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USMC Force Recon

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If you compare infantry corps internationally, The U.S Marine Corps is itself considered an elite fighting force. Within the Corps, though, are small groups of Marines tasked with the mission of penetrating enemy lines to report on enemy positions and conditions or conduct small raids in support of larger operations. These small groups are known as the Reconnassance Battalions (recon for short) and have just been recognized as of the Vietnam war, their baptism of fire.

United States Marine Corps Force Reconnaissance (Force Recon) units are special-purposes units widely recognized as the "special operations forces" of the Marine Corps. Marine Force Recon personnel, or 'operators,' perform highly specialized, small scale, high-risk operations, such as:

  • Amphibious and deep ground surveillance.
  • Assist in specialized technical missions such as Nuclear, Biological, Chemical, Radio, sensors and beacons, etc.
  • Assist in ordnance delivery (i.e., designating targets for close air support, artillery and naval gunfire).
  • Conduct 'limited scale raids,' such as gas and oil platform (GOPLATS) raids and the capture of specific personnel or sensitive materials.
  • Hostage/Prisoner of war rescue.

Category: TheNam

Page last modified on June 11, 2006, at 11:18 PM