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Name: Edgar Honorus Bahlmis

Family: Bahlmis
Father: Edmund Bahlmis
Mother: Honoria Bahlmis, nee Tremontaine
Sister: Holanda Bahlmis, age 19
Brother: Miles Bahlmis, age 15
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Coloring: Pale from living in artificial lighting, but will tan and freckle as exposed to Aquilan sun.
Hair: White-blond, kept longish.
Eyes: Ice-blue
Height: 5' 10"
Weight: 182 lbs.


Willowy, yet strong. He's used to a slightly heavier gravity, but does not have much cardio-vascular endurance, having only gotten his exercise in controlled gyms.


While his physical resemblance is more to his mother's (Tremontaine) side of the family, his acumen is more similar to his father's. He is a quick study and has a sharp, cutting wit. He is a bit arrogant.


Raised on Kuiper Station, a small space station that was strategically placed between two of the larger worlds of the Empire, Edgar, the eldest son of Edmund and Honoria Bahlmis, was in the perfect place to observe the various comings and goings of traders from across the known galaxy. While one would have assumed this would lead to an interest in trade, it has instead led to an interest in cultural differences.
At the age of 18 he left for study at a peaceful tech-world, Sedna, where his parents often went for holiday. While he took many classes in Economics per his father's recommendation, his main fascination was still with the cultures of other peoples, and he eventually majored in Social Anthropology; with the study of his parents' ancestral home world becoming the basis of his senior thesis.
After graduation, and a tremendous party thrown in his honor by his parents on Sedna he returned with them to Kuiper Station to assist his father in his trade negotiations. Armed with his new understanding of cultural mores and customs, he soon became a valuable negotiator, avoiding many of the pitfalls of others not so forearmed.
When the news of the death of his uncle on Aquila arrived, Edgar recommended going to the planet to attend the funeral, wanting the opportunity to personally study the quaint society. However, his parents believed it would not be worth the long journey and decided not to attend. So, when the invitation came for the wedding of his father's cousin Talaren to Ofelia, a daughter of House Acciaio, (who to Edgar's delight is also Edgar's aunt's sister-in-law), and the family could not decline, Edgar was secretly overjoyed, finding it all delightfully primitive.
Contacting his former professors at the school on Sedna he proposed a lengthy dissertation topic, hoping to emerge from the experience on Aquila with a doctorate in anthropology. Edmund, Edgar's father, being all in favor of Edgar's attending the University on Aquila, promised to contact his Aunt Rosalor who as a former lecturer in Classical Studies at the Women's College, affiliated with the University, the Dean of Studies as soon as they arrive on Aquila and help him to get enrolled.


Business Negotiation


Cannot ride a horse -- does that thing have a mind of its own?
Cannot fight with a sword -- give him a blaster any day!
Grown up dependent on technology -- where's my laptop?
Page last modified on November 03, 2006, at 06:47 PM