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(continued from The Walking Wounded Deux)

Gillian stepped into the crisp night air, and found herself surrounded by woodland monstrosities. Treants, dryads, Night Wolves, and a Host of Unseelie. They were facing off against a moderately sized army of white cloaked humans, who were accompanied by towering suits of living armor. At the moment, there appeared to be a parlay taking place between the two groups. Two of the figures seemed vaguely familiar, but the distance and poor lightning hindered her view.

Blood stained the grass and gravel road; fallen soldiers littering the landscape. Dryads stalked amongst them, culling the wounded. Dancing wildly, violently, the woodland creatures decorated their branches with the entrails of their fallen enemies. One had cloaked herself with a bloodied flag - the heraldry of Kashfa.

Behind Raina's army, refugees - Kayatan and humans alike - gathered in small bands and around camp fires. Chirurgeons - like the one now in Amber - helped the wounded and fed the hungry. The refugees, while nervous about their strange host's appearance, weren't about to refuse the aid.

Raina nodded to Gillian, heading toward the parley. "Malachi has arrived with Prince Corwin, it seems. I'm relieved. I thought more Kashfans were arriving. Or Prince Julian, worse yet." She smiled softly, "And the castle? We saw flashes in the distance."

Gillian fell into step beside Raina. "It was attacked as well. Trump gate, I think. Rinaldo seemed to be good at them. He's dead now." She sighed and ran a hand over her face. "He attacked the Queen. I was there, tried to stop him, but he stabbed her anyway."

"Good. Rinaldo's crimes knew no bounds," Raina muttered foully. "He was sacrificing katayan prisoners to the Fount of the Four Worlds to empowering his Trump magick."

Gillian looked at her sharply. "I didn't know that."

"If he had had his way, he would have turned Begma into a charnel house to further his goals. Lakan - do you remember him? His people are almost gone now. Used to create living Trump Gates." She tightened her mailed fist.

"There is so much to do..." she said, sounding tired.

Gillian stopped and laid a hand on Raina's arm. "Raina, we need to talk. Before we join the parley. Did you know that the Nyx was summoned? And should be here soon?"

Raina paused, blinking. "No. I was unaware of this." She glanced back at the Host, "That may explain why Rusalka has been suffering from night terrors recently. Normally, I can calm them for her, but these have been. . . taxing for her."

She stared at Gillian, hard. "When does it arrive and what can we do? I've not bled and fought to bring these refugees to their doom."

Gillian frowned. "Bob said seventy-two hours give-or-take when I talked to him last, which I think was yesterday morning. I went out into shadow briefly after that, but I don't know how the time conversion worked, and when I came back to Amber we were in the middle of a war. I've lost track. But soon. Two days at the most.

"As to what to do, I was hoping Sand would have some insight or knowledge of the Nyx, anything at all that we may have missed, but that doesn't look to be the case."

The whole sacrifice thing was looking more and more bleak. She certainly didn't want to sacrifice herself for all eternity, but she didn't want to see Cole or Random in that position, either. If anyone, she'd prefer to pin it on Fiona, but the likelihood of the pieces falling into place to manage that seemed pretty remote.

Gillian shrugged and forced a smile for Raina. "No matter. There's a half-baked magical plan to deal with the Nyx once she manifests. You can contribute by joining forces with Amber to help keep her curtained while the plan is put into effect. Either Caine or Gerard would be good to contact to coordinate things. Probably Gerard over Caine."

Gillian paused and shrugged again. "Or you can leave. But if we don't succeed, the Nyx will go on a shadow-consuming spree and eat everything between here and the Courts."

"I'm not about to abandon the people we bled and died for to protect," came a sharp hiss. Her expression softened almost as quickly; shamed. "I'm sorry. We've... suffered and witnessed much recently."

Raina's shoulders fell, and for an instant Gillian could see the apprehensive girl she'd met what felt like a lifetime ago. "I... Sand... don't know much about the Nyx. Our specialty was more dreams and warfare. The Nyx resonates in Limbo - the realm of dreams Sand uncovered. Nightmares really. It's how it subtly influences Creation. But beyond that, we know as much as you do."

She frowned. Weighing her next words. "Is Temnal part of this plan? Because... he's going to betray you."

Gillian felt her knees go weak and she stumbled backward a step before righting herself. "Wh-what? How? Why?"

Raina's gaze became distant, "I've seen his dreams. Something haunts them. Binds him to the Nyx through the blood. His Duk'zarist blood. The Shadow Souls worship She Who Waits Below, did you know? And their males are given over to her to sate her appetites. Or so the story is told. But it is much more than that. They become one with her protector; the Blind Bull. He may not even realize what he is doing, but his very soul is bound to fulfill that Duty.

"He's been running from it all his life. But, when the time comes, his destiny will overshadow his desires."

Gillian stared at Raina, trying to process what she'd told her. "But he merged with an Amber royal. Wouldn't that overshadow his Duk'zarist blood?"

“Blood has typically won out over Soul,” Raina said softly. “That danger will remain ever-present when the Nyx arrives. You must keep an eye on him and be ready to…” She paused, flinching. “Do what you must, if and when the time comes.”

She managed a smile, “He does have his Goddess. Maybe his Faith will stem his traitor’s heart.”

Up ahead, Gillian could see Malachi and Lakan approaching. They appeared deep in discussion.

[Continued in Meeting in Arden]

Page last modified on May 27, 2014, at 02:32 PM