Hans Richter as Frietzel Bauer

Hans Richter as Fritzel Bauer

Fritzel Blauer is the son of Frau Gutrun Blauer, the owner of Hotel de Saxe. As a young boy he showed considerable talent as a student of Mathematics and Physics, and, encouraged by his proud mother, he became a student at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Berlin. She had, however, expected him to return home after he qualified and to take part in running the hotel. This he chose not to do, instead prolonging his studies into quantum mechanics.

Two years ago, however, he began spending more time at the Hotel de Saxe and taking a more active part in the running of the inn. To his mother he has said little about his reasons for his abrupt change of course. He still corresponds with erstwhile colleagues and mentors, as frequent letters arrive with postmarks from Berlin and Munich – and even Copenhagen, and his mother has found papers containing obscure calculations on his desk from time to time.

Fritzel has been a key skier since boyhood. He gives instructions to guests wishing to learn about cross country skiing, leading expeditions into the Zittau mountains.


Fritzel Blauer is a NonPlayer Character in Murder at Christmas. This means that he will be written by Mel Mason, who is running the game.

You can learn more about other characters here.

Murder at Christmas is an online email game that will run over (approximately) the Twelve Days of Christmas – from December 21st 2016 until January 6th 2017. There are eight writers, working collaboratively (see the Rules of the Game). Regular updates will be posted on the website, with links that you can follow on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ so that people can follow the story, root for their favourite characters, and keep up with the twists and turns of the plot.

Followers can also apply to join the Gossip mailing list,where they can discuss the game with the writers!