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Index Amber Court Threat Priya the Currents of Diplomacy

Priya, with Ostegos by her side, reach the threshold of the anteroom to the Great Hall. Inside, there is a swirl of dignitaries, nobles, emissaries, representatives and even royals.

Some of the Golden Circle representatives, like Ferla Quist of Begma, for example, Priya recognizes, others Priya only knows by reputation.

Also present nearby, prominently, already in a conversation are Meriel, and along with her, Prince William of Amber. Further along, Martin is holding a conversation with Prince Gerard. Something odd, and mechanical stands next to Martin.

Castor is circulating through the room, greeting people, although his attention has not swept back to the entrance where Priya and Ostegos enter.

It would seem the currents of diplomacy while waiting for the main hall to open would allow Priya, if she so chose, to go on a charm offensive to a target of her own choice.

This, would be what I detest most about Court life. This open teeming reef of innuendo, shell games and political manuevering. Currents fraught with hopes and greed and everyone swims around trying to present their best colors. Boredom, malice and opportunity make a toxic combination.

"Let us see if we can find an honest conversation." I murmur to Ostegos as I pause in the doorway to survey the room.

"Is there such a thing here?" Ostegos responds, murmuring, as if echoing Priya's very thoughts.

"Anything is possible." I reply quietly.

I begin with the Begman, a simple greeting as I step into the tide. I imagine it will carry me past Meriel and Prince William, but I do not make a point of approaching them.

Ambassadress Ferla Quist glides past Meriel and William to meet Priya and Ostegos halfway along the length of the current between them. A couple of curious and interested emissaries shoot querying looks in Priya's direction, but none disturb her chosen target.

The Begman queries an eyebrow as they meet, as if trying to place, recognize Priya, but not succeeding.

She gives a nod of the head and a smile to Priya and Ostegos both.

"Ferla Quist, the emissary from Begma." she says by means of greeting.

I nod, knowing full well who she is. "Priya Luur, currently Rebma's emissary." I offer a smile, a tone of self-depreciation, acknowledging that I am not her equal in this role and I do not expect her to remember who I am. I do not immediately introduce Ostegos, waiting to see how the discussion goes.

Ferla gives a glance in Ostegos' unnamed direction, and then turns her attention back firmly toward Priya. Ostegos remains silently attentive rather than offering to reduce himself.

"Priya Luur." Ferla furrows her eyebrows slightly as she responds, clearly trying to place the name. "I've heard of and seen a court sorcerer in Queen Moire's Court, more the remarkable in Rebma for being a man, named Minos Luur. Are you a relation of his by any chance? Or, perhaps I should say, are you are the daughter of his wife?"

"Since my mother does not reside in Rebma, I rarely stand on form." I smile, offering a slight bow and a smile at the recognition. "I am the sorcerer's daughter. This is Ostegos."

"A pleasure" Ostegos says smoothly, with a short, military bow.

"Indeed." Ferla says in response. She regards Ostegos for a moment longer, and then turns to look at Priya. "Daughter of the Court Sorcerer of Rebma, here in Amber." She puts a finger to her lips, and takes a thoughtful look at Priya. "It would be irresponsible for me to speculate what might bring you here to the Court of Amber, aside from being Rebma's emissary. I suspect, given your line, that is hardly the entirety of the matter. Her Majesty does not do things simply."

"If I were the wagering sort..." She glances in the direction of Martin, and the strange mechanical man standing next to him. Ferla then looks back at Priya. "...perhaps it is some matter regarding the arcane arts?"

"If you were the wagering sort, it would have been for the win. But that need has been satisfied and now I think I am trusted to hold the post until someone professional can be found. Since, as you've observed, Her Majesty does not do things simply, it will not be the easiest search." I spare Martin and whatever he has with him a look. "Fortunately, I've no doubt that my time here will be ...interesting."

"That would be well." Ferla responds with a nod and a smile at the confirmation of her suspicion. Her smile modulates and she continues to respond. "An ambassadorial or embassy posting, even if it is entwined with a matter much more suited your temperment, would be unbearable if it committed the sin of being deadly dull." she says. Ferla shakes her head slightly.

"I've been trying to guess where your bodyguard is from, however." Ferla adds after a moment, giving a glance to Ostegos again before looking at Priya. "He's not a Rebman, but I admit that I can't place his origin."

"Thera" Ostegos says with a nod to Ferla. "I am from Thera."

"Thera?" Ferla says, and then looks at Priya quizzically.

"It is quite some distance. My studies sometimes allow me to travel broadly." I smile, a slight shrug. "Thera has a temperment akin to Rebma's, built closely to the sea with many harbors and moats of ocean. A beautiful place if you can reach it."

"Perhaps in the Silver or even the Bronze Circle." Ferla murmurs, mostly to herself. She smiles slightly, as if satisfied with Priya's answer and her own explanation for it. Ostegos says nothing, merely responding with a small nod.

"It would make sense that you would seek out such a shadow." she says, now more directly to Priya and Ostegos. "Better that than the iciness of DuMarque, or the unpleasant desert of Kashfa." Her tone of voice as she names the latter shadow is one of only barely repressed hostility.

"Kashfa does not suit me." I agree, making note of her sentiment. "With sufficient need I can make myself comfortable anywhere I am required to be, but thus far need has spared me." I shrug, not going further into that. "There are lovely places to visit, explore and several have schools worth attending. Father spoke once at The Academy in ErKus. The coast is beautiful and I returned for several more lectures. They are a challenging, entertaining and enlightening community. I enjoy the visits and the discussions."

The mention of ErKus and the Academy seems to put Ferla's agitation much at ease.

"I'm an inland kind of woman." she says. "However, the coast of Begma is beautiful, and our lifeline to shadows other than Amber. The Lord Mayor of ErKus has done good work in supporting the Academy over the years. I am pleased...and not surprised! that your father would be invited to speak there."

"Or that you would find it favorable as well, given your already admitted following in your father's footsteps." Ferla adds.

At this point, the main doors to the Throne Room start to open, even as more people start to come into the anteroom from the entrance.

Once the doors fully open, amplified with some sort of spell (Priya is very sure), the voice of Lord Henden rings out from the Throne Room into the anteroom,and likely, beyond.

"Princes, Princesses and all attendees of Court. This session is now declared open. You may enter."

"It seems the show is about to begin. I am curious to what will be the most pressing matter for the day will be..." I turn to watch the thong of people. The milling reminding me of schooling fish. So much easier to hunt when they bunch up in places such as this.

"No doubt there will be several." Ambassador Quist replies. "Now, if you will excuse me, Lady Priya Luur, it is indeed time to take my place. May you be equally successful in yours this morning."

Ferla gives a nod of the head, and melts into the crowd of people heading into the throne room.

I offer a slight bow and turn my attention to the room.

"Well." Ostegos says "I don't know the protocol of this court, but I think we just enter, yes?"

"Yes. Though I am in no rush." I watch, moving a step or two, but staying back from the crowd and content to allow the bulk of them to pass into the room before I do.

"Very well." Ostegos says. "I hear something happening though..." Ostegos and Priya, though, are free to enter into the throne room at last, behind most of the other guests.

Page last modified on October 13, 2008, at 11:02 PM