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Victoria "Tori" Windhaven

"She believes that life is made up of all that you're used to
And the clock on the wall has been stuck at three for days and days
She thinks that happiness is a mat that sits on her doorway
But outside it's stopped raining..."
- Matchbox 20
3 A.M.
AGE: 18 PLACE OF ORIGIN: Offplanet - Teresan
RACE: Human SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'6" WEIGHT: 115 lbs.

She is eighteen years old, about 5'6" and striking. Tori Windhaven is slender and gorgeous as her sisters, but with more of a quiet, compassionate reserve. Tori has the charisma and charm of the angel-fairy type of a young, well-bred lady. This charisma means that even though she does not speak, her presence is generally felt in whatever society she might be in. Her hair falls in long loose rich chocolate curls down her back, long enough to style elaborately, though she very rarely does so. Her eyes are the warm rich Windhaven emerald and her chocolate lashes are lush and long. Her face is gamine and beautiful, expressive in nature, though it is hard to draw out her expressions. She usually seems reserved but pleasant. She isn't exactly shy, but there is a quality about her of as of someone haunted by memories.

She is more feminine in dress than her sister Gabrielle, preferring dresses of light, comfortable materials, simply cut but suited to her quiet, youthful charms, but she will wear trousers and boots when she goes riding. A long, loose shirt she stole from her father’s closet and uses it as a painter’s smock covers most of her clothes when she paints. The soft cloth is now spotted with the colors of the various paints and charcoal that she uses to create her paintings. She has older clothes that she wears when she wishes to go outside and work in the gardens.


Tori is one of the second set of Christophe and Amelia Windhaven's twins, the two being the youngest children.

She was always quieter and more centered inside herself than her more outgoing sisters, but witnessing first hand the murder of her mother at the age of eight shocked Tori into complete silence, a silence which still haunts her, as do the nightmares of that awful moment.

While her withdrawal from social life kept her from attending University or the Convent at Aquila like the rest of her family, it led her deeper into artwork and other quiet skills of young ladies.

Tori took the decision to move to Aquila without much emotion. She packed her things and prepared to leave. It is difficult to say what she thinks of the move.

Tori knows that her family worries about her, and that her inability to speak is one of their biggest worries about the move. She wants to speak, but for whatever reason (she doesn't know) she can't seem to get words out.

She is a highly skilled painter/artist and creates magnificent works of art. She is especially skilled at landscapes, real and imaginary. She can also paint magnificent portraits, but she seems haunted by some faces in particular, and sometimes these faces creep onto the page when she does not realize it.


Recently, Tori regained her voice, but is still plagued by a terrible fear of violence and most especially of blood.

Page last modified on October 14, 2006, at 12:52 AM