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(Continued from If the Suit Fits and Scion in Waiting and Meeting the Mother)

The servant opens the door for Hikaru, revealing a sitting room done in shades of burgundy. The remainder of the room appears to be suited to conversation or perhaps card playing, with sets of chairs arranged in quartets, with tables in between.

Sitting in one of these chairs, an older, blond haired man is sitting quietly, facing the door.

He stands and bows as the door opens.

“Greetings, I am Archibald Jacobi. Most call me Jacobi. Scion of Hermes. Mercury if you prefer. It’s a pleasure to meet other Scions, especially new ones. Who might you be?”

[Casting call: Rutger Hauer]

Hikaru returns the bow. "Hikaru Saganami, Scion of Hachiman," he says. "Pleased to meet you. You've been here before then, I take it?"

"I am not an extremely common visitor to Epona's realm, although I probably should be," he admits. "I do better dealing with Scions outside of Chancels like this; I prefer going into otherworlds entirely instead, if I am going to leave Earth. But places like this are common meeting grounds for our kind, especially in periods when we increase in frequency and number. Like now.

"I have not heard of Hachiman having any recent sons," Jacobi says. "How new are you, if I might ask?"

"I am not sure what you mean by that," Hikaru replies. "Do you mean my age or how long has it been since Hachiman proclaimed me his?"

"How long since you were proclaimed," Jacobi says. "I have heard some of the more dramatic call it a second birth, to meet your divine parent. I wouldn't be quite that dramatic, but it is a meeting of portent. In a way, such a meeting helps make and define who and what you are.

"So I was wondering how comfortably long you were in your new role," Jacobi says.

"It has not been all that long," Hikaru replies. "But I have found that knowing what I now know, has answered many of my questions about myself." He smiles thinly.

"Indeed. Many find that to be true," Jacobi says.

At this point the door opens again, and Rosemary enters the room. "Hello again, Hikaru," she says, and looks inquiringly at the other man.

"Rosemary," Hikaru replies.

Jacobi turns to regard Rosemary's entrance, rises, and bows. "You must be the daughter of our fair hostess, I would imagine." he says. "I am Archibald Jacobi at your service, Scion of Hermes. Or Mercury, if you prefer."

A quiet knock comes at the door; it slowly opens and a servant shows a dark-haired man in mirrored aviator glasses, wearing a leather jacket and carrying a large black electric guitar case, into the room. The servant waits expectantly for a moment and then after a few uncomfortable moments of those mirrored glasses watching him, he backs out of the room quickly and closes the door behind him.

Fallon's mirror-covered eyes sweep the room and fall on the gentleman and lady present with Jacobi. Fallon steps away from the door into a postion equidistant from everyone in the room; his field of vision takes in the door and the other three guests. He puts down the guitar case next to him and sits in a chair at an adjacent table to Jacobi's. Fallon watches each of the guests as he does this.

The woman observes his progress with lifted brows. Tall, poised, and Mediterranean, she's wearing a long ivory-colored dress with a ruffled front - clearly a gracious nod in the direction of the chancel's milieu, but with its one-shoulder style obviously a modern garment. She holds a beaded ivory clutch in one hand.

With a definite Irish brogue, he speaks. "Jacobi, it feels like a storm is coming in, it was definitely chillier when I was walking back to the hotel."

Fallon eyes both, Rosemary and Hikaru. "I seem to have entered in the middle of introductions; you may call me Fallon." He hesitates for a moment and then continues. "Son of the Morrigan."

"Rosemary Zelioni," the woman says in a northeastern American accent, and after a similar hesitation adds, "Scion of Epona."

"Hikaru Saganami," the Asian man replies with a slight bow. He's dressed in a black tail coat and trousers with a dark red waistcoat, white shirt and bow tie, with a stylish bamboo walking cane. "Scion of Hachiman."

"We are all well met," Jacobi says, "for this is a coming out party for Miss Zelioni, if I do not miss my guess. I have not had the honor of addressing the Goddess Epona to confirm this. Is this true?"

"'Coming out' as a Scion?" Rosemary hazards. "That is what it's turned out to be, it seems."

"And by storm, Fallon," Jacobi says "I take it you are not referring to the weather. Do you have anything other than your intimations and feelings of what is to come?"

Fallon watches the others for a moment, obviously thinking about his response. "Nothing concrete, but I've learned never to ignore my instincts; something is going to happen here. Most likely sooner rather than later."

Fallon then takes his shades off with his left hand and places them in his left side leather jacket pocket, and a flash of gun leather is visible as he does so. His ice blue eyes take in first Hikaru and then Rosemary, measuring both of them. "This is your shindig, lass," Fallon watches her face. "Lucky, my mother had me kidnap someone to introduce herself to me, albeit indirectly."

Her brows lift again, gracefully ironic. "I thought I was going to an event honoring the Governor's Horse Guard, which I'm a member of."

"I'm also an attorney," she adds. "You might want to put me on retainer before you explain that kidnapping remark."

Jacobi gives Fallon a look and then back at Rosemary. "I think I would have preferred to have introduced you to your divine parent. I wasn't given a choice in the matter."

Hikaru nods at Fallon. "He's right, though," he says. "Something or someone is coming. I've sensed it as well. Should arrive sometime during the Ball." Hikaru walks over to a chair and sits down, laying the cane across his legs. "Forewarned is forearmed and all that, you know."

"An event honoring the Governor's Horse Guard," Jacobi says. "Oh, yes." he says, turning to Rosemary again. "I've heard of you folks. It does not surprise me that the Goddess of Horses would have a strong interest in a National Guard of an equine bent. To say nothing of her daughter. Fallon and Hikaru are clearly armed." He pauses a beat. "Are you armed, Rosemary?" he asks. "Especially if we are to stand to battle?"

Hikaru regards Rosemary, remaining silent for the moment.

"For parties and dances, I usually just bring my wits," Rosemary says with a smile that somehow gives an impression of razor edges. "Anyway this purse is too small even for my Jetfire." She gestures slightly with the beaded clutch, which would certainly show an outline of 'gun!!' if she put one in it.

"But I do have a large warhorse, which might be useful." Her air of nonchalance with this statement is completely convincing, except for a faint trace of I-can't-believe-I'm-saying-this.

Fallon watches the exchange between Jacobi and Rosemary. "I have a back-up piece, should you need it. Can you handle a Bulldog .44?" Fallon queries matter-of-factly.

"I've only shot a .44 to try it out," she admits. "I'm used to 9 mm and the truth is I don't practice enough. It'd be best to stay out of the way for a bit if I have to borrow your .44."

"You may certainly find, as Fallon and no doubt Hikaru have," Jacobi says, "that meeting your divine parent is a transformative experience. The divine heritage which you have and has been found satisfactory begins to unlock and be expressed. You should expect to be able to do what you could not do previously."

He chuckles. "In this, Lamarck and not Darwin was right."

Distantly, they hear the sounds of woodwinds and strings running through their paces in preparatory scales.

"The Ball sounds like it will start soon," Jacobi adds. "And we will see what is needed to be done. There are no other Scions here that you have met?" he asks Hikaru and Rosemary.

Hikaru shakes his head. "No, or rather, not yet at any rate," he replies.

Rosemary nods her agreement. "We should warn the town, and my mother, about this trouble," she says then.

"We should tell the Goddess now, before the Ball starts," Jacobi says. "Unless she already knows it. However, I do not think that Foresight is one of her gifts, however.

"What say you, Fallon?" Jacobi says. "You are the one who has sensed this trouble."

Hikaru's gaze turns to Fallon.

Fallon eyes Jacobi and the others. "Better paranoid than dead. We should tell Epona, this is her place. We'll let her decide what to do about it."

Rosemary studies Fallon as if he were a potential client of dubious status. "What is your background, Mr. Fallon? Security?"

Fallon pauses for a moment and then his ice-blue eyes watch Rosemary for a moment. A slight sadness tinges his Irish brogue as he speaks. "I was a soldier for a time."

"Time is short," Jacobi says. He looks to Rosemary. "You're our best bet for getting in to see her before her celebration."

This does prove to be the case. Rosemary is able to find a servant, and with the same sort of trick she used on her companion in the Horse Guard, get him to give up the probable location of the High Reeve, in one of the rooms on the second floor. A couple of guards and servants later, Rosemary, Fallon, and Hikaru, with Jacobi behind, are ushered into an oval room that seems to be half-dressing room, half office. The Goddess of Horses and all things Equine, turns to greet the arrivals, even as a maid finishes buttoning up her dress, and getting out of the way posthaste.

"I am pleased you have all arrived and met," Epona says. "But, surely, you did not come, with the Ball about to begin, just to tell me that." Her eyes focus on her daughter expectantly.

"No," Rosemary agrees. "Hikaru and Fallon have warning that some kind of trouble is coming, and soon. As in during the Ball."

"Mmm," Epona temporizes.

Hikaru nods his head. "What I sensed is coming from outside this place. Whatever it is, it will arrive after the Ball has begun; in less than two hours now. I think it will have to cross your bridge to enter here. We could, perhaps, meet it there and deal with it as the situation dictates." He gazes at Epona. "Or deal with it at the Ball, if you wish."

Fallon is holding the guitar case in his left hand and listening. His eyes moving between Rosemary and Epona, watching their reactions to the conversation. "It would better, if we could control where the action is to take place."

"If this is Titan based activity, there are limits to what I am allowed to do," Epona says to Fallon. "Which is where the three of you come in. You see," she frowns. "My generation of Gods, the direct children and creation of the Titans, have something of a geas against some forms of direct action against the Titans and their spawn, especially in and near Earth. As much as I would like to turn this threat into a grease spot from the comfort of my chair, it is not that simple if they are not mortal."

"Unfortunately true," Jacobi says. "Or at least so I have heard."

"However," Epona adds brightly. "The long-ago geas the Titans made did not think to include our descendants, our Scions."

She looks at Hikaru. "I would prefer not to disrupt the Ball with violence and bloodshed, especially since it is meant as a celebration. If you can deal with this incursion before they reach the Hotel, that would be more preferable and pleasing to me." Epona looks at Rosemary and smiles. "And I daresay that my daughter will be more effective outside, unless she has been hiding some skills from me."

Hikaru nods his head. "We shall meet them at the bridge, then," he says. "Unless someone has a different idea on where to confront them?"

"Best to limit collateral damage that way," Jacobi says. "We'll want to keep clear of Fallon's field of fire." He claps a hand on Fallon's shoulder.

Hikaru glances down at his suit. "While I have no problem fighting in formal attire, I would also suggest we take a few moments to change our clothing. Don't have to worry about ruining them that way." He smiles briefly.

"The bridge should bunch them up, or so we can hope," Rosemary opines. And she, too, glances down at her clothing, twitching her long skirt. "Can I quickly borrow some other clothes from someone, do you think?" she asks Epona.

Epona nods. "Tell the clerk at the desk you need to see Genevieve. She is one of the laity of the Temple, and will be here for the Ball. She's about your height and build. Her detestable taste for men's clothing off duty might be of benefit for once."

Fallon's slight smile doesn't touch his cold blue eyes. "I'll scout the area and find a good vantage point that overlooks the bridge and street while you," he looks at Hikaru and Rosemary, "both get ready."

"Back in a few then," Hikaru says, then makes a brief bow to Epona, turns and leaves. He heads for his room, changes clothing quickly, and makes his way back.

"Thank you," Rosemary tells Epona, ignoring the remark about men's clothing. "I hope this won't take long," she adds to Fallon, and hurries out into the hall to get to the desk.

A half hour later, Rosemary has been outfitted with clothes that are far less ball-like and far more practical. Indeed, it is men's dress, trousers and a shirt that Genevieve has had cut and tailored for herself. They fit Rosemary adequately for the moment, although there are places where its a tad tight, and the trousers might be a tiny bit short. But on short notice, it is far more practical wear for a fight or conflict than the ball dress she was in.

Hikaru's preparations, as he came in wearing practical clothes, is much smoother. Once outside, he takes a look around, trying to spot allies and any other enemies.

Jacobi is dressed in ordinary clothes, similarly "dressed down" from the Ball. He is not carrying any visible weapons.

In the meantime, Fallon has set himself up on the roof of the mercantile building near the bridge, which gives him a good view of the street that Rosemary, Jacobi, and Hikaru are coming down, as well as the bridge, and the sighting across the bridge. He also does see the small force of New Deptford miltia marching not far behind Rosemary and Hikaru. Not a large force, about a half dozen men with breech-loading rifles. He also can't miss the fact that Rosemary is riding a large black horse, which is tossing its head and prancing energetically.

What he also sees is the invaders. Even in the early evening light, with just the lanterns of the town (and on the bridge) adding illumination to the twilight sky, it is clear that the half-dozen figures making their way across the bridge are not human. They look vaguely human enough from the head down, but their heads are somewhat goat like, or at least possess goat-like horns. They are carrying crossbows, with staves (or perhaps swords) slung over their backs. They are wearing some type of cassock.

Fallon watches the goat-like men crossing the bridge through the sniper scope, studying their formation and readiness. He swaps out his current clip for a clip with armor-piercing rounds, lines up his sight on the lead goat man and steadies his breathing, waiting as they move, timing his shot for when two goat men are lined up, one in front of the other. He breathes in and out one more time and fires when the shot presents itself.

Hikaru looks to Rosemary. "Can you have the militia types fire a volley in the center of the goatheads' ranks when this starts off and then stick to shooting the enemy's left flank? I'd rather not have to worry about friendly fire." He smiles, bows and heads for the ground in front of the bridge. He takes something out of his jacket and, in a blur of motion, the object unfolds into a katana.

Rosemary nods and half-turns to look back at the militia. "Did you hear that, gentlemen? One volley up the center, then break left and try to keep that side of them engaged." She smiles brilliantly at them, then edges Bucephalus toward the right-hand side of the street, letting him pick up the pace a bit. She really doesn't want to let those things get very far into the town.

"Aye," calls the leader of the militia. "You heard the daughter of the High Reeve," he tells the remainder of the men. "One shot, reload, and then attack their left."

A chorus of ayes follows from the remainder of the militia and they begin to aim their rifles.

Bucephalus does not, as it turn out, like the smell of these creatures very much, and in point of fact, they have a smell that reaches his rider as well. Hikaru comes across the stench of the creatures as well.

At this point, Fallon's trick shot goes off.

The bullet sings out. It does not hit both men as he hoped, mainly because the goat men managed to preternaturally start to dodge. He does give the lead goatman a minor wound.

The creatures' smell is finally overpowered by the smell of gunpowder, as the militia fires off their center volley. The lead man takes the brunt of the volley but one of the other Goat men goes down and the militia breaks right (to the creatures' left).

The Goat men respond by pulling out their crossbows and firing bolts, mainly at the militia. One of them, though, takes a look at Rosemary and Hikaru, and shoots a bolt at Rosemary. Rosemary easily dances Bucephalus and herself out of the way of the shot.

Hikaru charges the center of the goat-men's formation, muttering under his breath, "Always bringing a knife to a gun fight, that's me." He smiles grimly. When he gets close enough to the goat-men, he shouts out "Kia!" and starts wading into the goat-men with his sword. He effortlessly slices two of them to pieces with his whirlwind attack.

With some effort, Rosemary manages to keep Bucephalus from immediately charging into the fray behind (or possibly ahead of) Hikaru. Instead she surveys the developing battle, particularly looking any opportunity to give a useful order or take a useful action - and also for any other enemies that might be coming at them. And, unconsciously, giving an impression of orderliness amid the chaos.

Hikaru has got the attention of the pack of goat men, who have no desire to come after Bucephalus. Fallon is still behind, taking shots, as well as the militia. He continues to slice and dice his way through the goat-men.

Rosemary does see, while managing the battle, that the goatmen are acting suspiciously as if on puppet strings. The delay in their actions, their coordination, all suggest a mastermind. A single figure, across the bridge, standing in the trees. Her. She's controlling, directing the goatmen as if wielding a weapon. If not for her battlefield survey, Rosemary might not have spotted her.

"Fallon!" Rosemary shouts, a little surprised at how well her voice carries over the noise. "Across the bridge! In the trees!"

The goat men take some shots with their crossbows at the mounted Rosemary and the whirling circle of death that is Hikaru. Rosemary again manages to dance herself and Bucephalus away; with somewhat less grace but equal effect, Hikaru manages not to get shot, either.

Fallon is in the process of reloading a regular clip when he hears Rosemary's shout. He looks through the scope and scans the tree line past the bridge, looking for the figure in the trees.

Oh she's there. Mostly blended in the trees, and definitely relying on people looking at the goatmen instead of her. But now that Rosemary has spotted her, she's obvious.

Looking through the sight, he captures her in his crosshairs. He stares through the scope at her face, slowly breathing in and out, his finger resting on the trigger ready to fire. For a mere moment, her eye becomes centered in the scope.

In his mind's eye, Fallon sees. Fiona looks him in the eye, a question upon her face as she crumples, blood pools as he reaches for her falling form.

Fallon suddenly shifts his aim, the scope centers on her shoulder and he fires, to wound, not to kill.

The woman drops like a rock.

In the meantime, Hikaru's dicing of the goatmen is augmented by the militia firing another volley.

The creatures fall and fall under his hand and theirs, leaving a lone goat man alive by the end of Hikaru's pass. And that lone goat man stops reacting completely after Fallon's shot, standing still despite the danger from the guns and Hikaru's sword. He stands, shoulders slumped over as if his strings have been cut. The militia seem uncertain whether or not to kill it, their eyes turning to Hikaru and Rosemary.

"You should retrieve her," Jacobi says up to Rosemary. "Before she recovers and escapes."

Hikaru cuts the lone remaining goat man down and then makes room for Rosemary and her horse to cross the bridge.

Fallon does a scoped sweep of the forest edge, looking for any of the woman's back-up. He then takes his eye from the scope and watches the activity below.

Even as Jacobi speaks, Rosemary is nudging Bucephalus with her heels, guiding him past the fallen goat-men and across the bridge at a fast canter. She scans the forest's edge as they go, looking for any ambush. There does not appear to be any additional goat men, or anyone else waiting in the wings. All is quiet except for the woman's groan.

Pulling up next to the injured woman, she says to Bucephalus, "Can you kneel for me, darling?" When he does, she hops off and begins hauling the prisoner onto the horse, thanking her stars for the 'dealing with injured and unconscious people' section of the Search & Rescue course.

A quick inspection shows the gunshot didn't quite hit her heart or lungs, but is severe enough that blood loss will, shortly, become an issue without attention.

Getting the injured woman onto the horse, and back is relatively easy, and again, there are no issues. In the meantime the militia remain watchful, focusing their attentions on Rosemary, ignoring Jacobi and Hikaru almost entirely as she makes her way back to New Deptford.

"The High Reeve will want to question her, Lady," one of the militia people says as Rosemary returns. "Assuming of course she lives. The skill of the dark one with his gun is high," he says with obvious respect. He touches his temple and looks in the direction where Fallon is perched. "He watches us still, no doubt."

"And so too is the skill of your blade," the militia leader adds to Hikaru. "Your help was most welcomed. I daresay a child of Ares could do no better."

Hikaru regards the militia leader for a moment, as if debating something internally, then nods his head towards the man. He flicks the wrist of the hand holding his sword, shaking the blood and other bits free from the blade. After a last glance around, he does something with his sword and it folds in upon itself and back into a small handle of some sort. Hikaru tucks the handle inside his jacket.

The rest of the militia has, with distaste, started gathering the bodies of the goatmen together, as well as kindling, and oil.

"I'll need bandages for this," Rosemary says crisply, one hand applying what pressure she can to the prisoner's wound. "And a watch on the bridge is called for, I believe, for the next few hours at least."

Fallon begins breaking down "The Last Thing You Never See" and cleaning it; taking his time and putting it away in its case. He collects the empty brass and places it in a pouch in the case. After one last glance around, he straps the case to his back and climbs down the building to rejoin the others.

Hikaru heads back towards the hotel.

Fifteen minutes later, Fallon has reached Rosemary and the militia. In the meantime, some bandages have been obtained by a fresh-faced member of the militia. With compress, and bandaging, the woman seems like she has not gone into shock, and will live.

"All right, gentlemen, well done," Rosemary says to the militia from her renewed perch on Bucephalus's back. "With any luck, that'll be everything. Thank you for your service." It's obvious that she hasn't given a lot of commander's speeches, but this short one comes off sincerely and well.

"Yes, ma'am." Rosemary gets a full salute from the entire group of militia.

Fallon recognizes the woman, or thinks he does. Yes, she looks more than a bit like her. More than a bit. Same hair color. Same aquiline nose. Same smile, even in death.

Fallon walks stone-faced along side the militia carrying the prisoner towards the hotel. His posture is deceptively relaxed, those near to him can almost feel the tension underneath. As he walks, his eyes are constantly glancing at the prisoner. Behind his eyes, a profound sadness rests, as he observes the prisoner's face.

Rosemary rides along beside this group, keeping a wary eye on the prisoner. Unprompted, Bucephalus breaks into a showy, high-stepping trot, and she lets him get away with it.

HIkaru gets some cheers and celebration as he makes his way toward the entrance to the hotel. Some bows and curtsies are mixed in as he reaches the Palio. Hikaru acknowledges the cheers with a brief wave of a hand. He waits at the entrance for the others and the prisoner to arrive.

Behind him, near the group, a bonfire starts building for the bodies of the invaders. Half of the Militia is watching this, the other half keeping an eye on the bridge.

As they come up to the hotel and pause, Rosemary heaves a sigh. Looking around, she spots a familiar-looking stableman and beckons to him, then swings down off the horse and offers the man the reins. "He needs water and a currying, and maybe some oats, you'd like that, eh?" She's speaking to Bucephalus, not the stableman, as she finishes, and strokes the horse's proud neck. "I'd do it myself, but I have these things to do ..." She gestures toward the prisoner. "I'll catch up as soon as I can, okay?"

Bucephalus clearly has already bonded to Rosemary, and there is a slight wistfulness at the prospect of being handed off to someone else. The groom, however, clearly has been around horses before. He soothes and quiets Rosemary's new companion as he leads him off in the direction of the stables for deserved creature comforts.

"That was all well done," Jacobi says to Rosemary and Hikaru. "Our friend, however," he makes a small head motion toward Fallon "seems to have taken it not so well. Strange, that a child of the Morrigan would handle death dealing with such a heavy heart. Perhaps it's a strange geas of some sort."

Hikaru nods his head at Jacobi and then shrugs his shoulders at Jacobi's last statement.

The hotel manager comes out at this point and heads straight toward Rosemary and Hikaru.

"The High Reeve will be pleased," he says with a smile of satisfaction. He looks at the prisoner. "This is the leader of this foul incursion, I take it? I would be happy to take custody of her until such time as justice can be dispensed."

Fallon, who has been ignoring the action around, reacts to this last. He looks at the Hotel Manager, a piercing ice-cold stair, reacting to the sentiment behind the offer. He involuntarily shifts towards the man, but stops himself and speaks in a low voice, tinged with the merest hint of menace. "I will see to her, she is my responsibility."

The Hotel Manager steps back a pace at Fallon's stare and declaration.

Fallon looks over at Rosemary. "Do you find it odd that an attack upon this place consisted of half a dozen goat men and this young Witch?"

"I find all of this odd," she replies, studying his face. "But it does seem like a feint or a probe, if that's what you mean."

While speaking he has subtly managed to interpose himself between the others and the young woman. He allows her to be cared for, but he stands over her. His stance is instinctively protective. He speaks again to Rosemary. "How many militia are on call here?"

"I don't know," she says.

The Hotel Manager clears his throat. "We can marshal 50 militiamen at need, with another 50 or so in reserve. Any adult, and many not yet adults can fire a gun if New Deptford was threatened."

"Perhaps it was a test," Hikaru says calmly. "Of us, her," he points at the prisoner, "the goat men, or all of the above. We do not know, at this point in time." His facial expression and body language have been controlled to reveal nothing.

To the Hotel Manager, Hikaru says, "She is a prisoner now. Should she live, I am sure the High Reeve would like to speak with her. It would be a great shame should something happen to her before that can occur."

"We'll take her inside for the moment," Rosemary adds, nodding toward the hotel. "It's more convenient."

"Very well," the Hotel Manager says. "I will see you have a room, and that the High Reeve is informed."

In short order, Rosemary, Hikaru and Fallon, with their prisoner in tow, are shown to one of the side rooms, not too close to the ballroom. About two minutes after they arrive, a servant comes to see if the trio need anything, and almost on her heels, Epona arrives herself.

"Well done," Epona says, when she comes in. "Without loss of life or major injury, I have been told." she says, a pleased look on her face. "Only a small incursion, I heard?"

"So far," Rosemary replies.

"What has she said?" Epona indicates the woman. "Will she live?"

"She's unconscious," Rosemary says. "Or faking it," she adds judiciously. "I suppose she'll live, if there's no infection."

"She was in the trees on the far side of the bridge, directing some goat-man-things that came into the town," Rosemary continues, figuring some kind of report is in order. "We left some of the militia on watch."

Epona nods, giving her daughter a pleased look.

Hikaru nods his head. "They were few in number," he says. "If she," he points at the wounded woman, "was the true guiding force behind the attack, then she failed. However, I believe that someone else ultimately directed the attack and that she and the goat men were used to probe your defenses and to see what kind of response their incursion would bring about."

"You believe this was a scouting force, then?" Epona turns to Hikaru. She glances at the woman. "Nothing to mark her as any particular lineage or line, unfortunately. Pity."

Hikaru nods his head. "Her tactics were flawed, unless the attack was merely to observe the response it generated."

She returns to looking at Rosemary, Fallon, Jacobi, and Hikaru together. "You all did well. While experience is the best teacher, I mislike those who would harm me or mine. I am grateful. If this was an incursion, your swift and decisive response will cause reconsideration of any perceived vulnerability in New Deptford."

Fallon listens, but his eyes constantly seek out the unconscious woman's face. As he gazes at her face, he speaks. "She should live. I deliberately missed all vital organs and arteries. It was shock that dropped her, all things considered." He seems to be reassuring himself, while also informing.

"Son of the Morrigan," Epona says, looking at Fallon, the woman and then Fallon again. "Is there some tie of fate between you and the woman?" She looks at Hikaru, Jacobi, and Rosemary. "She is not known to any of you, is she?"

Jacobi shakes his head but turns to look at Fallon. Rosemary does the same.

Hikaru also shakes his head. "Never seen her before tonight."

Fallon frowns for a moment at Epona's question, still staring at the unconscious woman's face. "I don't know, she looks like someone who I knew long ago, but it can't be her." He continues to watch her face. "It's not her." But the faintest hint of uncertainty tinges his voice.

There is a slight darkening of the room, and an increase in the intensity of Epona's eyes. Distantly, the sound of hoofbeats can be heard. Large, heavy horses at a full gallop, Rosemary judges. Epona looks at Fallon.

"Tell me," Epona says to Fallon in a tone of command. "Tell us what you mean. Who was this woman to you?"

Fallon's eyes narrow as he looks at Epona. There is a hint of anger when he answers in his thick Irish brogue. "This woman looks like my fiance, but that's not possible because my Rose died 28 years ago, on March 15th, 1985." Fallon's voice cracks. "She was young and carefree was my Rose, cut down in her youth by a bloody british bastard." He continues. "They called themselves soldiers; they were murderers the lot of them. Not caring if they cut down soldier or civilian." He looks at Epona, his eyes red with remembered rage. "So, you see, it can't be her, she died in my arms."

Rosemary glances between Fallon and Epona, wondering what her mother will make of this.

The unconscious woman looks twenty, maybe twenty two, tops.

"It cannot be her," Epona says. "However, it appears to be her." She kneels down and looks at the woman. "What we need is someone skilled in the magic of ghosts and spirits. Not your mother," she looks at Fallon. "Someone like my sister Hecate, or Hel, although I trust the latter not at all. Or one of their scions.

"Hecate did agree to have a new scion of hers join the effort against the Titans. Any child of hers would likely be better suited than most to puzzle out the nature of this woman's existence." Epona looks at Fallon. "We will keep her here, under guard, and unconscious, until Hecate's scion comes here. I will send word to my sister that she should come here rather than another rendezvous point.

"The intended goal for you all," she continues, "is to travel to and meet in Las Vegas. There is a Casino that should not be there."

"Why is that?" Hikaru asks.

Rosemary looks up from inspecting the mess she's made of her borrowed shirt. "Because it's not supposed to be part of reality? As if this place --" she gestures around them with a dry but still red-stained hand "-- suddenly appeared in ordinary Connecticut?"

Fallon's stone-faced expression has returned and his aviator glasses once again cover his eyes, obviously replaced while Epona had everyone's attention. His posture still tense as he listens. He says nothing, and his concealed eyes concealed eyes continue to watch the prisoner.

True to Epona's word, the mysterious woman remains asleep, placid and pacified. With an almost angelic appearance, Fallon can believe that this is Fiona, somehow, in some sort of form.

"There are two reasons for you all to go to Vegas and deal with the Casino," Epona says. "The first is that it is indeed, a casino that has appeared out of nowhere, as if it were hidden in a chancel or in the Mittelmarch and brought physically to the city. A glamour or spell of some sort has made its appearance cause no real concern among the locals.

"The second reason is that Las Vegas has been chosen as the site of a conclave between me, and the other Goddesses and Gods that have gathered the group of you together.

"Call it a Council of War if you wish," she says. "For we are surely fighting one. We wish to make sure that the Titanspawn and their minions do not attempt enemy action against us. It is thought the sudden appearance of this casino, after we made plans to meet in Vegas suggests a leak of intelligence. Or worse."

"You wish us to investigate the casino and search for a link to a god or gods, and to deal with the inhabitants and or owners of said casino as necessary?" Hikaru asks for confirmation.

Rosemary stares at her hands, listening distractedly. Fallon waits for Epona's response to Hikaru's query, quietly, patiently.

"I want you to investigate the casino and find out what force is behind it, and take what action seems necessary to obviate any threats to the Council of War or to the inhabitants of the city," Epona says. "It may be unwelcome divine activity rather than Titan activity, but that's for you all to discover.

"Ah, good," Epona says suddenly. "Hecate's daughter is at the borders of the Chancel, at the bridge. But only one Scion with her instead of two. I wonder what happened to the other."

She rises from her chair and goes to the door and speaks to a servant before turning back to the group. She nods to Fallon.

"The examination of this one will happen sooner rather than later, it would seem." she says. She turns toward Rosemary "Although there is still a party for my daughter which is awaiting both of us. All of us, really."

"Yes ..." Rosemary says, looking down at herself again. "I really have to get cleaned up."

Hikaru stands up and bows slightly to Epona. "Then we should go change back into our various fineries and then head to the Ball." If no one has anything else to add, Hikaru turns and exits through the door and then heads up to his room to change and go to the Ball.

"Come on, Fallon," Jacobi says to Fallon. "We should get cleaned up, too. The mystery of the girl will keep for the moment. If that daughter of Hecate is for real, she can untangle ghosts and spirits with one eye closed ..."

The Ball has started by the time Hikaru has gotten himself cleaned up and brushed off after the extracurricular activities outside at the bridge. Too, Rosemary gets an emergency daubing and cleaning of herself and her borrowed clothes are turned over to a maid for more serious scrubbing. Thusly, while all three are late by the standards of being at the Ball after it starts, at least everyone is presentable.

The room has about three or four dozen guests, with a stage at the far side. The paintings and hangings decorating the walls are unfamiliar but prominently feature horses in military contexts.

A crier at the door announces Fallon, first, as "the representative of The Morrigan." Jacobi is announced as the "scion of Hermes." Hikaru is announced to the room, next as the scion of Hachiman (and not the son, Hikaru will note). Rosemary winds up gettiing the most elaborate announcement.

"The Dragoon Society asks you all to please welcome our guest of honor, our second representative of the Connecticut Horse Guard here tonight. The daughter of the High Reeve, and rider of Bucephalus. Rosemary Zelioni."

Somewhat warned by the other announcements, Rosemary manages to take this gracefully. At one of the tables closest to the stage, she can see Jon clapping along with the rest of the room, with wonder on his face.

"Your table is at the front of course," the crier stage whispers.

Hikaru has moved around and through the crowd to stand by Fallon and Jacobi. "She took it well," Jacobi murmurs to Hikaru and Fallon. "She makes for an unlikely war-leader but there we have it."

Hikaru considers Jacobi's comment and then the subject of the statement silently. "Perhaps," is his only reply.

"Ah, the role you imagined you would play" Jacobi says. "Perhaps your role is the samurai, and she is the Shogun. Or perhaps a scion not yet with us will play that role," Jacobi says.

Hikaru considers this as well. "Hachiman is the god of warriors, not necessarily war," he says. "The time of the Samurai and Shogun has passed. New times, new wars call for new warriors and tactics. But I make no claim for leadership of the group," he adds. "I simply meant that time will tell who our leader or leaders will be."

"Thank you," Rosemary murmurs to the crier, and makes her way across the room toward the most prominent table.

Fallon watches, as his ice-blue eyes survey the room; his posture gives off an 'I'm not in the mood to party' vibe. He reaches into his leather jacket inner-breast pocket and removing a flask, he unscrews the cap, raises it slightly in a small personal toast, and takes a long swig. He offers the flask to Jacobi and Hikaru. "Care for a nip of Ireland's finest?"

Jacobi shakes his head firmly. "Could have used that before that weird little attack, not now." He looks at the table that Rosemary has been directed to. 6 seats. "The High Reeve is expecting this scion of Hecate, and someone else, if we scions are all supposed to sit there. I wonder who that is going to be."

Hikaru also declines the offer of a drink. "Thank you, but no, I must decline as well Fallon," he says politely. To Jacobi, he asks; "You know anything more of this scion of Hecate?"

"Not much more than she exists," Jacobi admits. "Hecate isn't the fecund sort, either, so she will be a rarity for her mother, too."

Indeed, Rosemary is given the pride of place at that table, just across from the table that Jon has been given.

"I didn't understand half of those introductions," Jon says in a stage whisper to Rosemary, "but it sounds like you and your new friends are a really big deal. And here I thought my introduction was grandiose."

"Small pond," Rosemary replies a little more quietly. She surveys her table, looking for place cards. If they are there and name her fellow Scions, she waves them over.

There are indeed place cards for her table for her and her fellow Scions. There are two additional ones as well. "Felix Tycho" and "Melantha Harmon" are also listed. Each of the cards also has a symbol--a horse for Rosemary, a sword for Hikaru, a rifle for Fallon and a scroll for Jacobi.

"Well, Hikaru," Jacobi says, tapping the card with Melantha's name on it, "We have a name for her. I don't know this Felix Tycho, though. Symbol looks Egyptian though." His has a stylized lion head on it. Melantha's by contrast has a leg bone, carved into the shape of a wand.

Hikaru nods his head and gazes at the cards as well. "Felix ... cat?" he says, pointing briefly at Tycho's name card. Hikaru waits for Rosemary to seat herself (if she hasn't already) before taking his own seat.

"No, Felix is Latin for 'happy' or 'lucky,'" Rosemary the lawyer says. "There's an Egyptian cat goddess, though, isn't there?"

"Yes, Bast," Jacobi says. "Technically, there is Sekhmet, too, but she's lion, not cat."

Fallon places his mirror shades back in his leather jacket pocket and takes his seat while observing quietly. His eyes by habit seek out each of the exits and possible concealment points within the hall, also taking in the areas of closest cover. His eyes then shift to each of the cards, his left eyebrow raising at the rifle on his own card. "She knew who we were before, when she was planning the party." Fallon looks to the others at the table. "Who else knew? That's what I'd like to know." Fallon pauses. "I suspect the other side knew, our prisoner is good evidence of that."

"If that is true," Hikaru replies. "That makes their attack more of a mystery. They had no chance of success; unless it was designed to observe which of us were present."

"Testing us, rather than a serious strike," Jacobi says. He turns to look at Fallon. "The attack might have been primarily focused on us. Or you, given our prisoner."

Fallon barely nods at this, his eyes narrowing. His stone-faced demeanor quickly reasserts itself and his narrowed eyes search the room. He turns back to Jacobi. "A bullet to the heart, as it were," he pauses for a moment, "almost poetic in its execution."

(Continuing from The Not So Young and the Restless)

Just then two more people enter the ballroom. Slightly in the lead is a tall woman of about thirty, with a tanned complexion, dark eyes, high cheekbones, and jet-black hair wound into a braided crown around her head. She wears a black gown with a spiderweb motif embroidered on the form-fitting bodice and spreading skirt. Her expression is alert and wary as she scans those already assembled.

Hikaru looks at the newcomers entering the ballroom. "I think the ones we're waiting on have arrived," he says, nodding in their direction.

Rosemary stands again and turns toward the newcomers, trying to look more welcoming than curious.

"Please welcome two additional guests of the High Reeve," the crier says, as the two newcomers continue into the room.

"We would like to welcome Richard Florent, better known as Flavius Galerius Adranus Westphalius, the son of the Goddess Aphrodite and the demigod of Treaties." The blond haired man is dressed in a dark gray tuxedo with a powder blue cummerbund.

There is enthusiastic and effusive praise from the entire room. Even Jon starts clapping before stopping, awkwardly.

"And we are most especially honored, too, to welcome Melantha Harmon, the representative of the goddess Hecate." The enthusastic, jovial mood of the room goes positively as quiet as the crave. There are some murmurs here and there and bobbed heads of respect.

"Reputation," Flavius quietly says to Melantha, "is everything."

"Yeah, I can see that," Melantha mutters back to him. She supposes that at the moment she's benefiting (if you can call it that) from her mother's reputation. Witch goddess. Gatekeeper of the dead.

Flavius nods his head at the table where Fallon, Jacobi, Hikaru and Rosemary are sitting. "That's where we are bound, I think."

Noting the obviously vacant places, Melantha nods agreement. Striding up to the table in a way that betrays the fact that she's more used to jeans than a ball gown, she says to the others, "Good to meet you all," before quickly scanning the place cards.

Fallon nods at this, but remains taciturn and stone-faced. His eyes take in Melantha with a hint of both curiousity and speculation. It's as if he's taking her measure.

"Welcome to New Deptford," Rosemary says, looking back and forth between the two new arrivals with nearly equal curiosity. "I'm Rosemary Zelioni, Scion of Epona." She's an average-sized woman with dark hair and eyes, wearing an ivory-colored gown that's long enough for the nineteenth century but leaves one shoulder bare.

"Greetings," says Hikaru, a man of obvious Asian descent dressed in period appropriate (for this place at any rate) formal attire. I am Hikaru, Scion of Hachiman."

One place card is for Melantha Harmon. It has a symbol, a human leg bone (definitely human, Melantha is sure) carved in the shape of a wand. Melantha grimaces slightly at the symbolism, but goes to stand at the designated place.

The other card is not for Richard Florent, or Flavius. Instead, it's for someone named Felix Tycho. A stylized lion's head adorns his place card.

"Hunh. I must be somewhat unexpected. Looks like the scion of Bast is supposed to sit here, and is not here yet."

"No," Jon pipes up, holding up a card next to his place at the adjacent table. "I think you sit here."

"Ah," Flavius says. He takes the seat, but turns it to face the rest of the Scions.

"My name is Archibald Jacobi," Jacobi says to Melantha. "Most people call me Jacobi. Son of Mercury."

Melantha acknowledges the greetings of her fellow Scions with a nod; she doesn't feel the need, however, to repeat the information that the Crier has already announced. She can't help wondering if they're all as new to this as she is, but she figures she'll save that question for the dinner conversation.

"I'm Richard Florent to most moderns, but here, among people who know who and what I am, my name is Flavius," Flavius says. He scans Hikaru, Rosemary, Fallon and Jacobi. "So we are just missing the son of Bast?" he says. He looks to Melantha. "Unless he turns out to be a no-show like Athena's scion."

"I wonder if she's got a place card," Melantha comments, looking around.

"Not over here," Jon pipes up helpfully.

"Not at this table," Rosemary says, seating herself again. She looks curiously at Flavius. "'Westphalius'?" she asks.

"Westphalius," Flavius says with a grin, nodding. "I got to bore Melantha with some of my exploits on our drive here from Memphis. Or entertain. Take your pick. Sometimes a bit of both?" He looks at Melantha for confirmation; she grins slightly and nods.

"I was born in the Eternal City in 410 AD, you see," Flavius says to Rosemary. "I gained the estate of Treaties as part of my demigodhood in 1648, since I was a major participant in the negotiations for the Treaty of Westphalia, which helped establish the modern European state in ending the Thirty and Eighty Years Wars.

"In proper Roman fashion, I gave myself the cognomen Westphalius," he finishes.

Hikaru glances at Flavius again, more closely this time, but says nothing.

"Seriously?" Rosemary says. "The Treaty of Westphalia? The foundation stone of international law?" She looks both impressed and not entirely sure she believes this.

Melantha goes ahead and sits down, since Flavius and Rosemary already have. She lays the mirror on the table near her right hand, next to her silverware. She keeps it face down for the moment.

"You know some law?" Flavius asks Rosemary, delighted. "Even half of the scions and demigods who are old enough to have been around, then, wouldn't know the Thirty Years War from the battle of Bunker Hill. But if you ever go to England," he grins, "I'm in Ter Bosch's painting, if you want real proof I was a delegate. In fact ..."

What Flavius is about to say doesn't become clear, as he is interrupted by the crier at the door.

"Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests," he booms. "The Hotel Palio would like to apologize for the delay. I have been told that dinner is about to start, and her Ladyship the High Reeve should be arriving shortly, and the celebration, ceremony and ball can proceed. Until then, please enjoy your meal."

Waiters come in, wheeling in carts, quickly and efficiently distributing plates of food, glasses of water, and bottles of wine. Dinner proves to be some of unfamiliar roasted poultry, along with more easily identifiable greens and potatoes. The wine, of course, is white but the label is in an unfamiliar language.

Hikaru, Melantha, Fallon, Rosemary, Jacobi and Flavius have about a half hour to enjoy their food in peace(and there are no additional people seated at their tables, including the mysterious son of Bast) before Rosemary's mother arrives. She is announced with a trumpet call, as well as a physical announcement.

"Attendees, citizens and guests," the announcer speaks, the din of polite conversation among tables fading away. "Our leader, the High Reeve of New Deptford, has arrived."

Dressed in a floor-length gown, the goddess Epona walks down the aisle in the center of the room. Four spectral, ghostly horses flank her, two ahead, two behind. The trumpet takes up again, in a sort of a march. Her eyes study the Scions as she moves to pass the table, and head toward the stage.

Melantha eyes the other Scions, thinking that perhaps they ought to rise.

Rosemary watches the goddess - her mother - with her very mixed feelings firmly suppressed.

Page last modified on June 12, 2013, at 10:09 PM