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From the House to the SeA

He looks at the remnants on his plate. "I, for one am done, and as soon as you are, I believe the remainder of the city awaits your inspection and discovery."

She pops another unidentified vegetable in her mouth then sends the plate back to the table. "For be it from me to keep you waiting," she smiles slyly. Aura summons her cloak to her, makes certain she isn't leaving anything behind, then finishes off her wine.

Gerard chuckles. He lets Aura proceed him out the door, and back in the direction of the front entrance of Musgrave.

"At least the rain has stopped." Gerard observes with a glance at a window as they head out. "I believe *that* was a coincidence. And visiting the docks in the rain is not something that I would want to wish on you, or anyone." He smiles slightly. "You seem far too feline to enjoy being doused."

"I enjoy a good thunderstorm," she admits. "If I don't have to be out in it, and cold rain is just wrong."

"Cold rain is sometimes a necessary evil." Gerard agrees. "I suspect the rainy, stormy gales of November are something you would better enjoy indoors from a balcony of the Castle, rather than on the deck of one other ships of the fleet."

By the time Gerard and Aura reach the carriage, the air has the freshly charged ionic feel of a post-thunderstorm, with a hint of the scent of the passing storm in the air in the bargain.

The coachman opens the door and Gerard allows Aura to preceed him into the waiting carriage, and the vehicle is soon off. In the wake of the storm, the streets of the city are relatively deserted. It's also somewhat later in the day than expected, now trending toward evening.

"It was worth it." Gerard says, a glance at the sun outside the carriage. "I think you'll agree." he says to Aura. The streets have started to crowd up again with the populace going about their now late afternoon business.

Aura laughs lightly as she settles herself in the carriage. "I think I will at that."

"You might have many more questions, I think." Gerard says, regarding Aura with a lazy and satisfied look in his eye.

"Is it my turn again?" she purrs.

"For the moment." Gerard agrees, regarding her with something more than peaceful placidness.

"Hmmm..." By the look in her eye, he can tell very clearly what she's considering. But instead of that, she says; "Tell me about my mother. From your perspective."

"From my perspective." Gerard considers this for a few moments, letting the buildings of the city roll by as the carriage heads in a generally downhill direction toward the harbor. The scent of salt in the air slowly grows stronger, unmistakable. Its not the smell of the salt sea in Atlantis, this is somewhat more earthy, more laden with other smells and scents. But Amber is a city tied to the sea, surely and clearly.

"Deirdre." Gerard says. "Deirdre is complicated, like all of us. She could manipulate matters to be the center of attention one moment, and another, show unexpected and sudden kindness and warmth. She was the first daughter Oberon..." he regards Aura "the first daughter he had for a very long time, after a spate of sons. The tragedy of her mother's death meant that Oberon doted upon her. And the fact that she had two martially inclined brothers meant that she fell in line with them too."

"I remember." Gerard says fondly "I was eighteen. I had just come back from a trip on a trip to Begma. There was a ball, to celebrate some event or another. I was expected to attend of course."

"As the only female royal in residence, aside from my mother the Queen, she stole the show, Aura. The center of attention, and she knew it. Dressed in black and silver, she dazzled. She sparkled. She charmed all and sundry. She danced with me." Gerard smiles.

"There was a tradition, then, that the Royals would get in some sword practice with the guards and any comers the morning after a ball. Martially inclined guests to the Ball often couldn't resist the opportunity. Eric was there, as was Corwin, and Benedict. And, Aura, so was your mother. In a night, she went from the belle of the ball to a fierce warrior princess whose skills were in the same league as her brothers."

"She defeated me." Gerard said. "Soundly."

"That, Aura, is your mother."

Aura grins proudly. "And that is mostly as I thought. It is how I remember her when we were in public." Her expression softens. "She was a wonderful mother when I was growing up. I have missed her terribly. I am glad she is back in my life."

She looks out the window at the passing scenery a moment to gather her thoughts. When she turns back to Gerard, she is her usually self. "Your turn."

"That's simple." Gerard says with a grin. "It's clear you were in Amber once before, and that you walked the Pattern during that visit. I know your mother did that for you, that you wouldn't sit in shadow without the protection of an imprint. After all, that's how she did it for your brother."

"What's the story of your walk of the Pattern, Aura?"

She cocks her head to one side. "Which part? The sneaking or the walk? Which was mostly just exhausting, really."

"I was fishing for both." Gerard replies.

He pauses a beat. "Although it sounds like." Gerard looks at Aura speculatively "that you didn't have an *unusual* Patternwalk. Some of our family do, others seem to have ordinary experiences. Except for the fact that you are walking a near-divinely inscribed path of power that can kill you."

"Nothing unexpected happened at all," she says with a perfectly innocent smile. "Mother left Atlantis after telling me when to call her, came back to Amber and waited for my call to bring me here in middle of the night. We even had a bit of a practice run. Mother took over a field on the Santori Plain in the Tamer's off-season and drew it out as she remembered it. It looks very impressive from the air."

"She drew it." Gerard gives a nod at this. "The labyrinth motif is extremely common throughout shadow, reflections, echoes and distortions of the Pattern. I confess, I would not have thought of drawing a mundane version of the Pattern as a method of having you practice the steps. It makes much sense, now that I think about it." He scratches his chin.

"Dad" Gerard says "was rather unhelpful in preparing us for our own walks. He didn't prepare me for the visions that I saw in the process, for example."

Outside, the scene looks a little titled as the carriage heads on a downward sloping street of cobblestones. The smell of earthy salt in the air strengthens even further in Aura's nostrils.

Close to the smells of the harbor of home, but not quite. Aura glances again out the window before giving the large man her attention again. "I expected those," she nods. "That was part of why Mother insisted I practice. She didn't want me too distracted." Aura gives him a wry smile. "I do that. Get distracted sometimes. Especially if something mystical is involved." She chuckles. "That is very likely the only thing that can distract me from sex."

Gerard blinks for a moment, and then laughs..

"If Random knew this, I suspect he might have asked you to do a quite different assignment. Or did he pick you for that exact reason. I wonder?"

Aura's eyebrow curls in curiosity. "What makes you think that?"

"Simple." Gerard rumbles. "You may not have heard that, recently, some strange things have been happening in Rebma. Not only political, but arcane as well. Things that an inquisitive, talented and attractive member of the Royal Family of Amber might uncover."

Gerard grins.

"How exciting!" Aura exclaims. "Now if I could only get used to the idea of living in an aquarium, we would be in business."

The carriage takes a turn, and now is on a street that runs along the docks and quays. On the left side, the ships docked in the harbor now parade themselves in Aura's view like a series of water birds, diverse in their shapes, sizes and colors. A large oared and single masted galley sits next to more advanced looking ships with several tall masts, each with sails.

"Your approach to both are tied together." he continues. The carriage starts to slow as it approaches an area of the ships that conspicuously have the green and white of Amber and the unicorn. "Nearly everyone in the family has at least dabbled a bit in the stuff, but the tantric like magic you seem to enjoy is probably unique in the family. Oh, I would expect that Fi knows of it, but I wouldn't expect her to employ it."

"But, then." Gerard reflects as the carriage coasts toward a stop in front of two vessels. "She DOES have three kids. From three different fathers."

"Perhaps I should speak with her," Aura muses. "If for no other reason then to watch Lorius have 'a moment' when I force him to think about his mother having sex."

Gerard laughs. "It might be good for him to be humbled."

Aura snorts. "I am not convinced that is possible."

The driver comes forward to open the door to the carriage and gestures for Aura to use his assistance to step out. Gerard waits for Aura to exit before he follows her. He takes a deep breath and points at the pair of ships with his hand.

"These are the Blackhawk and the Peryton." Gerard explains These are the ships I am loaning your cousins for their foray into the Golden Circle. I came here to speak with the Captains regarding the preparations."

Her eyes glide over the lines and graceful curves of the hull. "I cannot recall seeing ships like that, but they are very nice. Imposing, but beautiful."

"What sort of ships do they have in Atlantis?" Gerard enquires. "What sort of navy?"

She looks up at him and blinks. "Large?" she offers, then chuckles. "Really, Gerard, I'm an artist; what do I know about ships?"

Gerard laughs.

She waves a hand towards the Blackhawk. "They are not like this. They are built of the pale colored woods of Atlantis. Every one has scenes created with other inlaid woods on their sides, and the figureheads get as much attention as the body. The mainsails are works of art."

She turns again to the dark ships before them. "Remind me later and I will put a memory inside a pearl to share with you so that you may see one."

"Later." Gerard confirms with a nod.

"As for now..." Gerard gestures in the direction of the Blackhawk. "For the next hour or so, that is where I will be, discussing minutae that could not possibly interest you. Feel free to take a look at the Peryton." he gestures toward the smaller ship. "or around the dock area, really. Be back in an hour..." Gerard smiles wickedly. "and you'll get another ride, Aura." He pauses a beat. "In the carriage."

"Why, Gerard," she purrs. "I had no idea you were such an exhibitionist."

"I would say to get thee to a temple, devil woman." Gerard replies with a grin. "However, I suspect you would be capable of corrupting the brothers and sisters." He pauses a beat and continues to grin. "Unicorn, I suspect that you would be capable of corrupting the priestesses of Astarte, over in Asherah."

"You'd best watch it," she responds with a sparkling laugh. "All this flattery will surely have me swooning at your feet."

Gerard grins.

Aura swirls her cloak around her and turns to leave before looking back over her shoulder. "Asherah, you say? I will have to be sure and look it up when I am done in Rebma." The smile she gives him is wicked. "I shall be sure and tell them you sent me."

Gerard turns slightly red, and then roars in laughter. He gives a wave of his hand as he turns to head toward the Blackhawk.

This leaves, of course, Aura at somewhat loose ends on the dock in the self-proclaimed greatest city in the multiverse.

And what sort of thing would attract Aura's attention? Or is she content to draw attention, instead?

Being the hedonist that she is, Aura is drawn to the beautiful, the shiny, and (with unfailing accuracy) the most expensive thing in a given area. So for the moment, she lets her eyes wander to take it all in and be able to imprint it in a pearl for Atlantis' Harbor Master later.

There is a lot to take in, even with a simple gaze. From the striking ships next to docks and quays, to the riot of buildings on the far side of the curved port road, Aura just has to remain in place to get a view that Atlantis' Harbor Master would give much to see.

It is in this sweeping gaze that her instincts draw her attention. Just in from the docks on one of the streets that open out into this dock area, Aura's gaze is drawn to a shop. The dying sun would normally have made it hard to see its contents, but an arcane glow from lights within display the ornate brass and gold lanterns in the window for sale, done in an idiom and style she hasn't seen yet in Amber.

She glances back in Gerard's direction, but can't spot him right off. He did say he was going to be awhile. Nick would be handy about now, but she wasn't going to call him to her. Shrugging under her cloak, Aura heads for the shop.

She stops outside the window, admiring the craftsmanship that went into the lamps' creation. But her curiosity doesn't let her admire the outward appearances too long. She heads inside, intent on discovering the mystery.

"Have you come for illumination?" comes a voice from behind one of the displays. A young man appears, holding one of the brass and gold lanterns that attracted her gaze. He had black hair, and is dressed in black and green. His hair is in a top knot.

(Casting call: Takeshi Kaneshiro)

"One of my lamps, I mean." he says with a slight smile.. The core of the lamp glows with an arcane light, but Aura's senses suggest there is an additional ensorcelement or spell on the lamp beyond a simple light spell. The man does not precisely look through it at Aura, but her sense of space tells her that the lantern is in his frame of vision along with the Atlantean.

"You're from the Castle, aren't you?" he prompts. "One of the new ones."

She shifts one side of her cloak over her shoulder and gives a tinkling laugh. "Oh. Pretty as well as observant. Yes. I am."

The man gives a bow of of the head.

Aura moves closer to one of the lamps and brings her scrutiny to bear on it. "Tell me about these. The offer more in the way of illumination then just to read by, do they not?"

All her attention is not on the lamp. She was the object of a kidnapping attempt not that long ago, and there were people in Amber connected to the House behind it. She did not have Kovikin or Nick with her this time, and Gerard was too far away to help should something come up.

The attention that Aura favors on the lamp shows that its made of some sort of shiny dark golden metal. Some sort of bronze, perhaps. It's too dark for brass. From a square base, the lamp has an ornately and delicately sloping top piece, painted in green. Inside the glass of the lamp itself, the fruit of the lamp is a sphere, giving off its light.

Aura will note, with that part of her attention on her surroundings, wary for trouble that for the moment, that the man's attention is firmly on Aura.

"In my homeland." the man says. "there are demons, ghosts, and other creatures which often hide their presence. Lamps such as these illuminate to read by, to be sure, honored customer, but the light they create will also show creatures of such vein. The light also will show a sorceress of power, such as the members of the Royal Family to which you belong. Look at the glow on your hand that the light displays."

Indeed, basked within the light, Aura's arcane aura are very gently illuminated in a shade of light lavender.

"If it pleases you to hear it, name is Jin Tubal" he continues. "The Prince Minh and the Royal Prince Bleys brought me here to this land a year ago to provide my wares to the city and increase my fortune."

"That was very nice of them," Aura says while wondering what was in it for them. She isn't used to operating like that, but Lorius assured her it was how things worked with the Family. She straightens from her examination and looks around the shop at the other lamps.

With variations on the same shape, other lamps branch from that bronze like metal to include both lighter and darker alloys. One even appears to be made of heavy, cold iron.

"It is very nice to meet you, Jin Tubal. I am Aura."

"These are quite fascinating. I think I would like two. For now. Before I return to my homeland, I suspect I will be picking up a few more." Kovikin and Lothian would appreciate them; if for nothing more then a new puzzle to work on. Rashid would love one just because.

"I am familiar with how the members of the royal family are served in these matters. I shall send the bill to the Castle, of course, for these two. It would be pleasing to provide more for your homeland. May I ask, honored Princess, where..."

Jin stops.

"Honored Princess Aura." Jin says "Trouble may have followed you to the threshold of my door." His glance toward the outside of the shop shows two tall figures in silhouette in shadow, with a lean and hungry look.

And in the light cast off by the lantern, an angry looking red aura is visible around them.

"Bother," Aura huffs. She scrunches her nose as she reviews her available options. Then she smiles and shifts herself out of the pools of light and into the shadows while still appearing to admire the iron lamp.

"Jin, my friend; do you have an empty jar or bottle? Quickly now. There isn't much time." She fingers the length of pearls storing the recently built energies and mutters under her breath a few lynchpins. Let's see how tough they are when they're three inches tall and trapped in a bottle.

"An empty bottle, honored Princess." Jin looks around, and moves quickly behind a lacquered wooden counter. He produces an empty ceramic bottle with a glass stopper. It is shorter than wine bottles that Aura is used to, but aside from a short neck, its relatively wide, with handles extending from the neck onto its main body. Like some sort of calligraphy, the sides of the bottle are adorned with some sort of unfamiliar writing, done as art. He offers the bottle to Aura, holding both handles as he does so.

She takes it one handed, slipping her fingers under his, still mumruing under her breath.

In the meantime, the second of the two shadow figures points inside. A quizzical look turns to determination as they head, almost *flow*, toward the door. A soft bell rings as the door opens.

Jin ducks behind the counter again, reaching for something invisible from Aura's position.

Aura looks up and smiles brightly. Kovikin had laughed when she made that a lynchpin, but no one ever saw it coming.

Jin emerges from underneath the counter with a short, wide blade made of the same metal as some of the lamps. Holding it low, he steps from behind the counter.

In the meantime, the two shadow figures

It is at this point that Aura's first spell goes off, without a hitch. Jin stops in place as do both of the shadows, the entirety of the store going very quiet with the results of Aura's spell. Frozen as they are, the shadows look like inkblots on parchment, with surprising thinness. It does not seem that they not only stand in shadow, but actually partake of it. Whatever they are, they are not human.

The freeze spell gives Aura enough time to work on her second spell. She manages to get it off as one of the shadows starts to break the effect of her first spell. The still frozen shadow goes into the bottle, neatly. The second shadow is just a shade too fast for Aura to snag with the area of the snowglobe. That, or the ability shown of it breaking Aura's first spell allowed it to resist being pulled by the second.

"Sorceress!" the shadow hisses. "*MY* turn!"

Around Aura and the still frozen Jin, the room starts to darken, the enchanted lamp of Jin fighting to stay on against the unnatural darkness. That increasing chill in the air is definitely unnatural as well. And, unbidden and uncharacteristic, outwardly derived feelings of lassitude and hopelessness wash over her.

Not some shadow sorceress to be instantly quelled, Aura still has to focus as she lets the spell that put the one creature in the jar complete. Dropping the spell on Jin is easy and doesn't require any thought. But it takes a little effort to throw off her next spell....

Aura's release of the portion of her spell on Jin is easy, trivial. She doesn't have much time to pay attention to the shopkeeper as she works on finishing the Solomon Seal on the jar, finishing off that portion of the spell.

In the meantime, the darkness continues to fill the room in the area around Aura. Her motions slow down, the room's coldness allows Aura to see puffs of her breath.

Jin gives off a cry of fear, clearly less able to resist the spell than Aura. Still, the mental assault is increasing moment by moment, trying to wear down Aura as she works on her next sorcery.

The shadow moves forward toward Aura in triumph. Aura's force of will, however, and her other abilities allow her to get off her next spell just as the creature extends an insubstantial hand to touch her...

The light that Aura throws, right into the creature, is dazzling, bright, and blue-white in color. In the first moments of its conjuring, its diffuse and amorphous. It quickly forms into a shape of a jumping dolphin.

The shadow creature, however, is in no position,mood or desire to appreciate the form of the defensive spell. With a shriek, the creature backs away, the spell firmly between Aura and her opponent. The wake of the Dolphin breaks up the darkness, both its chilling effect and its mental attack stops. Even Jin looks up in wonder.

Driven back by the spell, the shadow creature appears to be attempting full flight out of the shop entirely.

Aura looks a little surprised herself at the full effect of the spell - if her wide eyes are anything to go by. But then she smiles at the creature, and it is not bright or friendly; in fact, it looks rather shark-like. Her wide eyes narrow into glittering slits..

"Leaving so soon?" she coos. Aura throws her hand out and makes a fist, pushing her will into the light spell. "We can't have that..."

The shadow creature seeks to get out of the shop by any and all means possible. Aura's modification of the spell to a binding one is easy, given how riled she is now. The dolphin dissolves and changes its aspect to something more like a freshwater hydra, body and tentacles. The base of the creature attaches to the floor, and the tentacles reach up to grasp the shadow creature. Surrounded by the blue white tentacles of light, the creature seems helpless, powerless as it impotently rages against its bonds.

Aura is certain, too, that her next spell, her mental plea, has reached Gerard successfully, although he does not answer in like manner.

Inside the Sealed jar, the other shadow creature is quiescent and quiet.

Jin comes up to stand near to Aura. "I've never seen their like." he says, watching the shadow creature thrash about in mid air.

Without taking her eyes off the spectacle in front of her, Aura gives a small shrug. "Neither have I, Friend Jin. But we will get to the bottom of this shortly." She narrows her eyes dangerous at the form in front of her before adding darkly: "Won't we?"

She squeezes the spell's arms slightly tighter. "What are you?" she demands of the creature. "Answer, or the last thing you see will be the fiery surface of the sun."

Jin nods his head and looks at the thrashing creature as he speaks.

"I believe the honorable Princess is fully capable and willing to perform such a feat."

"Thank you, Jin," the petite brunette nods then lifts an eyebrow at the creature in a classic show of 'get on with it'.

Eyes tinged with malice and fear look at Aura. It takes a moment before the creature capitulates. He speaks in that nasty, chilling voice.

"I am Kirgal of the Galla. You hold my sire's fellow child Iriash in your sealed jar." The creature pauses as if trying to judge if this is enough to satisfy Aura, and then, deciding it does not, Kirgal continues. "The Galla serve several of the Minor Houses of the Empire of the Courts of Chaos."

She gives the thing an impatient look. "I knew that already. Name the one that sent you and why. Do not bother to lie; I will know and you have yet to truly feel my wrath. I only need one of you."

Kirgal doesn't speak, stubbornly, for a few moments, and Aura can sense the creature trying to overwhelm the bands, seeking release, and surcease. Aura's spell does actually dim for a moment or two.

Out of the corner of her eye, Aura can see Jin contemplating the use of the blade he holds low. However, Kirgal's attempt fails, and the brightness and force of the bands returns in full.

"Lady Mahina" The creature twists in impotent rage as it speaks. "Lady Mahina Ledaal sent me!" Kirgal wails.

Visible through the window, Aura can see Gerard approaching the shop at a run.

Aura's expression hardens and one of the pearls around her neck actually goes dark as she empties the rest of stored power into the spell to widen the bands. She isn't worried; she has more. But she can't risk it getting at Gerard when he comes in behind it.


If a creature of shadow could be said to glare, Kirgal glares at Aura, defiantly.

"Mine is not the position, place, or role to question the reason for commands." Kirgal says, with a patina of indignity that overrrides its discomfort in Aura's lightcage.

Aura sneers at it. "Pathetic."

At this point Gerard has reached the door, slowing his pace so that he doesn't quite force the door off its hinge as he comes through. He looks surprised at the sight of the Galla. In his right hand is a zweihander sword, held in one hand as easily as Aura might lift a dagger.

"What's going on, Aura?" Gerard says, looking at Aura, Jin and Kirgal in turn.

"Ah, mon ami," Aura replies mildly. "This is Kirgal. An assassin sent for me by the Minor Chaos House of Ledaal. Emphasis on minor. His companion is in here..." she says with a gesture of the jar. "You would think this Mahina woman would stop sending her pets after me. She never gets them all back."

"This will not do. The King of Amber will not be pleased to hear of assassins in Amber City. Nor other members of the Family." Gerard says.

"I am not an assassin!" Kirgal wails plaintively.

"No?" Gerard says. He steps up and Aura has to look around Gerard to see the bound Kirgal as Gerard regards the creature.

"No!" Kirgal wails again. "I merely defended myself after being the sorceress. She was first aggressor against myself and my sire's fellow child."

"You entered my shop, unwanted." Jin says.

"Nevertheless!" Kirgal twists to try and look at Aura. "She attacked first. Let her deny it!"

Aura just opens her hand and presents Gerard with a large pearl. "It is a Memory Pearl. It contains the entire confrontation from when we noticed them in the lamp light until you came entered. They were sent by House Ledaal, who has already made an attempt on my person yesterday. The first one was interrogated by myself and Lorius. The memory of that interrogation is with her should it be needed as evidence."

She looks around Gerard at the Galla. "Kidnapping or attempting to is equally frowned on, by the way."

Kirgal glares back but offers no response.

Looking back up at Gerard, she continues with a touch of asperity: "They entered aggressively with angry auras and bad intent. I was not going to wait for them to harm myself or Jin when I could get off the first strike. When he named the one who sent him, I knew I was correct. I find it also very interesting that the name of House Ledaal is on that scroll the Chaos representatives presented to Random in Court. They demand redress with one side of their mouths while ordering the abduction of an Amber Royal with the other."

"Typical behavior from some of these Houses." Gerard growls. "A Major House would be more subtle about a Vendetta, or would declare one and be done with it. These minor Houses...these Minor Houses can be like vermin, Aura."

"Was one of them that had Mirelle cooped up for so long." Gerard adds, and then listens as Aura continues.

"Perhaps we should summon Lorius. He can detain this creature for further interrogation. Otherwise, I am just going see how wide and bright I can make these bands. Or perhaps try that Heart of the Sun Teleport spell I was working on."

"A sorcerer is just what we have coming now..." Gerard stops and turns toward the entrance Indeed, four figures approach the shop. In the lead is a cousin of Aura's, even if it doesn't happen to be Lorius...

Page last modified on July 16, 2009, at 12:24 AM