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Forward Air Controller

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A forward air controller (FAC) is a qualified individual who, from a forward position on the ground or in the air, directs the action of military aircraft engaged in close air support of land forces.

Forward Air Controller as an official acronym that came from World War 2 when the Allies were rapidly advancing across France and the Low Countries towards Germany. British and American fighter planes were making Fighter Ground Attack (FGA) missions through low level bombing and strafing German military targets and logistic targets.

Military targets are in the Forward Edge of the Battle Area (FEBA) where the enemies are in direct contact and behind enemy lines in camps, storage areas and lines of communication, which is known as air interdiction and does not require an FAC.

Enemy targets in the FEBA are de facto close to friendly forces and therefore at risk through proximity during an FGA attack. The danger is twofold if the pilot cannot identify the target clearly and is not aware of the locations of friendly forces.

The allies in Western Europe comprised of mainly British and American forces with armies and air forces at work in the campaign. There were therefore three separate elements to friendly forces; the British Army, the British Royal Air Force and the American Army, which had a land element and the United States Army Air Force (USAAF); the USAAF became the United States Air Force (USAF) after World War 2.

All land forces camouflage themselves, which is designed to degrade the ability of the enemy to identify targets and the land battle can be constantly moving, as it was in Europe in World War 2, adding the difficulty of promulgating accurate ground force locations of both friendly and enemy forces.

It was recognised that co-ordination between ground and air forces would improve target acquisition and provide added security for friendly forces so the concept of the Forward Air Controller came into being.

The United States Marine Corps has the capability to provide ground and air forces from within its own resources and when doing so are not operating in a Joint Force environment and they retain the term FAC.

The primary function of an FAC is the safety of their own troops but is trained to identify and designate targets using smoke, flares, white phosphorous, or direct positive voice radio control. After the attack, the FAC is responsible for determining if the target has been destroyed.

Because the FAC is by definition behind enemy lines, the FAC is trained as well as Special Forces units in most cases.

Forward Air Controller (27d) The FAC is considered an Expert (4d) in his field. Endurance (2d) and Running (2d) are a requirement, and though combat is a last ditch alternative, standard training in hand to hand (2d, players choice) and firearms (3d, players choice) is a requirement. Climbing (2d) from basic training, and Dodging (1d) are also helpful, but more useful is Stealth (2d + 1ed (4d)). The FAC's sight must be unfailing (2d + 1ed (4d)), as must his Navigation (2d + 1ed (4d)). FAC, as witnesses of the outcome of massive bombing attacks on a regular basis have 3 hardened notches in Violence (-3d). They also have an extremely dangerous obligation (-2d), and a package bonus (-2d)

Category: TheNam

Page last modified on June 11, 2006, at 10:16 PM