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The Beginning


There is nothing
Primal Chaos is born
First shape-changers are born
The Serpent and Unicorn come into existence
The Courts of Chaos are created
Oberon is born to the Unicorn (father is Dworkin)


Oberon marries Cymnea
Benedict, Osric, Finndo, born to Cymnea (father is Oberon)
Eric born to Faiella (father is Oberon)
Oberon dissolves marriage to Cymnea
Oberon marries Faiella
Osric and Finndo die in First Chaosian War
Dworkin flees from Chaos to a small sudden island
Dworkin meditates upon the abyss
The Jewel is revealed to Dworkin by the Unicorn
Dworkin creates Amber out of Chaos
Dworkin begins to fashion the family Trumps
Corwin, Caine born to Faiella (father is Oberon)
Faiella dies giving birth to Deirdre (father is Oberon)
Oberon marries Clarissa
Fiona, Bleys born to Clarissa (father is Oberon)
Llewella born to Moins (father is Oberon)
Oberon divorces Clarissa
Oberon recognizes Llewella as legitimate
Brand born to Clarissa (father is Oberon)
Flora born to Dybele (father is Oberon)
Julian, Gerard born to Rilga (father is Oberon)
Random born to Paulette (father is Oberon)
Brand, Bleys, and Fiona study with Dworkin
Corwin rules over Avalon


Random goes to Rebma and elopes with Morganthe
Martin born to Morganthe (father is Random)
Random banished from Rebma
Martin walks Pattern, leaves Rebma
Corwin gulls Caine
Corwin beats Julian at his favorite game


Moonriders out of Ghenesh attack Amber
Benedict holds the pass above Arden against the Moonriders
Dark things out of Shadow attack at Jones Falls
Brand has argument with Corwin
Corwin and Eric fight while hunting in the Forest of Arden


Corwin exiled by Eric after their fight
Brand and Gerard search for Corwin in many shadows
Tomb built for Corwin, assumed dead
Benedict leaves Amber for Avalon


Flora goes to Shadow Earth

-72y (Generally regarded as the start of the Patternfall Years)

Flora first spots Corwin on Shadow Earth
Dworkin tells Oberon how to destroy the Pattern
Oberon imprisons Dworkin
Brand, Bleys, and Fiona form cabal
Oberon gets mad at Eric and glorifies Corwin over dinner
Brand allies with powers from Chaos and learns how to destroy Pattern


Brand asks Llewella and Random about Martin


Random goes to Texorami
Brand paints a trump of Martin


Brand finds Martin and stabs him over the Pattern
Brand, Bleys, and Fiona involve Benedict with the hellmaids
Oberon is lured away by Brand, Bleys, and Fiona


Oberon is imprisoned in the Courts of Chaos


Bleys and Eric argue over the throne; Bleys leaves Amber
Eric seizes control of Amber
Bleys builds military strike force
Brand tries to win Caine over to the cabal, fails
Eric-Caine-Julian alliance formed
Brand sees Corwin in Tir-na Nog'th
Brand sees Corwin in Eric's mind
Brand under surveillance by Eric in Amber
Bleys and Fiona split with Brand
Corwin begins to regain memory


Brand escapes Amber, puts Corwin in Porter Sanitarium
Brand recaptured by Eric
Corwin escapes from Porter


The 60's end as the calender year becomes 1970 AD on Shadow Earth
Brand escapes again, shoots Corwin's tires out
Eric puts Corwin in Greenwood, under Flora's care
Brand captured by Bleys and Fiona, put in Tower
Brand calls Random for help
Random attempts to save Brand, fails
Julian contacts Random about the throne
Random loses his Trumps


Corwin escapes Greenwood, goes to Flora's house
Corwin and Random set out for Amber
Corwin and Random save Deirdre, go to Rebma
Random sentenced to marry Vialle


Corwin walks Pattern in Rebma
Corwin transports himself to Amber
Bleys and Corwin make alliance
Corwin makes deals with Gerard and Caine to open the seas
Corwin contacts Oberon and Brand by Trump, both weakly
Corwin and Bleys build force, attack Amber, fail


Bleys falls off stairs, Corwin taken


Eric crowned
Corwin blinded, imprisoned, lays his curse on Amber/Eric


Corwin escapes to Cabra with Dworkin's help
Corwin stays with Jopin at the Lighthouse
Corwin goes to Lorraine, etc
Corwin and Ganelon travel to Avalon
Benedict romances Lintra, then kills her, losing an arm
Benedict defeats the hellmaids
Dara is born in Chaos (great-grandfather is Benedict)


Corwin and Ganelon meet Benedict


Corwin meets Dara
Ganelon kills Benedict's servants


Corwin gets diamonds and gunpowder


Corwin and Ganelon leave Avalon, encounter Black Road


Corwin gets guns on Earth
Eric begins major battle with Black Road (First battle of the Patternfall War)


Ganelon and Corwin march on Amber
Dara arrives in Amber


Corwin wins battle at Amber
Eric dies in battle
Corwin and Random go to the Pattern
Dara completes the Pattern
Dara claims "Amber will be destroyed"
Eric's funeral


Merlin born to Dara (father is Corwin)
Merlin grows up in the Courts of Chaos
Caine is found dead
Random tells his story (of the Tower) to Corwin
Flora tells her story (of Eric, etc.) to Corwin


Corwin and Gerard fight, bury Caine, at the Grove of the Unicorn
Corwin and Gerard see the Unicorn
Brand is returned by united family effort
Fiona stabs Brand
Gerard takes care of Brand
Caine stabs Corwin
Corwin returns to Shadow Earth, stashes Jewel


Random brings Corwin back to Amber
Corwin visits Brand
Brand recovers well
Corwin goes to Tir-na Nog'th, gets mechanical arm from Benedict


Corwin, Ganelon, and Random follow Unicorn to Primal Pattern
Martin's Trump found in the Pattern
Benedict and Random seek Martin


Corwin goes to Dworkin's quarters
Corwin trumps to the Courts of Chaos, kills rider, meets Merlin


Corwin returns via Gerard's Trump
Corwin talks to Brand again
Caine attacks Brand
Ganelon tells Benedict about Dara
Corwin and Benedict form alliance
Gerard fights Corwin again, Ganelon intercedes
Corwin talks to Julian
Corwin returns to Earth to retrieve the Jewel, talks to Bill Roth
Brand gets the Jewel first
Corwin orders all the Patterns guarded
Corwin talks to Fiona
Brand show up at the Pattern in Amber, met by Gerard, flees
Brand starts walking the Primal Pattern
Corwin intercepts him, forces Brand to transport out
Random finds Martin, who tells his story
Brand goes to Tir-na Nog'th to walk Pattern there
Benedict intercepts him, regains the Jewel, using mechanical arm
Ganelon reveals himself as Oberon


Oberon takes command, gives separate orders to his children
Replay of Tir-na Nog'th scene in Amber, Benedict loses arm
Corwin talks to Dara, learns of Merlin
Corwin tries to repair the Pattern himself and is stopped by Oberon
Corwin talks to Oberon
Oberon orders everyone to attack Chaos
Corwin begins his hellride
Oberon starts walking the Pattern to repair it
Oberon sends the Jewel to Corwin via the bird
Brand's first contact with Corwin ("Dad failed")
Brand's second contact with Corwin (appears with crossbow, loses eye)
Corwin's Pattern | Corwin inscribes a new Pattern
Brand's third contact with Corwin (grabs the Jewel)
Corwin and Brand both transport to Chaos
Corwin kills Duke Borel of Chaos
Battle of Chaos - also known as the Battle at the Abyss (Second battle of the Patternfall War)
Oberon's message in the sky
Brand killed by Caine's crossbow, drags Deirdre over the cliff
Family reunites after the battle
Oberon's funeral
Merlin appears
Random made King of Amber by the Unicorn
Corwin attunes Random to the Jewel
Random diverts the Wave of Chaos


Corwin tells his story to Merlin


Random returns to Amber in triumph


Random is crowned king in a corronation ceremony in the castle



Note from Brian:

I started from this: , and much credit is due to the original author. I trimmed some back for this game.

Page last modified on April 20, 2007, at 09:43 PM