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Civilian involvement in the Viet Nam conflict is much heavier than recorded- perhaps because most are in Viet Nam unofficially.

Intelligence Operatives

The intelligence agencies of the world have many operatives on the ground, performing operations such as weapons and drug smuggling, SIGINT analysis, counter-intelligence operations, and removal of foreign assets that the armed services can not touch (though in many cases, official military assets are utilized during these operations).

Basic Training (10d)

No matter the background, Intelligence Operatives the world over have certain minimum skills for survival. Some sort of hand-to-hand training is essential (2d, players choice), as is some measure of skill with a pistol (Firearms [Pistol], 2d). Development of the senses is essential in gathering intelligence and being aware if the operative's surroundings (4d, players choice). A basic education is valued (2d), and a working knowledge of the local language is necessary (Language [Vietnamese], 2d). In addition, operatives are taught how to resist interrogation (Resist, 2d), and are recruited for their flexible mindset (Equilibrium, 2d). All of this is balanced with 3 hardened notches in any gauge other than unnatural (-3d) from the things the operative has seen in his career, and an extremely hazardous duty to his employer (-2d). The package itself gives a bonus (-1d)

Beyond basic training, and operative's skills are tailored to the manner of use he will be put to. Suggested additional skills include technical skills, empathy/command skills to allow retrieval of information, and infiltration type skills.

Archaeologists/Fortune Hunters

Vietnam also contains it's share of historical interests. Archeologist funded by outside parties find a place in the depths of the jungle, leading expeditions to recover/preserve these items. Their opposite number, Fortune Hunters, are also found, for there are said to be riches in the jungles of Viet Nam. There are as many different archeologists/fortune hunters as there are people that engage in the activity, so no packages exist. Even Archaeology is not necessarily a requirement, as some of the ones in the field depend upon an organization to back them up! A solid background is key with this archetype.


Though official operations use only official assets, unofficial operations- whether they are a result of intelligence operations or the aforementioned archaeoligical digs, make extensive use of these soldiers of fortune. May different backgrounds exist for this archetype, but just remember that the skills listed in the military packages are a good start, as is a bad relationship with the organizations behind the packages, whether legal troubles, or just a stigma associated with a dishonorable discharge or being a mercenary.


Reporters are also seeing their share of action in Viet Nam, whether on some expose, or shooting a documentary about the horrors of the conflict. Skills associated with getting the story are a must, but reporters of all shapes and sizes try to get their moment in the spotlight from the terrible war in southeast asia.


And lest we forget, missionaries also attempt to bring some measure of peace to the innocents in this fractured land. The people doing such are as varied in their reasons and skills in doing so- the only thing that binds them together is a need to see healing take place.

Category: TheNam

Page last modified on June 11, 2006, at 10:44 PM