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SB: Swan/Espérance/Orcini/Alex: All Roads Lead to Chaos

The runes that are glowing start to change colors, cycling from their standard white, to red, and down the color spectrum to colors beyond violet that the Chaosians can only see with effort. The cycle begins again in the infrared and repeats, faster and faster each time. A low sound, like a drum machine, is heard, and felt in everyone's bones.

After two minutes of this aural and visual onslaught, there is a tingling sensation from head to toe.

And the room disappears...

When the universe reappears, after what feels like two more minutes where there is no sense of space, the group is suddenly in another circle, on a plinth, at one end of a large white room. Everyone feels nauseated, and the only thing keeping them from dry heaves is the food and drink.

The room appears to be an office of some kind, with red and red and black-clad figures writing at desks. One of them rises and briskly move to the circle upon the group's appearance.

"Come on, come along" one of the red dressed figures says, waving at a few of his fellows to come and aid. "The transport can cause temporarily debilitating symptoms but they will pass."

"Welcome to the Thelbane." one of the red and black figures says.

"One of our Ambassadors must think highly of you to allow you to use a Circle." a figure at the back of the room,. a short dark bespectacled man says. He is dressed in silver and black and tapping the ground with a cane ahead of him as he maneuvers through the rows of desks toward the circle.

"The transport is from the City of Brass, milord Rubin" one of the red dressed figures says to him.

"Ah, Ambassador Ingrey." Lord Rubin says. "Did one of you beat him at cards?"

Espérance just smiles slightly. She didn't realize Ingrey played cards.

Swan, still tasting spiders in the back of her throat, put up a hand. “I’m your Huckleberry. Yeah, Ingles folded like a cheap shirt.” She gags again, bending over to get some air. “Slap my ass and call me Susan, they need a warning on that ride. Muh-uh.”

Even through her own bouts of nausea, Alex's hand slides sensuously over Swan's ass. "Your wish is my command, Susan," she murmurs with a smirk before straightening up and shuddering the last of the sickness away.

Swan gives a low purr, “Doll, you keep that up and we’re gonna be In flagrante delicto here in a second.” She straigthens up, shirking off the last discomforts.

Orcini begins to take a step forward and feels his stomach lurch at the effort. Steeling himself he completes the step and decides to declare victory and not move again for a time. "Not exactly, milord Rubin, though his poker face was put to good use in negotiations." Orcini stops speaking lest more than words escape his mouth. He makes a note to teleport in a form lacking a digestive system in future.

Cazaril puts a hand on Orcini's shoulder for support. Kolfa, Hugo and Huttner flank Espérance. The latter looks as uncomfortable as Orcini.

"There appears to be an inconsistency in your accounts." Lord Rubin says. He continues picking his way forward, cane tapping, until he stands a few feet in front of the group. "No matter. If you were seriously lying, the transport would cause more than digestive upset." At this close range, its clear to the group that he has completely black orbs instead of ordinary colored eyes. He turns his head toward one of the figures. "While they recover...What do we have?"

"Scions of Sawall, mostly, milord." the figure says. "Also, a Jesby, a bound demon, and a child of Amber. One of the Sawalls is carrying some sort of arcane explosive material I've not seen the likes of outside of a Helgram laboratory. And she bears a strange...imprint. The child of Amber does as well."

"Interesting. I see what you mean." Rubin interrupts. He lifts his cane and points it at Swan and then Alex. "Your Twisted Patterns burn in my altered Sight. Have a care with them."

Swan stares back at Rubin and considers ’imprinting’ him upside the head with that cane of his. There are a few things she’s never liked in life: bad food, Dad, bad sex, Rap, Dad, infomercials, doilies. And being pointed at, especially with objects. “Yeah. I’ll take that under advisement, pal.”

Alex's own eyebrow raises, though she makes no reply. She isn't particularly pleased with being pointed at either. It makes her want to dive to the side and throw one of the.... how did he put it? 'Arcane explosive material not seen the likes of which haven't been seen outside of a Helgram laboratory.' But here isn't the best time for that. 'Amend that', she tells herself. 'NOW is not the best time. Here there's a chance of it happening at some point.'

"Milord, one of the Sawalls carries a puissant weapon of Chaos. Lord Cazaril and the Knight Orcini would appear to have precedence of Rank."

Once again, Orcini does nothing to correct the change in his Rank. He stands a little straighter now as his body recovers from the transport.

"Which of them carries the weapon?" Rubin says.

"Neither. The one to whom the demon is bound bears it." the figure replies.

Rubin casts his dark eyes in Espérance's direction. "What grants you the rank and right to bear such a prize?"

"It was a present," Espérance replies coolly, "from my mother." She pauses a beat before adding, "Dara."

Orcini is content to let Espérance fight this battle on her own. However, he does nod in confirmation after her statement for any of the Thelbane staff looking for such signs.

Rubin looks at the clerk. "I thought you said that Lord Cazaril Despilson and Knight Orcini had precedence of Rank?"

"Milord" the clerk says plaintively. "She identified herself as the child of someone named Saint Vier. Perhaps there is some rule of identifying the paternity as the dominant name where she comes from, even if she is a child of the Queen Mother? Neither she nor Alex daughter of Dalt are identified in the list of claimants to the throne. Espérance must not be used to our ways."

"Maybe" Rubin says, frowning, and turns back to regarding the group. He points the cane again at Cazaril. "Then, milord , you have been negligent in teaching the daughter of the Queen Mother proper etiquette and procedure."

"Have a care, Lord Rubin." Cazaril says coldly. "I don't care if you can see the cold lines of reality with that odd sight of yours. I am still The Athas. I outrank you. And when she truly understands Court etiquette, I'd be concerned about my charge seeking a duel of honor with you. The Queen Mother did not gift her the sword for ceremonial reasons."

"I would be your second" Kolfa says quietly in Espérance's ear. "Should you ever issue such a challenge."

Rubin considers this for a long moment. He then starts to look at Espérance and then gestures to the entire group. By this point, the worst effects of transport are past and walking and talking at the same time is a real option again.

"If offense was taken, then my words should be cast into the Abyss and forgotten." Rubin says. "My words to all of you."

"In other words" Huttner says lowly, for the benefit of Espérance, Swan and Alex "please forget this so I don't get challenged to a duel by one of you for being a twit"

Alex quickly turns her uncontrolled laughter into a cough. "Sorry," she says after a moment to collect herself again into some semblance of proper etiquette. "Got something stuck in my throat." She spares a sidelong glance and a smile smile for Huttner.

Swan smirks, talking in a quiet voice, “He apparently don’t glom that Amberites have a whole different take on duels with knobs. Sorta shoot-first-challenge-later.”

Espérance only snorts softly. "I only fight duels with twits if I'm getting paid for it," she states. "Otherwise I'd never get anything else done."

"How much would I have to pay you to duel him?" Huttner says quietly to Espérance.

"Huttner" Cazaril says in a warning tone. He then looks to Lord Rubin.

"If there is no further business with us, Lord Rubin, the Knight and I have our charges to see to. If you will direct us to the current way out of Thelbane and to the Plaza?"

"What is the current time?" Rubin says to one of the red-and black dressed clerks.

"A quarter into Bluesky." the clerk replies.

"Ah, then the shortest exit from here right now would be out and through the Weronika Hall, down each of the the Seven Orthogonal Passages, and across the Roche Junction. You will then be in the Hall of Announcement at the entrance, and can thereby exit." "Good day." he adds in a tone of dismissal.

"Fair turning, Lord Rubin," Orcini replies.  "May the Serpent's coils grip you lightly."  Orcini moves to leave the arrival chamber but paces himself to stay behind Cazaril presuming that The Athas is more conversant with the ways of Thelbane.

Espérance also gets ready to follow Cazaril, making sure that Kolfa and Hugo stay close.

Cazaril takes point and lead in heading through Thelbane.  Confident that everyone is following along, he leads the group out and through.  Huttner takes the rear, instinctively. Kolfa and Hugo flank Espérance.

The geometry and layout of the passage through is something that Espérance, Swan and Alex might argue about, if they can really wrap their heads around it, afterwards.  Let it be said that the trip at a couple of points involves some rather improbable maneuvers, including what looks like a case of localized gravity, traveling from a floor that turns into a side wall and ultimately a ceiling.

And the Roche Junction where it appears at one point that the group can see the backs of their own heads?  Perhaps that might be too outré to mention, too.

Cazaril takes it all in stride, moving briskly, keeping the group going along. He is as confident here as Orcini on the mountain, or  Espérance on the rooftops of home, or Swan in the alleys of shadow, or Alex in the Arcology.

Finally, though, the group can step outside of the Thelbane and onto the cobblestones of the Plaza at the End of the World.  The enormous looming Thelbane behind them is matched by a building certainly familiar to Orcini, reaching just as high or not as higher.  The sky is a solid blue, with another color creeping over the edge of the horizon. Oh, and then there is the reason the Plaza is named as such. Orthogonal to the axis on which the Thelbane and the Church sit is a drop into...infinity.  Just looking in that direction is dizzying, disorienting, or possibly even nauseating.  From the perspective of the Plaza, it looks like all the world is perched on the precipice of falling into that endless void.

"Steady yourselves," Cazaril warns.  "You can't actually fall into it unless you go right to the edge."

Swan snorts, “I’ll try to take that on faith, Caz.”  She follows his lead, sticking close to Alex; a protective hand around the woman’s waist.

Espérance doesn't normally have a problem with heights, but even she finds the apparent drop vertiginous.  She winds a hand into the fur of Hugo's shaggy neck, and stays close to Cazaril.

"It is an eternal reminder of one's limitations."  Orcini comments. "Still, it is best not to dwell on such things too long.  Best to be about our business.  Before the other dominant of the plaza notices who you are walking with."  Orcini chuckles as he gestures towards the Church.

"Too right." Cazaril says.  "Fortunately the rules of Chaosian geography mean that the House Royal is at the start of the Boulevard, which has its endpoint...right there." Fortunately, the way Cazaril points is 180 degrees away from the vertigo inducing sight of the Void.

"So, a short walk, we're inside, away from Grammatons, church officials, Jesby assilants.  No offense" he says to Kolfa.

"None taken" she says smoothly.

"...and anything else that might come after us.  Let us proceed."

Cazaril leads the procession across the plaza and to the aforementioned Boulevard.  It runs down and out of sight in a slightly curving line, large edifices, more castles and mansions than houses, lining the street.

"Sawall, Hendrake, Helgram and Minobee." Cazaril points in turn to the four closest ones.  "The House Royal and the current highest ranked Houses.  Chaosian geography responds to rank and prestige.  Were Hendrake to fall into scandal or disgrace, it would no longer be located next to the House Royal." Cazaril explains.

"And if another House took the throne, say some generations on," Espérance asks, "would it take that top spot?"

"Yes" Cazaril says. "Sawall moved into this spot upon the ascension of your brother. During the interrengum between Emperor Swayvill's death and his crowning, no house held that spot, but the spots below it changed hands nearly every turning."

"All of the assassinations, duels and deaths in the game of thrones." Huttner adds.

[Cazaril] turns onto a short path off of the boulevard, more like a sidewalk to the front door of the gothic black spired building.  The darkness of the black walls is relieved by silver, giving the look of black brickwork with silver mortar as the architectural facade.

The 7 foot tall  shaggy black haired bull-headed demons that stand at the door with large war hammers propped against the wall just within their long reach regard the group as they approach. Their horns are tipped with silver.

"Lord Cazaril, the Athas." they salute him immediately by punching their chests with both balled fists simultaneously.

"Peace be with you." Cazaril says. "I return to the House, as does Huttner, and his brother Orcini.  You recognize them, do you not?"

"We do" the demons say in unison after a glance at Orcini and Huttner each.

"I bring a guest to House Sawall from the Courts of Amber, Swan, of the line of Prince Caine.Know her under the rules of guesting" Cazaril says, waving her to come forward.

Swan steps forward and gives a refined curtsey - its perfection revealing that she actually did receive some formal instruction during her misbegotten life. The image dispels the moment she casts a wicked smirk in Alex's direction.  "Yeah, yeah."

"We Know her now." the demons say, again, synchronized.

"I also bring two fosterlings," Cazaril continues. "You will know them as scions of House Sawall."

"Come up here, Alex and Espérance" Cazaril commands.  "They need to have your scent.  Kolfa and Hugo should come too, and be recognized as bound to you, Espérance."

Espérance steps forward.  She restrains herself from extending the back of a loosely fisted hand to the demon guards, the way she would to a strange dog.

Alex takes a step forward, remaining completely still as the separate her scent from those around her. When it seems to be safe to do so, she reaches a hand back for Swan, wanting her by her side when they enter the House.

Swan’s hand found Alex’s, lacing fingers as natural as breathing.  She whispered near the woman’s ear, “I’m here, baby.”

The Demons step forward, and raise their heads and sniff the air around Alex, Espérance, Hugo and Kolfa

"We smell the blood of the Queen Mother within her," the Demons say. "We recognize her bound demon as near kin, and we sense the House Jesby upon this one." The demon tips its horned head in Kolfa's direction.

"Your senses do you credit." Cazaril says. "These are all true".

"Kolfa is nevertheless under my protection," Espérance says.

"We recognize this." the Demons say.  "We scent the blood of Lord Jurt in this one." they say, smelling Alex. "We also smell the recent scent of the child of Amber overlaid upon her. Clearly they are..."

"Umm, yes." Cazaril interrupts. "That's quite enough."

Swan sniffs herself and shrugs, “Well, maybe if I had gotten a shower now and again. Not high living on this trip, you know.”

"Now, let us be inside, and about our business." Cazaril adds.

With no further ado, he leads the group  past the demons, and into the entry hall of Sawall.

The entry hall is a tall crowded collection of ramps and staircases running in all of the cardinal directions.  People pass through and around them on mysterious errands.  A few give tips of the head to Cazaril.

The open area has a twenty two foot tall sculpture of a nude woman collapsing under the burden of a large sphere of the same glossy black stone that she is carved from.

"They've changed the installation." Huttner says. "This used to be in the Maze of Art."

"Well, now, we are on safe ground." Cazaril says. "As safe as can be found."

"Our long journey is nearly complete." he says to Alex, cracking a smile.

"Lady Dara will know you are here in short order." Huttner says to Espérance.

"I can't wait," Espérance replies, deadpan.

Swan chuckles, “Ooooo… mommy dearest.  Remember, Ezzy.  No wire hangers.”

Cazaril turns to Orcini.  "Doubtless the Keeper will wish to see you. I would like to be present, for he may wish to question all of those who were on the Mountain.  At the moment, however, Huttner and I must complete our mission to the Queen Mother and present Espérance and Alex before we do anything else. You might come with us, of course, but if you would not rather the attentions of the Queen Mother fall upon you, we will certainly understand."

"If you have learned nothing else about me during our brief sojourn together, Lord Cazaril, you have surely noticed that I have never chosen the easy way through life."  Orcini smiles thinly.  "I shall go with you."

A barking laugh from Swan, “Then you’re with the right group, doll.”

"Then you are welcome to come with us, Orcini." Cazaril says, a pleased tone.  "We can head directly to DaraWays"  He looks at the collection of stairs and ramps, in thought, briefly.  "Down through the Penderghast Gallery and past FrohockWays, I think, would be best."

"Cazaril" Huttner interrupts.  "Swan did have a  good point about showers.  Certainly my brother and I would appreciate an opportunity to immerse ourselves and clean ourselves up before meeting the Queen Mother. There are places in our family's Ways that do not require breathing water that might be useful for the purpose."

"The Queen Mother's orders are quite clear." Cazaril says. "Bring Espérance and Alex to her, immediately."

"You would know better, Cazaril, being her nephew, but I have heard she appreciates good grooming. It would reflect poorly on us if we brought Espérance and Alex in a disheveled state."

"Perhaps. And perhaps they would rather have the meeting, sooner rather than later." Cazaril says.

Cazaril gives a questioning look to everyone else.

Swan looks right back at him, inelegantly lifting an eyebrow.  “Like ~I’m~ gonna nix the chance for soaping up my pink parts.”  She glances over at Alex and smirks, “Amongst others.”

With a shrug, she adds, "But if we gotta, we gotta.  I'm a stranger in these lands, doll.  Like I know Chaosian protocol on B.O."

Espérance looks back at him and points out in a flat voice, "She's presumably been waiting for at least thirty years.  I don't think an extra hour or so will kill her."

An hour later, Espérance, Alex, and Swan (and Cazaril, Kolfa and Hugo as well) have learned the extent of Huttner and Orcini's family's hospitality.

The Ways of the family of the Marid-descended Sawalls is a complex of passages, almost all of them with a sunken bathing pool, and many of them with founts that appear to be entry and exit points from a parallel, and perhaps more complicated set of water-filled passages. While the group relaxes in a large room that has a trio of bathing pools, one hot, one tepid, and one cold, and in the midst of soaking in the hot pool, Huttner explains.

"Much of the family quarters are beyond the water-gates.  It's not exactly closed off to visitors, most Chaosians can water breathe enough to manage the trips without too much trouble. But its a subtle reminder of our ancestry and how our Ways are arranged, public and private areas. This is much more our climate.  We even rent out the baths on occasion to other cadet branches of Sawall on occasion. Now, the proper way to go through the pools is to go to the tepidarium, next, and then finish out with the cold pool..."

There are bath servants, the Cray, a race of scaled, downright fishy humanoids that do not speak intelligibly to anyone save Orcini and Huttner, gathering wet towels, providing soaps, brushes and other bath products.

Espérance feels considerably refreshed after a chance to bathe thoroughly (including a shampoo), brush out and rebraid her long hair, and don fresh clothing; clean shirt, closefitting breeches, and an embroidered vest.  She also carefully brushes her hat with the white plume before replacing it on her head, gives her boots a once-over with a damp cloth, and hangs her sword in its customary place on her belt.  She allows Draconis Argentum to remain in its bracer form on her right wrist.

"Thank you for your hospitality." Cazaril says to Huttner and Orcini. "After we meet with the Queen Mother, I will have to give my regards to the heads of your sub-House." He regards one of the water-gates thoughtfully as he does so.  He turns back to look at the group.

"Now, I think it is time for us to see the Lady of Sawall, without much more delay."

"I'm ready," says Espérance.  She looks a query at Kolfa and Hugo.

Hugo thumps his tail, once.

"What he said." Kolfa says, amused.  "Best to get this done."

Without much further ado, and in short order, Cazaril and Huttner lead the group, now clean and refreshed, through another set of confusing corridors, passages, galleries, rooms, stairs, ramps, and at one point, a room that consists of plateaus with sheer sides that require some jumping and maneuvering to make sure everyone can navigate the space safely.

Espérance finds this sufficiently like navigating rooftops that she has little trouble with it.

A half hour. perhaps, later, the group is cooling their heels in an anteroom.  Dara's majordomo, a towering being whose lower half seems to trail away into insubstantiability bades the group wait while she informs the Queen Mother of 'the interruption'.

And so the group cools their heels a few more minutes in high backed, severe chairs.

Finally, the Queen Mother comes out, a dark haired woman, surprisingly young looking, a vision in a silk dress done in silver, with a black pattern of some sort that is not immediately clear.

(Casting call: Janine Turner)

Cazaril is already on his feet and walking toward her, with a bow.

Espérance rises at the same time, but for the moment does not approach the Queen Mother.

"Milady Queen Mother, lady of Sawall, Aunt Dara" Cazaril says.  "I present to you your niece, Alexandra, and your daughter, Espérance."

Dara waves a hand, palm upward, toward Cazaril as she crosses the room toward the chairs where the group had been sitting.

"Thank you, Cazaril." she says in a not-quite-dismissed-tone  "You can tell me of the others with you, in a moment."

Her progress toward the other side of the room changes, subtly, taking a long look at Espérance and Alex.

"Well.  My son will be pleased." Dara says to Alex. "As am I. Welcome, the both of you."

Espérance sweeps off her plumed hat and makes a formal bow.  "My lady."  She has no intention of addressing Dara as "Mother" until Dara does something actually to merit that form of address.

With uncharacteristic decorum, Swan tries to make herself scarce; hovering in the background.  Bad enough that she’s a mongoose in a snake house, but having done the nasty with the Queen’s niece might diminish the meet n' greet.  Better she just be scarce than striking.

She spends most of her time simply watching how a Serpent court works.  After all, she might be here for awhile yet.

Orcini also attempts to blend into the background and squelches an impulse to do it literally.  Chameleon skin was a trick he employed on occasion but he knew it would not serve him here.  Orcini stands straight and awaits his turn for notice.

Dara regards Espérance for a moment, studying her, She gives a nod.

"Greetings, child." Her eyes flicker to Hugo, who has taken a position next to Espérance and then back at the swordswoman.

"I see the demon has bonded fully and firmly to you. And you must tell me of your father, of course."

She then turns toward Alex.

"Cazaril has seen to your education on the journey here as well, I trust?"

"Now, of these?" Dara says to Cazaril.

"Ah, yes." Cazaril says.

"This is Kolfa, who has pledged fealty to Espérance in exchange for her life."

Dara gives Espérance a quizzical look.

"House Jesby," is all Espérance replies for the moment.

"You will remember, Huttner, who accompanied me on the expedition?" Cazaril continues

"Yes, yes." Dara says, nodding briefly at Huttner. She then looks toward Orcini. Cazaril picks up on this immediately.

"This is Orcini, Huttner's brother, Knight in the Church of the Serpent."

Orcini bows low as befitting Dara's rank. "Queen Mother, I thank you for the welcome shown by the members of your house. May the Serpent's coils always grip the House of Sawall lightly."

"Well spoken. Welcome home to Sawall, Orcini." Dara replies.

Once the exchange is done, Cazaril gestures " And may I present Swan, daughter of Prince Caine of Amber."

Dara regards Swan. "The only daughter I know of well is Cyllene. Your half-sister?" she enquires.

Swan rummages through her pockets to locate a gasper; more to hide the obvious anger boiling up in her than anything. After finding one, she jerks a nod and lights up. “Yeah, I’ve heard the name once or twice said through the laundry. She’s Daddy’s little girl. I’m just the Ejaculation. Your Highness.” She shrugs, blowing out a stream of blue smoke through clenched teeth.

"I had thought Prince Caine to be more clever." Dara says after a long moment, studying Swan with her gaze. "Is he still dead, do you know?" Dara pauses a beat and smiles slightly. "Not that I am contracting you, Swan, to end your father's life if he isn't."

Swan takes another long drag, “Nah. The latest rumble says the Big Sleep didn’t take. Still making happy with his twist and her brat.” She pushes off the wall with her shoulder, “And don’t be a bunny, Highness. I’d zotz that gunsel for coffee-n-donuts.”

She chuckles, giving Espérance a playful wink. "Family... ain't it grand?"

Espérance replies with a slight smirk. Family is not something she knows much about, except at second hand; hers has been largely absent for most of her life. She's made do with friends instead, to whom she tends to feel more of a connection.

Dara speaks "Cazaril, if you would take Alexandra" everyone can see how the full name tenses Alex, even as Dara seems not to notice or care "to the Quozl Hall, I believe your uncle is there waiting on pins and needles to meet his daughter."

"Your Highness" Cazaril says. He says something quietly into Alex's ear. She nods, curtseys to Dara, walks over to Swan and squeezes her hand and waves to all.

Exeunt Cazaril and Alex.

"In due time, I shall like some time with my own daughter" Dara continues, looking squarely at Espérance. "In the meantime, however, I shall like to know more how , when and why such a diverse group of people joined my nephew's expedition."

"Come" she says, turning and walking toward a sitting room.

Espérance prepares to follow, indicating with a look and a tilt of her head that Kolfa should come too. She keeps the fingers of one hand buried in the thick fur of Hugo's neck, as if for support or comfort.

Kolfa falls into line. Hugo takes Espérance's other flank.

Swan tags along, hanging back a little. “Well, I’m sort of the burr Alex and Caz picked up during a tussle. Bunch of orange-tights-Kool-aid-drinkin’ trigger boys were making a right mess of things. I had to express my concerns, which they took offense with. Outta nowhere, ‘Lex comes along and cooks them with some soup. Well, yer Highness, I love a woman with a tight ass and skills, so I tagged along.”

She gestures toward Espérance with her gasper, “They gave me the lowdown on your daughter here. How she was some lost, little lamb in need of a Bo-peep to keep the wolves off. Espérance snorts faintly at this characterization of herself.

And I never turn down an opportunity for the ultraviolence, so. . . here I is.”

"You have an extremely stylized and specialized dialect, Swan." Dara observes, as she leads the group into an intimate library. The transition is abrupt, and possibly an optical illusion, the hall outside looks impossibly far away. "I am not certain" she continues "I completely understand what you said."

"Welcome to the club," Espérance comments affably.

She sits down in a large padded chair, the largest and one of many, allowing her a view of everyone.

"Please sit. Swan was good enough to start the topic I had in mind, the story of your encounters in shadow in finding my..."

A servant appears at the entrance to the room.

"Yes?" she says impatiently.

"Your Highness. An urgent missve." He strides into the room and offers her an envelope. He holds another up "There is another message here for" he squints at the envelope. "Princess Swan?"

Dara makes an elegant motion of the head in Swan's direction.

Dara opens up her own envelope with a preternaturally sharp fingernail, revealing a letter. Her eyes turn a shade of crimson as she does so.

"He CANNOT do this!" she says, standing and turning her back on the room, storming in fury across the room. The letter sits on the chair where she left it.

"What does it say?" Huttner says to Swan.

"Ask him what he's paying," coolly recommends Espérance, who has meanwhile taken one of the chairs.

“Hah. Now wouldn’t that throw the old boy for a loop?” Swan chuckles.

 “I knew there was something I liked about you Ezzy.  That mercenary

spirit is very becoming.”

"But what relative of yours would also seek to send a missive to the Queen Mother?" Kolfa says to Swan.

Huttner snaps his fingers.

"The General!" Huttner says. "Prince Benedict of Amber. "Lady Dara's ancestor." Huttner says. "Lord Cazaril would know more. Met him on the battlefield, or so I have been told." he adds. He looks at Orcini. "Or have you, too, brother?"

Swan raises a brow, “Benny and Queenie are related? Huh. I must have been riding the rails when that scoop came down.” She ruffles her feathered hair angrily and groans, “Damnit. Normally, I’d tell him to piss up a rope, but Benny isn’t a torpedo you want up your rudder.”

She slumps into a chair by Espérance. She offers a faint smile, “So, I guess you and I are kissing cousins.”

Espérance recalls now that this -- Dara's, and thus her, descent from Benedict -- was mentioned before, but, "No, I think perhaps you weren't on in that act," she tells Swan.

Dara turns and walks back to the group.

"My apologies" she says, the mask slipping back into place. She picks up the letter and places it on a nearby table. "I believe we were discussing your trials and travails in getting here."

"How is your father?" she adds to Espérance.

"He is doing quite well," Espérance tells her. "We were able to meet with him and the Duke in Panaji. They're sightseeing, I believe."

Good" Dara says, with a smile of satisfaction.  "I should have

 anticipated he might be far from Riverside when Cazaril and

Huttner found you.  But, then a journey would have been good training for a journey across shadow."

 "If I understand Swan correctly..." she looks at Swan. "this turned
 out to be true?"

 "If that means having to fight off the incursions of House Jesby along

the way, yes it did," replies Espérance.

"And how has the Great Weapon responded to you?" she adds to Espérance .

 Espérance strokes Draconis Argentum, currently a bracer, with one

finger.  "We're getting along quite well, thank you," she informs her mother.  It is entirely unclear whether the thanks are for the weapon

 itself or a polite rejoinder to Dara's concern about the matter.

"The way you speak of it proves the truth of your words." Dara responds. "And if there was any doubt that you were my daughter, the response eliminates all of them."

Dara continues. "Tabling the matter of this letter for the moment, it pleases me that you have arrived here safely. And although you have had at least two tutors on the journey, I am certain, Espérance, you have questions. I would hear them."

The one Espérance has been nurturing all her life -- why her mother abandoned her -- is not one she expects to get a useful answer to under the circumstances, so she represses it.  Instead she asks, with a thin smile, "When do I get to meet this brother of mine?"

"I assume you mean Merlin." Dara smiles. "Technically, you have three brothers, Jurt, that's Alexandra's father, Despil, Cazaril's father, and the Emperor."

"The Emperor is the one I've heard most about," Espérance acknowledges.  "Though I wouldn't mind meeting the others, either ... given that I already get on pretty well with their children."

"I suspect that Merlin already knows you are here, and is going to make an appearance." Dara adds. "Nothing formal."

"Unless you were *looking* for a formal presentation in Thelbane?" Dara asks.

 Espérance snorts faintly.  "I can do formal," she says, "but I don't

go looking for it."

 "And I suppose you were looking for recompense of some sort?" she

adds, looking at Swan.

Swan shrugs with feline aplomb, “I wouldn’t stick up my snoot at some

 cabbage, Highness.  And Caz did mention as much.  Still, I found me a

tomato and a friend, so I’m not too light for the whole mess.”

 Dara blinks at Swan.  Her eyes flicker over the group.

"Your Highness." Huttner says.  "What Swan means to say is that she is looking for compensation. And Lord Cazaril did agree to payment, even though she found friends, of various sorts anyway."

Swan glances between the two, raising an annoyed brow.  “What?  You meats not savvy with gabbing?”

 "Thank you." Dara says to him. She looks at Swan.

 "Doubtless as a child of the Pattern you know the uselessness of most

gifts. What sort of compensation were you looking

 to obtain? Power? Education? Rank? Holdings?"

Swan makes a vague gesture in the air, “Back in the day, Caz mentioned shape-shifting.  That’d be a slice of pie for a trigger-girl like me. But a nice summer home would be green too.”

"We can certainly arrange for you to be trained in shape shifting. Swan." Dara says. "I recall telling your uncle Corwin a lifetime ago that Amberites all have the genes for it, and your grandfather Oberon certainly could. And I know for a fact that more of your generation than just Merlin have the capability. So, training with our Shifting Master, then? A fair price for the service you have performed."

 Swan nods.  “And a small shack to hang my shingle would be nice.

Although I’ll settle at Lex’s place, if one ain’t available.”  She

 smirks, “Probably be there most nights anyway.”

Dara purses her lips. "Are you *sure* you want a Ways in Chaos? I can grant you a small one, but your Uncle Random might be displeased. If you care about such things. Think about it."

“They haven’t done squat for me, so they shouldn’t expect a bootlicking,” Swan replies. She falls quiet, letting them talk Chaosian stuff.

Dara studies Swan.

"I see. That changes matters. Including a future pointed conversation with my Minister of Intelligence I need to have." Dara says.

Dara turns her gaze to her daughter. "Once Jurt is done talking to his daughter in private, we'll arrange a meeting with him.  Despil is currently visiting one of the other Houses in embassy but I expect

 him back soon."

"One thing that your bonded vassal will appreciate" Dara continues to Espérance "is the formal adoption process.  Since she has bound herself to you as fully as Hugo has, her rank and status are

 dependent on you having it."

"I may regret my asking this, especially with a variety of people

 present." Dara says. "but are you prepared for this,  Espérance?"

 Orcini remains quietly watching and listening during this whole

exchange.  He did not know the lay of the land and thus gathered intel rather than directly engage potentially hostile forces.  Still, he knew his turn would come.  The Queen Mother would want to know his place in this.

Espérance replies to Dara, "Prepared for the formal adoption process? Why don't you tell me what that entails?  Then I'd know better," she

 points out.

"The formal adoption ceremony is a ceremony conducted, with witnesses of the House and without, where your heritage and new place within the House are formally recognized." Dara explains. "An officer of the Church is traditional, and it does seem we have one handy." she gives a nod to Orcini. "You take a formal oath to House Sawall, and I take a formal oath of fealty as your Mother and parent. A small shedding of our blood, together, into basin is done, and that blood conjured into a formal symbol of the bond. You gain the name Sawall, and all the rights, privileges and duties of being my daughter."

"Banns are posted, and your rank in the succession to the House and to the Throne are then calculated. "Your hound, and your vassal would automatically be attached to you more formally than any oaths you have now, since you would have rank and status."

Espérance nods her comprehension. "Doesn't sound like anything I can't handle," she tells Dara.

"Good." Dara says. "I'll not have any daughter of mine suffer for lack of rank and status."

"Speaking of rank and status" Dara says, turning to look at Orcini. "I am curious how a Knight of the Grand Order became attached to the, ah, project of rescuing my daughter. I am pleased that your presence has aided to its success, Orcini, but I am rather surprised by it."

"Was it your idea?" she looks at Huttner. "You are his brother, are you not?"

Huttner holds his hands up, a little dumstruck. "No, your highness. It was not my idea, I mean. I was surprised that he had come when we encountered each other."

"Well, Knight?" she looks at Orcini.

Page last modified on January 09, 2012, at 11:31 PM