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Happy Birthday, Paul!

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Birthdays are nature’s way of telling us to eat more cake.


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Cake is the truth that even time must bend to.

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(::subject003:Happy Birthday!::)
I don't have a witty rejoinder, but Happy Birthday, anyway! {biggrin}

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Paul shares a birthday with:

Alexios III Megas Komnenos of Trebizond (b. 1338)
Jonathan Edwards (b. 1703)
Denis Diderot (b. 1713)
Chevalier d'Éon (b. 1728)
Chester A. Arthur (b. 1829)
Helen Churchill Candee (b. 1858)
Ray Kroc (b. 1902)
Bil Keane (b. 1922)
Václav Havel (b. 1936)
Bob Geldof (b. 1951)
Cliver Barker (b. 1952)
Neil deGrasse Tyson (b. 1958)
Maya Lyn (b. 1959)
Kate Winslet (b. 1975)

and somebody else, can't quite remember who ...

(Wikipedia can be a lot of fun. {happy}

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(::subject005:Can't remember...?::)
... I hear that getting old does that to you!

/me ducks and runs

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(:foxappend commentform:)

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Page last modified on October 06, 2015, at 05:59 PM