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The standard imperial calendar is broken up into 11 months of 30 days each (5 days to a week), with the last having 35- the last week is Emperor's week, when the rise of the Eternal Emperor is celebrated. Most planets also have a local calendar, but the standard is held to in all official documentation.

The Names for the months are listed in the following table.

Number Month Name

  1     Ianuarius
  2     Februarius
  3     Martius
  4     Aprilis
  5     Maius
  6     Iunius
  7     Iulius
  8     Augustus
  9     September
 10     October
 11     November
 12     December

Three days in each month has names: the Kalends, the Nones, and the Idus. The Kalends is the first name of a month. The Idus is the 13th day in most months, but the 15th day in Martius, Maius, Iulius, and October. The Nones is 8 days before the Idus, so it is the 5th or 7th day of the month.

The other days of the month are indicated by counting backwards from the next later Kalends, Nones, or Idus. This means that days in the second half of every month (after the Idus) are referred to as "so many days before the Kalends of the next month".

Years are counted from the year of the coronation of Divis Mal in year 2751 of the Common Era as counted by the classic Gregorian calendar. A year count in the era is referred to as Ab Accepisse Imperuis Rex ("since the receiving of the Emperor"), abbreviated to A.I.R., or when stating the date, just introduced with "Anno". As an example of a complete date, the 15th of November of 749 is referred to as "Ante Diem XVII Kalendas December Anno DCCXLIX", which translates loosely as "The 17th day before the Kalends of December of the year 749".

Page last modified on August 08, 2007, at 02:10 PM