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Index SB: Priya: Library Hours

After her conversation with Ostegos, and the long day and night, sleep comes easily to Priya.

Her dreams, the fragments of them that she remembers upon waking, are a turgid, confused mess of images and ideas.  Her recent experience in initiating herself into Warren magic is but a fraction of the imagery.  The hounds, Osric, the feel and power of the sorcery she has begun to wield are there, too, but there are also images of other things, things Priya can't name or really put a finger on.

Except one.

The one image that keeps in Priya's mind is the design which set Priya off on her voyage to Ostegos' realm, and beyond.

The Pattern.

Priya can feel that the Pattern stirs, and that stirring comes across to her.  Someone, something calls to it, and that call, however distantly, reflects into her own dreams. It is not there to talk, or to communicate, its presence alien and aloof at the same time.  But unmistakable all the same.

And with that burning image of the Pattern in her mind, Priya awakens to the early morning.

  I lay where I am, eyes still closed, examining the images while they remain fresh. Taking time to explore the sensations, focusing on the image of the Pattern. Who would be calling it, I can't imagine. Of course, why the vibrations of this would be reaching me are also a mystery, though I can easily speculate.

The image of the Pattern comes easily, in abstract, general details. Actually focusing on a full and complete image is harder, much harder. Something to perhaps practice on.

It occurs to Priya, during her analysis, that the vibrations would have been entirely missed by her--if not for the twin artifacts she now has in her employ.

  It's several minutes before I finally rouse myself, meandering out into the main room to see if Ostegos is about before I dress and begin the day.

"Good morning." Ostegos says as Priya comes in. It's clear he has been up for some time and dressed.  Given his appearance,. and the scent of recent sweat on him, Priya can surmise that he has engaged in recent, violent exercise.

  "Good morning." I wrap a dressing gown around myself, but do not bother to tie it and take a a seat near to him, curling up comfortably.   "Did you go out to the training grounds?" We have plans for the day, but I do not feel like rushing to them.

"I did.  Even with the serenity and the solemness of your techniques, as you showed Triton last night, the more martial methods of exercise and training come naturally to me."  Ostegos says. "I have noticed that, like in Thera, the guards of the Palace seem qualitatively better than one might expect, given their appearance."

"They challenged and pushed me.  I wonder how Rebman guards would compare, excepting the reversal in gender ratios." Ostegos says.

"It has been a while since I stood on a practice ground. Since they knew my tutor, the Rebma guards showed me no mercy, which leaves me to wonder about Amber's. I expect my opportunity will come before yours, but one never knows. If we find ourselves returned to Rebma, I will make introductions."   I extract myself from my chair and indicate that he should follow me.   "I have something for you."

"A gift?" The soldier's eyes light up. "I don't recall when you had the opportunity to purchase something..." he says, following Priya to where her creation waits. He waits patiently for Priya to produce the necklace and stone.

"I take it" he says, admiring it before accepting it and putting it over his head "this is far from being merely decorative?"

"It is." I watch a moment and when it doesn't fit over his head, show him where the clasp is.

"I find they always end up in front, so when I design, I hide them here." I loop the cord so that the clasp is just another element and settle the pendant in place.

"The initial elements were in my bags. This was a gift to me and originally a pin." I tap the dark hammered gold with a fingernail. "This was part of Ykanga that she gave up for our endeavor. The cord, clasp and other stones were bought long ago and waiting to be used. Then it was only a matter of putting them together. A little welding, a dose of magic and some needle work no one can see. Or did you think my bones lazy this morning?"

I take care with my tone and offer a smile, meaning only to tease him a little as I step away and sit at the edge of the bed.

Ostegos shakes his head, slowly and carefully at her remark.  Fingers reach to explore the necklace, inch by inch.  "So this is a part of Ykanga that you have donated to the creation of a new one..." Ostegos goes silent again for a moment, still feeling the necklace while keeping his eyes focused on Priya.

"I imagine that you do want to keep me around, to ward me like this. There is the softest hum I can hear from the necklace, too, in my head, as if the necklace were a chanter. It's not distracting, though.  Is that normal?  Does Ykanga do that?"

    "Once I heard her in a fashion like that, though something I felt more than heard. In the past she has also sent me images to communicate. We do not know where your limits are in proportion to her strength, so the relationship will need negotiated over time, but with this, if there is hostile magic, you have some defense."

"I see." Ostegos responds.   There is more to say... or perhaps there isn't. Time will tell.   I drop my gaze and stand, intending to walk to the wardrobe before another thought causes me to turn to him again.   "But take some care if we ever reach the shores where my mother lives. The pin spells my name, which is common enough in some Shadows, but not there. With some, it will spare your life, with others, it will cost it, so it will be best if, by habit, you keep it hidden until you know with whom you are dealing."

"It would be rare that I would be in such a land without you, I should think." Ostegos replies. "But I will deal with any consequences of being so obviously aligned to you, for will or ill."   He is right, he is unlikely to arrive on his own. Though I am not so sure I am comfortable with the rest.  

"If I find another piece of a quality to be used, I'll exchange the pin. But it was the best I had with me and I admit I did not consider all the consequences before I used it."  I turn and finally reach the wardrobe. "If you are ready to go, I can dress quickly before more of the morning passes."

"I am ready to go at your word" Ostegos says easily, his fingers still exploring his new gift.   I nod, and briefly rummage the small selection of clothes I have available to me. The tunic is long, but the material is almost too light for Amber's standards. Still, it and the leggings are comfortable and I am more concerned with that than the prudish natures the sheer material may offend.

I twist my hair up, pin it in place and I am ready.

And without much ado, Priya, with Ostegos following, can head into the Castle, and without too much trouble, arrive at the Library.

As Ostegos and Priya predicted and hoped, in the early morning, the library is virtually empty.  The only other person in evidence in the two-story library, in fact, is a bald headed woman, judging from the livery a servant or librarian of some sort.  She is shelving books, humming a wordless tune to herself.

  "Pardon?" I step into what I assume is the perifery of her vision, moving slowly and keeping my voice low so as not to startle...her? overly much. "Would you be able to assist us?" I keep back where I am, waiting for her to reply. The bald headed woman (and it is indeed a woman), turns her head just as Priya begins to speak.  She taps her forehead with the fingers, excepting her thumb, of her right hand, pressed together. When she lowers her hand, she speaks.

"I may be able to assist you."  Her eyes, a deep shade of brown, study Priya and Ostegos for a moment.  "You are replacement for the disgraced Charge D'Affaires, Concheta ap Nerys ,or else a friend of her Majesty's, or Prince Martin, are you not?"

  "I am." I relax, not bothered by her examination, certainly her obersavtions led her to the most plausible scenarios. I will let her set the pace by which exact identification is made. "Curiosity and what may be considered myth have brought us here this morning." "Myth." the woman says. "Interesting. I am Persysia, one of the Librarians here."

Since it was more what Ostegos was interested in comparing I turn to him, leaving a pause in the conversation where he might explain what he seeks in his own words.

Ostegos is caught off guard for a moment, as if he had expected Priya to do all of the talking. He looks at Persysia and then Priya and then back at the Librarian, slightly flustered.

"Oh, yes." Ostegos says. The librarian's expression is just on the short side of bemusement. "I was looking for information on the myths and legends of the early history of the Royal Family. Not the histories, good librarian, but the more exotic stories of their lives and doings. Myths, as Lady Priya said."

"Ah, Lady Priya." Enlightenment rises in the librarian's eyes. "Yes. We have a few volumes of myths and legends of the family. Please wait at one of the tables, and I will bring what you seek to you."

Ostegos watches the woman depart, studying her as she makes her way toward the staircase leading to the catwalk that acts as a second floor to the library.

"Did you want to go and speak with the Ambassadoress now?" Ostegos asks Priya. "And report what I find later?"

"That will be a good division of time. We can meet up at the room, perhaps take an early lunch, and then see what the afternoon will hold for us." ""Then it would seem that you can leave me to my research" Ostegos says. He glances around.  "This is not my usual environment, but I will endeavor to do my best, Priya."

"Good luck with her highness the Ambassadoress" Ostegos adds.  There is as yet no sign of the returnning librarian.

  "Thank you. Good luck with your reading, I'm quite interested in what you might find."

Ostegos tips a finger to his eyebrow and smiles.   I depart the library, watching for the librarian as I do in case there are any last words to be said, and make my way to the Emissaries' quarters. I keep an eye on the servants as I enter the hall, looking for one who might have just left her quarter's or might know if she is available before I knock.

Priya has to go down to the first level before she finds a servant who knows where Ambassadress Quist currently is. A blackhaired, brown eyed young man in Amber's colors cheerfully tells her that the Ambassadress likes to take her breakfast early, in one of the sitting rooms, the Iambe Room . She sometimes breaks her fast, Yoltzin adds, with emissaries from other kingdoms or one or two of the Royals.  "Mainly Prince Pollux or Princess Asteria" he says.

Furthermore, the young man offers to conduct Priya to the room.

  "That would be helpful, please do."   It may end up being more people than I wished, but it will no doubt be interesting. And a bit of breakfast would also be lovely...

The Iambe room is a small square room with a beautiful pair of windows shedding light on the furnishings.  In addition to the cherry furniture, a circular table and chairs, the four corners of the rooms are decorated with wooden pedestals. On each of these is a musical instrument--a harp, a viola, a trumpet, and a golden instrument with silver furnishings unfamiliar to Priya.

At the aforementioned table is Ambassadress Ferla Quist, and a young man wearing a black buttoned white shirt. The table has an array of foods on plates, ranging from cut pieces of fruit to sliced bread to carafes of coffee and juice. The Ambassadress glances up as the door opens.

"Ah, our new emissary to Amber from Rebma.  Please join his Grace and myself, especially if you haven't eaten.  There is plenty to enjoy." she says with a smile.

  "Thank you. I have not eaten and company would be pleasant."

"Good" Ferla says enthusiastically.

I join them, turning to the young man as I settle into the chair. "I do not believe we have met."  

I select a cup, intending to get coffee, but waiting for his response before I busy myself with breakfast.

He offers a hand to Priya. "My name is Aelfmund of Frostmourn." "I am one of the lesser Cardinals of the Church of the Unicorn. I was speaking with the Ambassador here about enhancing the Church's role and status within Begma. In these dark and turbulent times, guidance from the Unicorn is essential to the good people of the Golden Circle."

"Is it?" I have always found religion to be an odd and curious thing, even moreso since recent revelations. "Do tell."

I fix my drink to my liking, selecting breads and fruit to go with it, lean back and wait for the man to explain himself.

"I do know that the Church of the Unicorn does not have a large presence in the twin sister to the city of Amber" Aelfmund says, in tones that suggest that this is a tragedy of monumental proportions "but yet, surely, there are...rites and beliefs amongst the Rebmans that comfort you

"Good cardinal, perhaps after the Ambassador has had something to eat first ?" Ferla says. Undeterred by her, he looks at Priya intently, lean fingers absently reaching for a piece of apple.

  "Hm.." I consider the matter while I enjoy a bite to eat. "We have customs we enjoy, celebrating or mourning in equal measure life's common events and turns of seasons, and while there may be a spiritual element to some rituals, I rather suspect they are not carried out in a fashion you would associate with that." I shrug. "As for your unicorn, I do not find it at all surprising that she has found little favor beneath the waves. She is a land dwelling creature with whom we share no common ground and she belongs to Amber, which is in and out of favor depending on the behavior of its nobles." I watch him over the rim of my cup as I drink.

"I do not think you realize, Cardinal" Ferla adds as soon as Priya is finished. "Just how secular, for lack of a better word, the City Beneath the Waves is. I never heard Ap Nerys discuss her religious beliefs. Not once."

"I think the temporary Ambassador probably agrees with you, given what she has just said." Aelfmund says, keeping his gaze on Priya. "The Church DOES consider it a failing that we little traction with the industrious people of Rebma. Still, you inspire me, Priya. Perhaps it is the landbound appearance of the Unicorn which is truly at fault, and makes interest in the Unicorn, as you say, a matter of the whims of the Rebman Nobility."

"But the image is not necessarily the most important thing about Her." The last word is capitalized.  "It is her fight to bring order to chaos, light to darkness, strength to weakness, that matters.  Without the Unicorn, Rebma would not be."

    I am mildly insulted and it would be so easy to be indignant...  I hold my cup close, breathing in the smell and allow my thoughts to sort themselves out, for my initial reaction to pass, and for the truth of the matter to rise to the occasion. I know him to be wrong and I am sad, and sorry... and very proud. Not for myself, but for another. For the one to whom Rebma does owe her thanks.   "No, dear Cardinal, that is not true." My reply is soft, and if I could wrap the words in the warmth I feel, I would because it is a feeling worth sharing. "Rebma would be different, but she would still exist. It is not that we do not care for the light and order, we have fought alongside Amber on many occasions to preserve both, but we can husband our light and flourish in the dark. We can suffer the whims of a chaotic world for we are strong and we can persevere in the face of such adversity. This," I gesture around, "is good, but even if the castle fell..."

Ferla is smiling. The Cardinal is hanging on Priya's dangling words.   I gaze out at the sun and then turn back, "We would be leaner, poorer. We would grieve for all those who would be lost, but Rebma would still 'be'." 

  "It is there that we must disagree" Aelfmund replies.  "I do readily admit that the daughters of Rebma have fought alongside the sons of Amber on many occasions, although I find it passing strange the roles of men and women in your realm.  But I speak not of that"  he waves a hand.  "I speak of the theological point of view.  Surely, you know that the Unicorn is responsible for this island of stability in a sea of chaos.  That, without Her, where Rebma stands would only be the formlessness of ancient seas, ruled by elder and alien Gods at best, and the scions of Chaos at the worst."

  "It would be a wild realm, but that is what Rebma was carved out of, and if that is what she returns to..." I can only shrug. "Even now, the bottom of the sea tolerates no weakness beyond our city's border. But you may be certain, that if we do not bend knee to the kings of Amber, that the Chaosians would find us equally resistant."   Another thought almost makes me laugh. Almost.   "But who knows, if Amber is injured again, perhaps it will be Rebma who steps forth to hold the center and maintain this island of stability we have all grown so fond of."   "You do not understand" Aelfmund says, with a patience that is clearly starting to wear thin. "Or you understand and twist the Book of the Unicorn to your own ends." He shakes his head and looks to Ferla as he rises.

"If you will forgive me, Ambassador, I think the two of you have things to discuss. Perhaps we can continue the subject of our conversation another time."

"Perhaps" Ferla says.  There is only the slightest tinge in her voice to suggest otherwise.

"Lady Priya.  Until we meet again."  the Cardinal says, and he turns to leave.

  "Good day Cardinal, but before you depart,  I think I may see another cause for your lack of success in Rebma." I turn in my chair so that we still face each other.

He stops his progress, and regards priya. Out of the corner of Priya's eye, she can see Ferla watching,, listening, interested/

"I am not familiar with your Book, but I suspect what you preach runs counter to what we believe as a people." I shrug. "Only a suspicion, since I have only this encounter with you to judge by, but if I am right, you are unlikely to ever gain more than you have in Rebma."

I am careful with my tone, no passion, no challenge, only a simple statement of what I see. Almost apologetic, for having to deliver news he will be unhappy to hear. "Then, perhaps." he says, without missing a beat. "What you need is a copy of the Book of the Unicorn.  I could...nay, I should gift you with a copy.  Perhaps the words of Her, will better serve where my tongue has not."

"Where might I have such a gift delivered?" the Cardinal says.

  "My quarters are here at the castle, I'm certain the staff could be of assistance to you, but take care to limit your expectations, Cardinal. This is interesting, but you may find education makes discussions less to your liking than they already are."   I am amused, but not surprised by the turn and speculate on what the book shall look like, and what that will tell me about the man who has it delivered. Will he seek to impress me with gold leafed calligraphy, or it will it be a plain, humble tome that seeks to lure readers in by being unassuming? I sip my tea as I speculate, watching the man.

"I would prefer, when we continue our discussions, Lady Priya, for you to be educated and aware.  I relish the challenge of discussing matters when you are more cognizant of the Book." The Cardinal looks more than a little smug in his declaration.

"And, perhaps, you will be illuminated before we even speak next.  May the Unicorn make it so." he adds.  "Until then, gentle ladies, I shall depart."

  "Good day." I answer, supressing a smile but remaining impeccably polite.

And so the cardinal departs without a further word.

When he has left I take a moment to have a bit to eat before finally relaxing and allowing the smile to spread.

Ferla resumes eating, but relaxes and returns Priya's smile. As she speaks she returns Priya's smile.   "This shall be quite interesting. I find organized religion an odd thing and quite contrary to everything I believe, but I have occasionally wondered what they tell their .....flock? I believe is the word? Very strange." I settle back to my breakfast, leaving opportunity for my companion to share her own views.

"You've never been inside a church of the Unicorn or anything else, I am guessing." Ferla says. 

  I shake my head to confirm her suspicion.  

 "Certainly the Cardinal's faith is not the only one in the golden Circle--dragon worshippers in Menuis, those who venerate the Griffin in DuMarque, the Phoenix in Crie.. Ferla trails off.  "Begma doesn't have a homegrown belief system beyond Genius Locii, but proximity to Amber has meant the Church of the Unicorn has been gaining converts for hundreds of years."

"My opinion?" Ferla shrugs. "As long as they don't meddle in our politics too much, I don't care much for the Church of the Unicorn.  I let him prattle because he occasionally lets interesting bits slip. First rule of a diplomat --speak half as much as you listen. But I suspect you already knew that."

  "It is a rule I try to follow. I like to think I am successful at it. I suspect more successful than the Cardinal shall be with me, or Rebma. Our world view is somewhat different than Ambers and if the rest of the church is as arrogant, they will find little traction, even if the Queen decides to tolerate their presense. She may not." I shrug. It is a long way from such a concern.

"I don't know if its arrogance or just deep seated conviction." Ferla replies.  "They certainly believe their self-centered set of doctrines.  And the Royal Family gives it their official sanction, which suggests that some part of what they believe is correct."

"Surely, though, Lady Priya." Ferla says "you wanted to chat about something other than the Cardinal."

"Quite true. I was curious... was there anything you were discussing with my predecessor that you wish to pursue?"

"Well, now, this does save me some time." Ferla says.  "Usually the dance between Ambassadors when one of us have been replaced is a slow and cautious one, as the two individuals feel each other out."

"You are far more direct, Priya." Ferla says.  "Some might say that makes you dangerous."

  The notion is amusing.   "Hardly. I simply do not know how much time I have and must make the best use of it. Skirting the issues and dancing can be entertaining, but isn't always productive."

"No, its not always productive." Ferla admits.  "Diplomacy is much like fencing, though. I am not sure if you are familiar with dueling with swords up here..." Ferla pauses a moment. "Some forms of dueling with swords is a very careful affair, with the two combatants feeling each other out carefully, slowly, only striking when advantage is certain."

"There is also a game played in some golden circle shadows, with a ball and nets.  Scores are rare, with both teams carefully probing the other, not risking their own defense but carefully looking for an opening in the other team."

"Diplomacy as practiced by many, Priya, is like both of those, but with words." Ferla finishes.

    "I am familiar with sword work. Duals in sorcery are very similiar, and while it's never good to tip your hand by using brute force, it is sometimes tempting. I also rarely bother with small talk in the arena. Unless you suspect that there might be something important to know, there's little point. Best to get on with it and have it done." I think back over my experiences and supress a sigh.   "It rarely works out so cleanly though."   I find that to be a short coming in my competitors.

"Rarely so" Ferla agrees.

"Anyway" Ferla regards the breakfast table and then regards Priya. "You asked me what I've been pursuing with the Lady Ap Nerys before her...replacement."

"As it so happens." the Begman Ambassador continues.  "Concheta was asking me at length recently about the port of Erkus in Begma.  Asking me about the quality of the harbor, especially as regards to the sea bottom."

"Although she was being slow and careful about it." she continues.  "I suspect that Concheta was angling to work on methods with me of establishing a better locus for trade.  Now given the Rebman declaration, I begin to see what she might haven been after, don't you?"

"Indeed." I find myself almost answering with a laugh, imagining Concheta slipping around the meat of the matter and desperately wanting to bite. "Now that our hand is played, how likely is such an arrangement? Other than the possible clarity of it's approach, I know of nothing that would make Erkus more valuable than any other harbor in Begma, and I think it in the best interest of our States to reach an arrangement before the illicit factions make their own."   While the black markets are occasionally quite useful, they are an often a violent element people try to stonewall. I am hoping that works in our favor.   "There is always a Black Market" Ferla says.  "The trick is making legal arrangements lucrative enough that they do not unduly flourish."

A smile crawls across her lips.  "Now, then. Erkus is *the* major port of the country, as far as the rest of the Golden Circle. Most of the Nations have consulates there in addition to their ambassadors up in the capital.  Amber, too, although since Begma is nearly as close by land as it is by sea, much of Amber's trading concerns go through the capital rather than Erkus."

"There are a couple of other ports that Begma has, of course. It might even be that one of them is a better place, with work, for a shadow path that leads to Rebma instead of Amber.  If, perhaps, Rebma has such a preference for a different site." The Begman Ambassador finishes "Rebma would help subsidize the infrastructire costs."

  "Given the unique nature of our needs and abilities, we would undoubtably need to shoulder a fair portion of the project. I think, before any harbor could be considered, all would need to be evaluated, so that may be the place to start. I can arrange for a team to visit a set of locations and we can begin with their reports?"

"I can have the list of potential locations sent to your suite by this evening. I will get one of my factors on it." Ferla says.

"I do say, although I intuit that your appointment to this position is brief and transitory, it is a pleasure to do business with you." she adds.

"Thank you. You are likely correct, but I shall endeavor to be useful while I am here. Which may be the very thing that hurries me back out the door."  I gesture with my cup as a bit a salute and finish before turning to the meal and small talk for a bit to relax and pass the time.

The remainder of breakfast is indeed filled with small talk, ranging on such weighty matters as the recent weather, artwork in the castle, and the community of people who make up the ambassadorial envoys at the Castle.  Priya learns that they are well aware of each other, the Ambassadors talk with each other as much as or even more than the Royals and their representatives in the Castle.

With the open invitation to future meals tendered by Ambassador Quist, Priya's interview with the Begman Ambassador is concluded.

  With breakfast concluded I tender my goodbyes and thank my breakfast companion for a lovely time. I do look forward to our next encounter, but for now I return to the library to see what Ostegos has discovered. We can return to the dining rooms if he needs, I would expect they might lend at least some of the books.

Back in the library, Ostegos is surrounded by several large books, forming a small wall to frame him and the book he is currently reading.  The soldier has enough presence of mind, though, to lift his head at Priya's approach.

"Hello Priya. Learn anything interesting from the ambassador?" he asks cheerfully.

  "That the Church of the Unicorn is too missionary for my tastes, and I suspect it is also irrational, which shall make future discussions with it's Cardinal... interesting." I shrug and sit. "How has your research gone?"   The titles of some of the books Priya sees on the table are definitely on topic: "Myths of the Kingdom of Amber"  "Legends of the Golden Circle."  "The Reign of the Warrior Queen" and "Unicorn, Phoenix, Dragon"

"I didn't get access to the restricted stacks" Ostegos says.  "And I understand there are some very interesting books in there.

"I get the feeling that even the myths of the early history of Amber are somewhat whitewashed.  But there are bits here about Cymnea's children I am teasing and digging out."

"For instance" Ostegos says "I think there may have been more than just the three sons."

"That is interesting."  I move my chair around so that we sit side-by-side and I can read over his shoulder. "Do tell, and when we are done, I shall see if Prince Castor might help us get the other books." [Ostegos'] current book, which he flips the cover for Priya to see, is titled "Princes of the Universe: The first children of Oberon."

"Listen to this" Ostegos says.  "Maybe when we get Castor to get us into the other stacks, we can ask about this..."

He shows a passage in the book.

And so the children of Cymnea traversed into the Golden Circle, forging the paths that would define the relationships between the kingdoms.  Four paths were defined as the quartet explored outward from the Castle.

"A quartet is a group of four, not three,isn't it?" Ostegos says with a smile.


"It is... and one does not miscount the sons of a King."  I look look for the author's name, intent on finding anything else this person might have written. If they are a reliable source, and other texts do not contain seemingly erroneous details, then as a matter of curiosity, this is worth pursuing.

The author is unfamiliar to Priya in her studies. Someone named  Ian Castleson was the author of this particular book. He is not the author of any of the other books on the table. The librarian may have an opinion on the author as well, though that must be weighed against what else we find. She may be biased.

"Let's see if this man wrote anything else." Ostegos says, echoing Priya's thoughts.  Another book in this section of the library is by Castleson, "The early history of the Noble Families of Amber" Its a thick and heavy tome, full of what look like genealogies.

  I thumb through the relevant sections, looking for anything obvious.  "We should bring these to a more comfortable location. I shall see if this is an option."   I leave the tome on the table and look for the librarian. I would much rather camp with the books in the comfort of my rooms, hopefully she is agreeable.

  The bald headed librarian, Persysia, is quickly and easily found, shelving a few books.

"I am terribly sorry, Ambassador Priya" she says.  "Only members of the royal family are permitted to remove books from the library.  And even then, I try and talk them out of it.  The stains that Prince Kyle left on one of the books were..." she shudders "unidentifiable".

  "One can only imagine...." I cherish my collection, but I have seen the results of those that do not. "Very well. We will make ourselves comfortable here. Though I also have a question regarding one of the authors, a man named Castleson. Is he a generally reliable source, or one known to be guilty of the occasional small error?"  

"Ian Castleson" the librarian says with a nod.  "I have it on good authority, Ambassador Priya, that Ian Castleson is actually a pseudonym for one of the members of the Royal Family. Which one, however, is an open question.  *I* wouldn't dare to suggest that a member of the Royal Family is capable of publishing or creating sloppy scholarship."

"I suppose you would not" Ostegos murmurs.

  "How interesting. Thank you."   When the librarian has gone her way again, I turn my attention back to the books. I highly doubt, after all this time, there is any way to trace the book back to the responsible royal. But it would certainly be interesting.   "How long do you wish to stay?" I flip lightly through another of the books, looking to see if anything interesting catches my attention as I briefly scan the pages.

Nothing immediately jumps out at Priya that requires immediate attention.

"I don't believe we are expected anywhere, but I think I may wish to visit Father for lunch when the time arrives."

"I think that I'm done with my hours in the Library" Ostegos says with a nod.  "Talking with people is more of a strength than scanning the written word.  There's more than one way to learn the secrets of the past, Priya.  You and I have a hook now, an inconsistency we can explore at our leisure."  

"Indeed. And we have at least one very interesting person we can ask." I take one last look at Master Castletons book, wondering if what isn't written will indicate when the book was written.... the age of it will remove the younger members of the royal family from consideration.

Indeed, the book says that it was written in "the twenty ninth year of the marriage of King Oberon and Queen Clarissa"

  That wittles the list only slightly, but every bit helps.    

"I am ready when you are."

"I am ready" Ostegos says, rising from the table and making ready to follow Priya.  "I think that having spare sets of clothes for Rebma and Amber might be valuable. I wonder how those of the Royal Family who visited Rebma manage."   "I do not know, I can honestly say that it has never before occured to me to wonder. Most of my coming and going is sight unseen with my return to Rebma equally unmarked. My state of dress and general appearance are usually of no consequence, but it is something I will have to consider now. Rather bothersome too keep in mind all their sensitivities."

"Indeed" Ostegos says. "Local customs here are not Rebman, or even quite Lemurian in style and manners."

It really won't do to leave drippy trails through the halls.   "A room at an Inn near the docks may be useful."

"I am certain" Ostegos says, nodding enthusiastically "that such a room, for gold or silver, could be let for extended periods for such a purpose.  It would be advantageous for them to have our custom."

  "It would...." I agree. "You can arrange for that or join me for lunch in Rebma, as suits your mood.In the meantime, I think I would like to see if Princess Fiona is free. I have a question for her that I think I would like answered before I visit with Father."

"I will make arrangements in the City. Getting to know the city will be educational." The soldier grins. "and probably entertaining the bargain." Ostegos bows his head and is soon off.   And I turn my steps in that direction, intent on seeking an audience, or locating her if she is not in her rooms.

It takes a bit of work to track down Fiona. When she first initially reaches Fiona's rooms, there is no response to her knock at the door. As Priya does a little more investigation, all the servants and evidence point to her being definitively in her rooms and not recently seen anywhere else.

When Priya knocks on the door a second time, about a half hour afterwards, this time there is an answer at the door...

Page last modified on September 14, 2010, at 01:15 AM