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Index At play in Panaji

Swan smiles darkly at the woman, “Color me green, but I don’t think you were gonna give me that option. Now, if you got cabbage and connections, maybe we’ll bump gums. Otherwise, better not pick the short straw, savvy?” She taps the ashes from her gasper and chuckles. It is not a friendly sound.

"I don't know why I would have a leafy vegetable on hand for you?" The woman says. "And I doubt you would permit me the use of the Logrus to obtain some for you." the woman replies.

Swan sighs. What is it about these Chaosians and their inability to understand proper English?

"Introductions might be in order." Huttner says to Swan, glancing at Van. "Or are we waiting to find Lord Cazaril and Alex in this mess?"

“This is my uncle, Van. Van, Huttner. Huttner, Van. We may be from different ends of the pond, but we’re all cuddly,” Swan says, greedily taking another drag.

"I am not familiar with a Van in the list of Princes of Amber" Huttner says.

"And that's deliberate" Van says.

“We’ll give Caz and ‘Lex a minute more and then send the pooch out for them. That work?” [Swan says]

"I think that question should go to Miss St. Vier and Hugo." Van says, with a smile. He glances over at the bound Chaosians. "And then we can all go and settle accounts with the dwellers of the Mountain."

"Sounds like a workable plan to me," says Espérance. "In the meantime, I'll bring Acestes over here so that we can all keep an eye on both of these miscreants." She steps over to where Hugo is guarding Acestes and ushers the male Jesby over to where Huttner is guarding his female counterpart.

Acestes is still far from anything resembling a model prisoner, requiring some manhandling from Espérance and a growl or two from Hugo before he can be brought over next to his female counterpart, Kolfa.

Swan nods lightly, “Bonus. I need to sit my kiester down sooner than later. Even with Van’s glue and paint, I’m a wreck.” She glances over at the female chaosian. “So, did Saxon have back-up or were you button men the whole enchilada? Remember the truth of your answers determines if we feed you to something.”

"I think our fate is already decided." Kolfa says, glaring at Swan and Espérance. "No matter what I say, or do not, you are handing us over to some temporal local authority. But I will answer your question, anyway, child of Barimen." The last three words are intoned with venom and vitriol.

"There is no back up in this benighted shadow." she says. "There are a few forces that were beyond the Gate that you destroyed when you slaughtered my Housemates." she says. "But there are no forces here in this world. Acestes and I seem to be the only ones who still live."

Swan nods, “Well, since we’re being pals, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, Hoffa. And anything is up for grabs. You play nice, I play nice. Besides, girl-power trumps the danglies.” She nods at the Acestes and then draws a line across her throat.

She tries to stand on her own, sliding from Van’s helping arm.  It is tough and slow going, but she manages.  “One last question.  Who’s fronting the bills for this little snatch and grab?  The eggs and butter man.  I want his name.”

[OOC:  Sorry ... should I have said "play through"?]

[OOC: yES, please. I don't want to assume a lack of answer to mean play through, and result in running over a PC]

[OOC: With GM permission, Alex returns. I'm trying to get back up to speed on her, so don't be too harsh if her memory isn't what it used to be. ;)]

[OOC:  Yay!  Welcome back, Amber and Alex!  :)]

OCC: WOOT!  Welcome back, Amber!  I’ve missed ya! [* does the Happy Hedgehog Tango *]

As Swan steps away from Van, the lithe, dark haired figure of Alex rounds the corner, Caz a few steps behind.  With each step closer, her dark eyes slide from familiar figure to unfamiliar.  A single eyebrow raises as she takes in Swan's roughened shape, the curve of her lips drawing higher as she notices the slightly bent cigarette.

"Did I miss all the fun?" she calls out, having turned her grin into a faux pout as she steps closer to her companions.

"You can't exactly say that," Espérance tells her, grinning slightly, "when you caused some of it.  Good to see you."

Swan’s pain disappears the instant she sees ‘Lex come around the corner.  “Hey baby,” she purrs.  And then the smile transforms into a playfully frown.  “It’s settled.  You’re the Mistress of Boom.  You nearly turned me into chunky salsa back there.

"I’m… I’m so proud of you, honey.”  She wipes away a tear of pride.

A satisfied grin curves the younger woman's lips.  "The Mistress of Boom.  I like that.  Though," a small hand reaches out to caress Swan's arm.  "Chunky Swan Salsa wasn't what I'd been going for."

Swan laces her fingers with Alex’s, letting the woman’s hand rest on her arm.  “My fault.  I weaved when I should’ve ducked.”  She leans over and kisses Alex’s cheek, whispering, “I’m glad to see you’re okay, angel.”

Cazaril smiles and nods.

"And she managed to get me down from the tower after I started absorbing the Jesby's spells.  It was relatively difficult, but it did keep them from putting the Second Circle Demon into play.  It would have been rough to take her down once she was summoned."

A faint blush creeps into Alex's cheeks at all the compliments.  "I live to serve," she replies to Caz.

Swan smiles proudly, “That’s my Little Tomato.”

"It would appear" Cazaril looks at Acestes and Kolfa "that we have nearly everything we need to return to the Mountain.  Save for the answer to Swan's question.  I believe." Cazaril says, looking at Kolfa  "that she asked you a question.  And I know enough of the Jesby Hierarchy to know if you make up a name.  So answer her question."

Swan raised an impatient brow.  “Now would be good.”

Kolfa looks at Cazaril and stares a moment, and then looks at Swan. The Jesby clearly considers things for a few long moments, and then hangs her head.

"Saxon set things up.  He's the protege and an operative of Lady Parvin. Lady Parvin Jesby." Kolfa says.

On Acestes face is a look of shock, a death mask of fear.

"Greffet. The Black Hand of Jesby." Cazaril says, whistling. Huttner blinks and blanches slightly as Cazaril speaks.

Espérance has heard this sort of nickname before, and only rolls her eyes before asking Acestes, "What, didn't you realize who you were working for?  That's generally a very bad idea."

The name means nothing to Alex, but the reactions of those who are familiar enough with it are enough to raise an eyebrow to Caz, knowing further explanation will come eventually.

Swan takes an irritated drag on her gasper, “Sounds like a highbinder with some juice.  And from the way Testes over there just filled his drawers, I take it being on this lady’s s%#^-list ain’t a healthy undertaking?

“So, let me guess.  If I didn’t piss in this dame’s corn flakes by blowing her Magical Mystery Tour Gate to hell and back, she’s /really/ gonna have her panties in a wad for croaking Saxxy?  I really gotta work on my people skills.”

"A Black Hand is an office that most Chaosian Houses, major or minor have" Cazaril explains.  "The head of intelligence, special operations, covert missions, black magic...the Black Hand's identity is not always known publicly, even within the House."

Kolfa gives a bare nod of agreement with Cazaril's words.

"I just happen to know a bit about internal Jesby doings...a grandmother of mine was from the House, and she still has contacts..." Cazaril adds, with a slight tone of apology.  "Anyway, the Black hand does the things that the Head of House can deny he or she has any involvement in.  And oftentimes, the head really does have no idea what the Black Hand is really up to."

"It was widely rumored, for example, Swan, that your father is the Black Hand for the Amberites" he adds.

Swan jerks a nod, “Ayup. Daddy is the King’s fixer. If you get on his wrong side, expect to be wearing a concrete overcoat in short order.” She finishes off her gasper with an annoyed puff. “Everything I am, I can blame on him. I think he wanted me to replace him someday.”

"And revealing that she was behind this, and messing up her plans" Acestes interrupts, with venom in his words. "makes us all as good as dead."  He glares at  Espérance.  "I'm almost glad you are sending me to this stupid Shadow sorceress.  What she will do to me will be kinder than what Lady Parvin would do to all of us."

Espérance smirks back at him.  "Works out well for everyone, then."

Acestes is unable to resist returning Espérance's smirk with a snarl. Beside her, Huttner barely restrains himself, his hand tightening into a fist.

Espérance ignores the Jesby, however.  She's been snarled at by lots scarier people than Acestes.

Swan smirks, “I’ll say.”  She turns her eyes on Kolfa.  “Listen girlie.  Since you’re gonna be one crispy critter if your boss catches up with you, why not consider a change of heart.  And House.  Ezzy here could use a new retainer with insider knowledge of her enemies. I’m sure.

“And if not her, then me.”  She grins brightly.

"I see" Kolfa says.  She glances at Espérance and then at Swan.  A moment passes.

"You cannot seriously entertain swearing fealty..." Acestes said.

"I can" Kolfa says, decisively.  "Under Chaosian law, the right would go first to he who defeated me."  She purposefully turns her back from Acestes in a gesture that reeks of formality.  She then looks at Huttner speculatively.

"*I'm* the lowest ranked here." Huttner protests hastily. "In all senses of the word.  I suppose the first right would go to one of you two instead."   He glances at Alex "Three, I suppose."

“Oh come on, Hunt,” Swan snorts.  “The lady’s submitting to you. Normally, you’d have to pay top dollar for that.”

Alex bites back a snort of laughter.  Her lips quiver at the effort, but no sound comes out.

If a Chaosian can be said to blush, let it be said that Huttner blushes at Swan's words.

Cazaril gives off a soft, but not unkind, laugh.

She glances at the other women, “Since Huntz isn’t taking this sparrow under his wing, what about you two dolls?”

Alex shakes her head.  "No interest here."

Swan rubs Alex’s wrist, chuckling. “Am I enough woman for you, doll?”

"So far, so good," Alex replies.  A wicked glint lights her eyes. "But that doesn't mean we shouldn't test a bit more."

Espérance eyes Kolfa.  "I'd want to know, first, if she's better at keeping her word than this one," she jerks her head at Acestes, "who reneged on the terms of a duel."

"She's got a point," Alex remarks, one hand resting lightly on her hip while she awaits the answer to Espérance's query.

"Shut up." Kolfa says. She looks at Espérance and bows her head to her. "Inservabo."

"If you will have me." she adds.

"She did swear in High Formal Chaosian" Cazaril says. "You don't break oaths in the liturgical language. In fact if she says that three times with a witness, its a legally binding contract."

"I will accept such an oath," says Espérance.  "And then she will be under my protection too."

"Inservabo" Kolfa says once. "Inservabo" she says a second time.

"Kolfa!" Acestes says sharply, in rebuke.  Kolfa ignores him, focusing her eyes on Espérance.


Espérance nods her acknowledgement.  "Good enough.  Welcome to the team, Kolfa.  Huttner you've met already.  This is Hugo."  She nods toward the shaggy black dog.  One corner of her mouth twitches slightly.  "The rest of them are all relatives of mine to some degree, from what I understand, and can introduce themselves."

Hugo doesn't quite wag his tail, but he gives Kolfa a look.Kolfa stares at Hugo for a moment.

"Cazaril of Sawall." Caz says to Kolfa.

"The Cazaril who defeated Khemet of House Paladino in a four-sky duel on the Bridge of Taryn Birds? And killed Yandris of House Felsane, former arcane warrior champion of the Ophidian Arena?"

"Yes" He says curtly.

"Vanyel" Vanyel says simply.

Swan grins brightly, “Lovely.  Now that we’re all one happy family, let’s drop the human-battery off with out hostess and get some shut-eye.  I think we’ve got enough time before we need to beat feet again.”

"Rest," Alex replies with a dreamy sigh.  "Comfortable beds, soft covers, pillow... lots and lots of pillows."

Snapping out of her reverie, her eyes focus once more. She looks to Kolfa with a smile.  "Welcome to the madhouse."  Turning back to Espérance, Swan and Caz, her lips curve a little wider.  "What are we waiting for?"

[Swan's] gaze falls on Caz, “And you need to tell me about this Merlin character.  I gotta message for him from the great beyond.”

"The Great Beyond?"  Cazaril furrows his eyebrows.

"I think she means the land of Dreams." Huttner says. "But we can speak of his Imperial Highness on the way to the Mountain, yes?"

“Wow, Hutt.  Bashful /and/ smart.  You’ve got more kick than tiger’s milk,” Swan chimes good-naturedly.

"Yes" Cazaril says. "Once they are officially claimed and named by Sawall, Lady Espérance here is the half sister to his Imperial Highness, and Lady Alexandra is his niece."

Swan bumps shoulders with Alex, “You’re like royalty, ‘Lex.  Think your uncle will mind that your moll is a hatchetgirl?  And that unicorn thing might come up too.”

Alex wrinkles her nose at her title and full name, but the grimace turns to a smile at Swan's comment. "If he does, he does. If I need to go out traveling again, that's what I do."

Vanyel  whistles in appreciation.

Espérance glances at Swan.  "I don't suppose you can pull off the kind of shortcut that brought us here in the first place?  If not, we may as well start walking."

“Sorry, Ezzy,” Swan says.  “It’d be nothing more than a trip for biscuits, if I did it here.  So, we’d better beat feet.  My friend here wants her satin pillows.”  She fumbles through her torn outfit for cigarettes and comes up empty.  “And I need some smokes.”

"The mountain is warded just enough to make arcane methods slightly impractical" Vanyel says. "Let us go."

The servant of the Hari, Tulorian, is found after a couple of minutes of searching (mainly thanks to Hugo).  Dazed by a glancing blow from the debris from Alex's explosions, he manages to get to his feet and come along.

And, evading the local constabulary, the group heads from the killing fields of the carefully chosen square, and toward the mountain.

The city’s density drops rapidly; although there are no walls per se, the city limits are pretty sharply defined, rather than a series of less dense buildings around the denser city. And so dense city soon becomes forest and jungle, the group following a rutted road. This, sometime later, the route branches off to a smaller path branching from this one. This road is empty ahead, and runs up the side of the mountain that faces away from the ocean and Panaji.

Kolfa walks three paces behind Espérance at all times.  Acestes does not quite drag his feet, but there is no spring in his step, and his face has a seemingly permanent glower.

Without being too obvious about it, Espérance makes sure she knows where Acestes is and what he's doing at all times.  She still doesn't trust the Jesby not to make a break for it.

He seems to consider it at least once, dragging his heels. A glance in Espérance's direction quells his chances at rebellion each tie.

By this point, Tulorian takes the lead, leading the group up the remainder of the mountain path to where the cave lies. Unlike the previous visit by Swan, Hugo, Espérance and Vanyel, there are no hostilities as the group reaches the cave mouth. There is only a brief delay as Sharane is informed of the group's arrival, and then the group is ushered into the caves. Alex will note that the natural part of the cave soon turns to corridors and chambers. Into one of the latter, Tulorian guides the group, and excuses himself to go find the Hari. Swan, who has been progressively limping, leans against smooth section of rock – catching her breath.

Alex walks beside Swan, making small talk.  Whenever it looks like Swan may need it, she subtly puts an arm under her elbow for support. She takes in the shifting caves without a word, filing the information away for future reference.  At Tulorian's exit and Swan's rest, she takes her own rest.  Swinging her backpack around to her front, she slides swiftly down the wall until she's sitting cross-legged at Swan's feet.  While listening to the conversation above her, she evaluating what she may need to restock on in case anything else needed to be... rearranged.

[Swan] points at her uncle, “Listen, Van, I know you probably want to get in there and try out Sharane’s Masters of the Multiverse Castle of Greyskull set, but we’re guests here.  So, behave and don’t get any funny ideas, savvy?  Besides, you’ve got a dingle – and a pretty nice one, I’ll wager – and that’s a no-no for this clubhouse apparently.  Okay?  I’m sure she’ll let you play later, if you play your cards right.”

She smiles apologetically, "I don't want to be a wet blanket, it's just I'm used to family members with a fork-plus-light-socket mentality."

"I have gathered that the women hold the power in this setup," Van replies. "It is even possible, given the specificity of such things, that *only* members of the fairer sex could walk their Broken Pattern."

"*You* want to walk it, don't you, Swan?" Vanyel  says to her.

Swan smirks, “Never crossed my mind.  More than six or seven times in the last hour.  I mean, I do need to stretch my gams after that brush with the Grim Reaper.”

Espérance waits quietly for the Hari to arrive.  She's hoping the negotiations for her father and the Mad Duke won't take too long.  She reflects, with a certain amount of amusement, that the Duke will probably be fascinated to meet every one of her companions.  Whether he'll manage to be fascinated without being utterly undiplomatic at some point is a different question.

In short order, there is a knock at the door before it opens.  Beyond the door are three figures. The first is the green eyed, white haired Sharane, the Hari.

Lurking behind her are the men that Espérance has been seeking for so long.  Richard St. Vier, and his longtime companion, Duke Tremontaine.

"A bargain is a bargain" the woman says, stepping into the room  and staring at Acestes. "I see you have brought me at least one sacrifice, as agreed."

"Espérance!" Richard says, in obvious delight.

Espérance stiffens, her eyes going wide as she stares back at her sire.  "How did you know?" she half-whispers.  "I wasn't ever sure you knew..."

Richard gives a paternal, proud grin but does not immediately respond.

Swan ruffles Alex’s hair, “I love it when a plan comes together, don’t you, doll?”

"Success!" Huttner says, grinning from ear to ear "After getting the crystal from the Queen Mother to you and Hugononpolianus,  and discovering we needed to journey across this shadow, finding Cazaril, meeting Alex and Swan, and dealing with Jesbys, we've finally done it, Espérance!"

Swan quirks a brow, “The HungLikeAWhatANus?”  She glances between her Chaosian companions to see if they know what Hutt was on about.

Hugo gives off a bark at Swan's question.

"Hugononpolianus is Hugo's Chaosian name,Swan." Huttner says. "He is a Dal Honese companion currently in the form of a hound."

"Some introductions might be in order, Lady Espérance" Cazaril prompts.

"Finding out who your friends and companions are would be pleasant." The man standing next to Richard says, with an air of amusement. "Especially since I understand one of them is going to be...what was it?" he looks at the priestess.

"A sacrifice" Richard jumps in before Sharane can answer. He steps around her and toward Espérance, leading his companion toward Espérance.

Pulling herself together, Espérance accords the two men and the Hari a sweeping bow.  "Your Grace, Father..."  She bobbles only a little on the last word.  "May I introduce two maternal relatives of mine, Lady Alexandra and Lord Cazaril; our companion and ally Swan and her uncle, Vanyel; Huttner, who as he just mentioned was the first of my mother's people to contact me, and who has been my companion on the way.  Kolfa here," she indicates the woman with a gesture, "has recently pledged herself to my service.  This one," she indicates Acestes, "is a prisoner of war, to be delivered to the Hari's judgment."

"As per our agreement" Sharane adds.

Turning to her companions, Espérance introduces the two men: "His Grace Emeritus of Tremontaine, and my father, Richard St. Vier."

The moment the newcomers enter the room, Alex is on her feet. At the introduction from Espérance, she gives a slight curtsy. "Your Grace, Mr St. Vier. It is a pleasure." By her dress, one would think such niceties wouldn't come naturally to Alex but the proper deferential tone and the preciseness of the curtsy show that Caz's instruction had not been for naught.

Cazaril does catch Alex's curtsey, and smiles slightly, approvingly to her.

Swan jerks a nod in their direction, “Emery. Dick. Pleased to finally dangle with ya after all this hubbub. You’ll be relieved to know she has all her fingers and toes still.”

"I am relieved to hear it." Richard says. "Although I did not even know until this morning that she was seeking the two of us out. It is a pleasure to meet all of you in this fastness.

"Especially given how far we are from Riverside" the Duke adds. He looks at Espérance. "Is this the Duchess' doing that you are here?"

"She helped make the arrangements, yes," replies Espérance. A corner of her mouth twitches into a half smile. "She also told me to tell you, Your Grace, that it might be a good idea for you to show your face in Riverside again one of these days, before they take it into their heads to declare you dead again."

Alex smiles down at Alex, “So, want set your peepers on a Broken Pattern, doll? I think it’s feeding time.”

At the words, the seriousness drops like a veil and a large grin crosses Alex's face. Scooping her backpack from it's spot at her feet, she slides it onto her shoulder. "Gladly."

"It would be well to complete the bargain." Sharane says. "We will bring the prisoner along, Swan. Alexandra, you may accompany us if you wish."

"Huttner and I have a couple of things to discuss in private. Space to do that would be appreciated." Cazaril says. "This will also give the lady a chance to speak to her relations here."

"This is wise" Sharane says. "And shall be done."

Page last modified on April 23, 2010, at 11:18 PM