just watches quietly as Siti speaks.

Priya kept her amusement to herself.

"A single instance is coincidence. Two is accident. Three or more is, indubitably, enemy action."

"I have not decided." Siti looks at Priya "what to make of the recent declaration of your Queen and how that fits in, if at all."

"I shall hope not at all, else she has placed me in a very poor position." Priya's tone was dry as she accepted the guard's answer at face value. She had asked, after all, and she appreciated the candor. "And I do agree that the collection is suspect. However, the threads that bind them may be long, twisted and very difficult to find. Hopefully, tonight at least, there will be nothing new."

"One may hope that, Priya of Rebma." Siti says seriously.

Priya took a step past, turning slightly so she still faced the woman. "Good night."

Siti gives her a nod to Priya, a gesture to allow her to pass, and shoots a Look to Atapan. The latter says nothing, and after a moment starts his forward motion, trusting Priya and Ostegos to follow in her wake.

Atapan starts leading them into larger corridors, filled with a variety of artwork of various kinds. Much of this is of various members of the Royal Family of Amber.

As the trio pass by a bust, in marble of Llewella, Ostegos speaks quietly.

"You seem to have a talent for speaking and relating well to military officers." he observes.

"When I was young, Father thought I would benefit from martial training and enlisted the aid of a recently retired officer for the task. We made frequent trips to the garrison house for tests and while they talked, I listened. In my own time, I have occasionally found myself traveling with military groups. The collected experience has given me an understanding for it, and while I may not have the temperament for regimented life, I seem to get along well with those who do." She glanced at Ostegos and continued to follow the servent down the hall.

Ostegos gives the briefest of smiles, and then a nod. "It shows" he says after a moment. "Your experience is somewhat like...." he pauses "your counterpart."

"I do not find that surprising." Priya nodded to herself, accepting the fact and not the least disturbed by it.

Atapan continues to lead them down and through the hallways of Castle Amber. They pass by the occasional servant or guard patrolling around. No one else, however disturbs their passage, and Atapan turns down a side passage, to a green door.

With a whirring sound, the door opens even before Atapan can knock at it. Unseen, the voice of Fiona emits, clearly addressing Priya.

"Come in, I'm delighted to see you, even late. I am sure that Atapan can find some place to see to Ostegos' comfort while we talk."

"I will see you after." She turned to comment to Ostegos, gave a brief nod to Atapan and entered the room, turning her head to watch the door, looking for the mechanism she'd heard as it opened before turning to look for her hostess.

The door does close behind Priya with the same whirring sound. However, there does not appear to be a physical device causing the automatic opening and closing of the door.

Fiona, for her part, steps into the room from one of the adjoining ones.

"I can never resist that." she says with a smile. "One of my nephews, Martin gave me the idea."

"He is full of interesting ideas." Priya agreed, stepping forward.

"I went to assist Prince Castor in retrieving his brother and upon our return found the whole of the day gone. Such, I suppose, is a fact of traveling the Shadows." She explained in place of an apology. "It is fortunate that Castor's errand did not take longer than a full day." The short, green eyed, red haired sorceress regards Priya for a long moment.

"It is." Priya agreed. "Which brother?" she asks.

An elegant tea set rests on a silver platter on a table, with a curl of steam rising from the pot. The pot, like the cups that accompany it, is done in a gold and red enamel design.

"Please, sit down." Fiona offers as she walks over to the table and the waiting tea set.

Priya sat, as instructed, looking for the tea set, appreciating their art as much as their function.

"His twin. I was not aware there was another. Though we have had little time for casual discussions." "I would imagine not, if your associational purpose was rescue of his twin." Fiona comments as she pours a cup of the tea and then pours a second. She gestures for Priya to choose one of the two cups before taking the other, adding a slice of lime from a plate containing wedges of both lemons and limes, and a couple of lumps of sugar.

I chose a cup with a murmur of thanks, taking a sip before selecting a slice of lemon.

I chose a cup with a murmur of thanks, taking a sip before selecting a slice of lemon.

"His, their newest brother, Hadrian, is a recent addition to the Family."

Given the man is married, I am certain this came as ...enlightenment, quite unwelcome in some quarters.

Fiona stirs the spoon in the cup as she continues.

"Indeed. It is the matter of Family, amongst other allied subjects, that peaked my curiosity about you, Priya, to invite you here." Fiona takes a sip of her tea.

"Tell me about yours, for a start."

"There is little to tell. I am my Father's only child, as he was his mother's only. Since she had two brothers, as Rebma reckons family, I have only very distant cousins and we have nothing in the way of a family relationship." I shrug. I know who they are because I have seen the family records, I have met some of them, but they are little more than strangers who look down upon us. A fact I find odd but certainly not something I concern myself with. I imagine it is a residue left over from some sibling rivalry before I was even born. "A very sparse paternal family tree, then." Fiona says, taking a sip of her tea after setting her stirring spoon aside. "You speak thus far only of your paternal line, which I find most unusual in a Rebman." Fiona says. She considers Priya for a few moments before continuing.

"Most Rebmans would speak of their maternal line first, and some of the more conservative and traditional Rebmans would not speak of the paternal line at all."

Fiona pauses here, to take another sip of her tea.

"True. But I am comfortable being unusual, and I do not think Mother wishes to be spoken of." I smile in apology, watching her over the rim of my cup as I drink and do not elaborate.

Fiona returns the smile as she takes a sip of tea in turn. "As you like. I do not think that your heritage from your maternal side is completely germane to my inquiries. I merely wished to note the reason for your disinclination in mentioning it."

Fair enough. I nod but add nothing. "With that said, we can certainly discuss other matters of mutual interest." Fiona continues.

"Have you decided on a tutor for your unexpected initiation yet?" Fiona asks.

Ahh.. and we arrive at our point.

"No, and I likely will not formally do so. Experience has taught me that I am more likely to discover what is possible, if someone has not already told me that it isn't. If there is no text to study, and I am not likely to blow myself up in a grossly uninformed experiment, I much prefer to learn by trial and error. Having someone to answer questions is useful, but I am satisfied with my progress thus far."

"There may be a low probability of a catastrophic accident." Fiona begins, regarding Priya speculatively. "And different learners do best with varying types of educational methods."

"There is something, however, that you have perhaps not considered."

I listen carefully, for that is the problem with ignorance - you don't know what you don't know.

She continues "Your...unexpected initiation is a potential political problem." Fiona says. "Certainly its your life and your business, and yet the number of initiates who are not confirmed as members of the family are extremely few in number."

"Revelation of that initiation to the wrong party or parties without you having someone representing your interests may perhaps cause difficulties for you." Fiona finishes.

Fiona takes a long sip of her tea. True. I consider with a slow nod.

"It might. They... Might. But for now I am not at liberty to discuss all things, and so, I shall suffer what inconvenience may come until My Queen decides otherwise. Until then.... They say one good turn deserves another. Hopefully I have done well enough by the House of Amber to have bought some small degree of privilege." "It must be admitted that you are correct that your positive efforts for the Royal Family will neither be forgotten nor considered in future endeavors." Fiona replies after a moment's pause.

"His majesty has enough on his plate at the moment to consider the larger issues swirling around like, to use a Rebman idiom, tangled and riptide currents." Fiona says.

I nod in agreement.

"Tell me, Priya." Fiona sips her tea again. "Have you had any unusual dreams as of late?"

The question is somewhat of a surprise. "No, I have not. Nor do I expect to, though if something is afoot I could leave myself open to finding it."

"No, that is not necessary. It is but a matter of curiosity." Fiona replies, looking thoughtful at Priya's response. "The doings of a Oneiromancer, you see. Given your unusual initiation, your ties to the family and other factors in your makeup, I wondered if you had been in contact."

She smiles slightly, takes another sip of tea.

It would be curious indeed, since I do not consider myself tied to the family.

"I would expect that you yourself might have questions that I have not anticipated or predicted." Fiona speaks. "I may be open to answering one or more them." "An opportunity I will not squander, and I do have one at the moment that I would very much like to have answered." I cup my hands around the saucer and rest them in my lap, regarding the other sorceress without it between us. "In your experience, what is the best way to use the imprint defensively in an arcane attack. Not that I would object to inflicting damage at the same time...." I amend the question slightly and wait for her response.

Fiona smiles slightly. "I judged it likely that you would ask me something about the imprint. Although your ability to learn and adapt is a function of your arcane knowledge and proclivity, these sorts of things are usually part of a regimen of study. It is regrettable that more than a few of the more impulsive members of the Family eschew proper study."

I refrain from comment, not wishing to step into the middle of any family mess.

Fiona regards Priya and then continues.

"What you wish to do is to picture the Pattern and walk it in your mind. When that is complete, concentrate on the image. The most complete version of this process yakes a few minutes, depending on the strength of your mind and how well you can concentrate, but it strengthens your mind, and lends strength to your existence. It is proof against invasive magics. In point of fact, the wrong type of magic used against you gets an extremely violent backlash."

"The faster method is to simply picture the Pattern without walking the image in your mind. This only takes a few moments, Priya, and can be done quickly. However, it does not provide anywhere near as strong or fierce protection."

"I suppose it would come down to the level of threat you faced and how much time you have to prepare."

Fiona gives a nod of the head at Priya's pithy analysis. I contemplate the exercise but let it go. I will attempt this when I am not sitting in Amber, and more specifically, when I am not sitting in front of Fiona.

"Thank you." I return the cup to the table. "Given the hour, I should probably not keep you, but I look forward to future conversations." "Future conversations would be welcome." Fiona says, rising from her seat. "Perhaps, however, at more regular hours. Until then, I wish you well."

I stand as she does. "Until then." I offer a slight bow. "Good night, and thank you."

With a soft trilling buzz sound, the door from her quarters to the outside hallway opens.

I depart promptly, glacing down the hallways for any sign of Ostegos and listening for voices that might indicate where the men have gone.

The door closes behind Priya, and once the sound from the door fades away, Priya has the opportunity to listen to the sounds of the Castle and look down hallways.

The disadvantage of a stone castle in the air is the fact that sound does not travel quite as well as it does in the Palace of Rebma. Priya comes across a false positive, first, the sound of voices from the direction of Siti's guard post. The voices heard there, however, are female.

A look down another hallway is more fruitful, as Priya hears the laughter of the soldier from Thera, and another,male, voice which is undoubtedly Atapan.

The two of them prove to be in a small, doorless sitting room off of one of the hallway, more of a cul de sac than a true room. A couple of paintings and a tapestry all have woodland scenes and themes. One is of a view of a forest, the huge trees a wall of green. The second painting is a look from a height, perhaps the Castle, toward an endless looking forest, from a height. The third, the tapestry, depicts a clearing in a woodland that has as its center a quiet little Inn with a low wall around it. Ostegos rises at Priya's arrival, holding a small wooden cup of something hot. He gives a nod of the head, as does Atapan, who rises soon after he does.

"Thank you for your hospitality. That was an amusing story." he says to Atapan. Ostegos then turns toward Priya. "Your business with the Princess went well?"

"It did." I spare the art only a passing glance. "Now I think I need a meal and to converse with the Queen if she is still available, and if not, my time is again my own."

I look down the silent, empty hallway. The middle of the night is hardly the most valuable time, but I've still things to think on and I will likely be spared interruptions.

"The Kitchen is on the floor below us." Atapan interjects. "You certainly should be able to obtain food." He adds.

Ostegos chuckles. "As it ever was thus in Thera, the Royal Family will keep unusual hours and require food to serve them."

Ostegos looks at Priya. "If it is needful to speak to her Highness, it would be more likely that she is available if we went before seeking food. However given the lateness of the hour, perhaps waiting until morning to speak to her is the wisest course. However, I admit to not wishing to delay until morning to break my fast."

As if on cue, Ostegos' stomach rumbles slightly.

"We will arrange for food first. It can be delivered to our rooms, yes?" I turn to Atapan, expecting to be told that it can be.

"Of course." Atapan says. "Even at this late hour."

"Then I will have the leisure of trying to speak with the Queen and eating."

I follow Atapan to the kitchen with Ostegos, letting them negotiate with the staff, with the occasional input to what I would like as my reflection in a carefully polished brass pot catches my eye. Given the day's events, it makes me wonder how Meriel used the reflection in the knife, if the Queen has been paying attention, and how difficult it would be to mimic the effort. Surely, if the Queen was awake and alert enough to intercept us in the Shadows, which wasn't that long ago in any time, she may well still be paying attention.

As Priya regards reflections and thoughts, she can hear Ostegos handle most of the negotiation for an evening repast. Atapan stands nearby as an allied party but says nothing beyond side comments and a couple of suggestions. The head cook is apparently not there, but a pair of tertiary cooks are, instead.

The use of the knife, to Priya, is definitely advanced--and unusual. It would not be a casual effort to replicate Meriel's feat. And it might require a specially prepared blade rather than any piece of cutlery.

In the meantime, Ostegos has talked the kitchen into bringing some "spring rolls" and a variety of other finger foods to their suite in a half hour.

"Thank you." I address everyone equally, mulling thoughts on esoteric matters rather than physical ones and grateful that needs have been met.

"Lacking a Trump of the Queen, the mirrors would be most useful if I could master them." I muse aloud to Ostegos as we return to our rooms. "Much more direct than going through Princess Llewella... and I can think of a good many uses besides."

With Atapan left behind, Ostegos walks alongside Priya, listening."As Meriel does." Ostegos says. "I gathered from their reactions that the scions of Amber are mostly unfamiliar with the power. Save Martin."

"He was born of Rebma, other wise he would be no more privy to her secrets than the rest of Amber's royal family."

I realize I am walking more quickly than the moment warrants, but I am eager to put the thoughts on trial and see what comes of them. Pushing the doors open, I stride into the suite and approach the large beveled mirror hanging high on the center wall.

How does the saying go? "Mirror, mirror, on the wall..." Silliness from Shadow that is not so silly.

Ostegos furrows his eyebrows and stops a little short of Priya and her advancing on the oval mirror.

  • Ykanga. Varuna. Ideas on how this might be approached?* I address my arcane companions as I search the mirror, changing through a spectrum of Sight as I seek a key. If I am fortunate, I will find myself facing the Queen who will have noticed that I am trying and will make this easy for me. But I do not bet on such a long shot. It is Varuna who responds in words, although Priya can sense that the gestalt of Varuna and Ykanga are working together.
  • Hypothesis: The use of mirrors usually requires specially prepared lenses or reflective surfaces. Use of ordinary mirrors to contact other mirrors may be limited.*
  • Suggestion: If you are not skilled in Mirror Wrighting, use of esoteric forces upon this mirror may activate it enough to attract attention of the Queen, assuming she has requisite skill. This may also attract attention of the Mirror Mistress Meriel*

As the two speak, Priya does learn something interesting about this mirror through her use of the sight. Varuna and Ykanga have not scanned this mirror themselves.

This mirror, itself, is already enchanted.

"This mirror already belongs to Rebma." I murmur to my companions. I have scryied before with maps and crystals, but never with a mirror. Lacking another tactic, I look to remove it from the wall and lower it to a place where it is more physically accessible.

It takes a little effort, but the mirror is hung on the wall by a hook and with Ostegos' help, can be brought to one of the tables to be laid on horizontally. He steps back and looks at the large beveled mirror. "What are you going to do?" Ostegos adds. Mentally, in the background, Priya can feel the *anticipation* of both the Staff and the Spirit Guard.

"For lack of a plan, I am making things up as I go along." I step back to think and then retrieve ink and parchment from my bags. The spell is simple, a few lines of prose about seeing the Queen, and written only because I desire the ash. I send Ostegos for a candle as I the paper tightly, holding it over the mirror as it burns. The ash drifts onto the face of the mirror and I let the paper fall as well, watching it burn until the flame has consumed the last of it.

Ostegos watches as the soot and ash from the burned paper of the lines of the spell-poem fall onto the mirror like snowflakes on a cold beach.

Taking a cloth I rub the mirror in even circular motions, focused on the face of it with my intention in mind as I polish the surface and remove every last bit of soot. As Priya rubs the surface, she feels the mirror tremble and vibrate. Lightly and soundlessly at first, and then with a series of musical tones, moving from C to F. She feels the energy of the Spirit Guard, and the Staff channel and activate an already primed mirror. It's not quite mirror magic...its an imitation of it.

And such is the highest form of flattery.

And then a face appears in the center of the mirror.


"This" she says as she sightlessly looks at Priya "is a rather unorthodox method of using a Mirror." she says by way of greeting.

I can't stifle the laugh, so foolish to forget that there is more than one Queen and the one I seek is not the closest.

"If I were orthodox I wouldn't be what I am, or where I am, nor carry the labels I do." I shrug and sigh. "My apologies. I was seeking Moire but was not specific enough in my spell work. At least, at the price of having disturbed you, I know I can cobble together enough sorcery to make this work."

"I am not a sorceress." Vialle says with a bemused smile. "However, I suspect that a second sending will, now that it has connected to me once already, will this send to the Queen that you find it needful to speak to."

"Good luck, Priya." Vialle adds, and then the image of the Queen of Amber is gone, replaced by a silky blackness.

"Now, we try again." The comment is to no one in particular as I go to work on a second attempt, this time specifically naming my Queen and picturing her in my mind.

Ostegos looks at the changed mirror as Priya bends over it to make a second working. The mirror has indeed changed from its normal reflection to an appearance much more like the shiny stone obsidian than glass.

However, even with the blackness, the mirror seems ready and primed for Priya's spell. A confirmation from Ykanga and the Staff confirm it. And so when Priya finishes her ritualistic magic, the blackness changes, and is replaced by the growing-familiar inner chambers of the Queen of Rebma.

And, more to the point, the countenance of that selfsame Queen of Rebma.

"Expanding your arcane horizons, Lady of the Royal Bedchamber?" The Queen asks by way of greeting, a small smile on her face.

"Indeed." I bow politely before continuing. "Once I have seen a thing done, I am an incurable mimic and this seemed like a very useful thing to have at my disposal. I cannot yet do the task properly, but I have achieved functionality and that shall do well enough for tonight." I adjust the tilt of the mirror to a more comfortable angle, but remain standing.

The Queen gives a nod and a motion for Priya to continue.

"I do apologize for the lateness of the hour, but we only recently returned and it seemed like not so long ago that we spoke in the river. I was hoping you would still be available since I do have good news -- Triton is recovering readily. He was awake, but uncomfortably so when I went to visit. I was able to ease his discomfort and the deep sleep will be restorative. By morning I expect he will be much improved. Will you wish to contact him, or do you have a message that I may deliver?"

"I rely on you to be my agent in what must be considered potentially active territory, Priya." Moire responds. "A visit from you would not draw undue notice. A more direct contact from me, even a subtle one, would draw more attention than I care to have at this time."

"Currents are about to make the Kingdom of Amber a very interesting place, Priya." she continues. "Tell my son to continue to recuperate, and remain recuperating as long as he can. He is useful in his current location, as you are in yours."

Really. I find that quite interesting. "I will ....make the suggestion."

"Good." Moire says simply.

The Queen regards Priya. "As for you, I have seen glimpses of some sort of expedition approaching Amber. Observe and report as needed. Discover quietly what they portend and if they are important to Rebma."

"Do you have any questions?"

"No, Majesty. I will keep my eyes and ears open, and we shall see what we learn. Good night." I bow again, waiting for her permission before ending the contact.

Moire gives a nod of the head. "Good night, Priya."

With the mirror quiet, I pick it up with a nod to Ostegos to help me return it to its place on the wall. Standing back, I regard the reformed object with some amusement.

"How long do you believe it will be before someone over comes politeness to ask what happened to the mirror?" Ostegos steps back, once he and Priya have re-hung the mirror and regards it as well, standing next to Priya. Slowly he walks forward and for the first time touches the now black glass with a fingertip, and then with the palm of his right hand.

"It's slightly cool to the touch." he observes, turning to look at Priya. "Its not an ordinary material, whatever it is now."

I only nod. Changing the mirror was a side-affect and while I am curious as to the ramifications, I am not going to spend the time investigating them now.

"Well, if the change was not sensed in an magical manner..." Ostegos says "It would wait until one of the servants sees it, tells that Chamberlain, and he tells the King or someone else."

"We shall see. I suspect there is a chance that no one will say anything at all at first. We Rebmans... you know." I wink, shrug and look toward the door. If food does not arrive very soon I will be forced to magic it up here.

"Food." Ostegos says, guessing Priya's mind. "Perhaps I should..."

And at that moment, there is a knocking at the chamber door.

Ostegos briskly walks to it, and after opening it, returns with a servant in green and gold, wheeling in a wooden cart upon which is a pair of covered plates.

"Pardon the interruption, your highness." the young woman says. "I believe you ordered an evening repast."

With the cart in the center of the room, she removes covers, revealing a number of finger foods artfully arranged on the plates.

"I believe the cooks took extra time to make your meal complete." she adds, taking a tone of apology. She then glances up and looks at the Blackglass mirror. Her eyes widen slightly, and then she looks at Priya uncertainly.

"Thank you." I circle around to the view I want and select a plate. Chosing a small round... something, I take an experimental bite, decide I like the cheese and whatever else it is and nod. "And thank the cooks." Following her gaze I shrug. "It suffered unforseen consequences in an experiment. I think I rather like it that way though. More art than mirror, don't you think?"

Ostegos reaches over for something more cylindrical, and picks it up. He bites it experimentally, and then takes another bite.

I sit facing her, plate elevated in one hand and watch her while I snack. "You...experimented with it, highness?" the servant says, abandoning the cart and slowly walking toward the mirror.

"It was part of an experiment, yes." It is interesting, watching her curiosity draw her forward. Not the safest temptation to give into around magic, but the mirror did no harm to Ostegos when he lay hands to it and to indulge her costs me nothing.

The black reflective substance darkly reflects the servant, Priya and Ostegos as she walks, slightly mesmerized, toward it, with an outstretched palm.

The unexpected change in the nature of the mirror, the fact that I do not fully understand what has become of it, makes me slightly apprehensive as she reaches for it. My attention split between the mirror and her, waiting for any hint that her attention may activate it. It would be informative, but it really would not do for the girl to come to harm.

The servant and her outstretched hand reach out for the glass. Out of the corner of her eye, Priya can see a furrowed eyebrow from Ostegos as he watches the servant. She finally touches it, placing her palm on the glass.

Priya's arcane senses note a very slight, very mild level of arcane activity emitted from the glass upon the contact. Whatever it is, the servant doesn't seem to notice it, and she withdraws her hand without apparent ill effect.

"It is beautiful, although there are those who may be disturbed to see you change one of the fixtures in the Castle, my lady." she says as she withdraws to regard the Black Mirror.Darkly, the servant's reflection stares right back at her.

"Possibly. But it is only a mirror and such things can be replaced." I shrug and relax. "And don't you agree that it is much more interesting now?"

I keep an eye on the mirror, wondering what it was that caused any reaction at all. It may be of continuing interest, and not simply for its artistic value. "It is not truly my place to comment on the objects of art in the Castle..." the young woman says. "However, if I were to be more than a bit bold, I do admit that there is a dark beauty and attraction that the glass, now dark, holds."

She looks at it for a long moment, and with an effort, looks away.

"Will...will there be anything else you need, Milady. Milord?" she asks, looking at Priya and Ostegos. Ostegos shakes his head slightly in response.

"Nothing. Thank you." I rise to see her out. "And I would take an honest person's opinion over a critic's flattery any day."

"Good night." I watch her close the door and return to stand where she had in front of the mirror. "Are you going to cause me trouble?" I address the mirror, not expecting an answer, but looking to see if I can find what drew the maid.

There is only the mildest of energy readings that Priya can detect, and in truth if her senses were not looking for it, Priya never would have noticed it. The mirror's arcane characteristics definitely have changed since Priya has used it, most likely in the contacts with both Queens.

"A mystery wrapped in an enigma." Ostegos observes. "But perhaps a quiet one that will wait on divulging its secrets until morning."

"One hopes." I agree, returning to my meal. "Getting woken by an misbehaving construct might make me cranky."

"Agreed" Ostegos says. He reaches over for another of the finger foods and bites it thoughtfully.

I glance over at the other plate, examining the foods that have been offered before sampling another. Sitting to eat, I take the next several minutes to simply enjoy my meal. It is the good thing about travel, the new experiences, the new foods and sometimes I find new spices and ideas to take back to Father. But in the midst of things my mind wanders. There are so many things I would like to do. I find myself eyeing Ostegos, but with different intentions than this morning. If he is to travel with me, he needs some protection from arcane forces. It would also be best if I had a reliable means of locating him. The food is good. Although Amber is a seaport and seafood is common, the foods selected are mostly *not* seafood; its a clear case of culinary counter-programming. The styles are a fusion mix, too, ranging from the cylindrical, delicately wrapped to what appear to be fried vegetables.

I brought several pieces of jewelery... all of which could be enchanted and several might suit him. Like small talk for the mind, I mull the possibilities while we relax.

And so Priya and Ostegos can relax, and eat, without molestation.A few minutes into the casual dining, and on the theory that she would like to know, Varuna informs Priya that the Blackglass Mirror has gone from its mostly quiet state to complete cold inactivity.

"Good. If it activates at all, I want to know, even if it means waking me. I would also very much like to know, to the best of your abilities, if it is being used by anyone else at that time." I address Varuna and Ykanga out loud. It will be best if Ostegos recognizes them as entities that can comprehend and think. That they are allies, not simply tools.

Ostegos quirks his head slightly at Priya's outward speaking to the Spirit Guard and the Staff. He's enough on the uptake that he gives a nod of the head.

To that end I set Varuna on the table beside me, stroking a rune on the etched face with the nail, almost a caress as I contemplate the mirror again.

Varuna is the one that responds out of the pair, and the Staff manages to create a voice out of thin air. It's clearly a long disused function, since the spell makes the voice sound high-pitched and somewhat nasal.

"The mirror will be monitored for arcane activity as you request. You will be informed if the mirror shows any signs of activation."

Inaudibly, Priya feels a empathic pulse of agreement from Ykanga.

Looking at the mirror and contemplating it, however, even though the glass is unusual, it is still flawless, perfect, and provides a dark reflection of Priya, Varuna and Ostegos.

"Are you trying to make it react like the servant did?" Ostegos enquires.

Page last modified on May 14, 2008, at 11:09 PM