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Name: Mr. William Guppy

Family: None to speak of

Age: 23
Gender: Male
Hair: Dark, wavy, overdue for a haircut
Eyes: Dark
Height: Average (5'10" / 178cm - ish)
Weight: Slightly leaner than average
Appearance: Dresses to match situation, though on close inspection, his clothes are cheap imitations. The fabric is of lesser quality or the details are not quite right.
Place of Origin: Aquila city, originally from lower city, with ambitions to move up


Unpleasant. He's eager for a way to get ahead and is willing to skirt legal and moral boundaries to do it. He has no friends and sparse acquaintances.


Reporter for Aquila Awake, though the stories he writes are not attributed to him, often for good reason. He grew up in Aquila’s Lower City. He found some quick money as a youth, hawking copies of the broadsheet on street corners. Eventually he learned that he could turn things he overheard on the street into a little more coin. He saw it as his way out of the Lower City and is always looking for the next scoop. He admires Josh Salter more than anyone with a noble name.
He was recently part of a team assembled by Josh Salter to investigate the rumor that Stone Hoberty was not dead but in fact living in the Badlands of Aquila. Of course he jumped at the chance, with the side benefit of escaping the heat he was under for an etching and article concerning Romeo Acciaio (now diConsola) and an unnamed male. While there, the team discovered a bigger story, something that would affect the entire planet.


Primary: Investigative journalism (aka snooping)
Secondary: Writing (particularly creative)
Tertiary: Ability to hold his liquor


Not well-liked. Especially when recognized by a former subject of an article.
Lack of family and social connections
Does not ride a horse - never had the money to own one or learn to ride one
Page last modified on October 25, 2006, at 03:20 PM