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Lost Eggs

  1. foxbegin 1443895390a78912b0#



The Green Room for Lost Eggs

  1. foxbegin 1443976714a59534b0#

Greetings from the GM

  1. foxend 1443976714a59534b0#
  2. foxbegin 1444068626a12838b0#

Hey, the game is certainly surprising me so far. I am very intrigued and reading all threads with equal interest.

As expected, I've been watching for the particular ways that Players and GM decide to focus or gloss over complexities in this Grand Stair, especially as a clue for running games myself. I'm learning a lot so far.

Which means, thanks everyone.

  1. foxend 1444068626a12838b0#

(:foxappend commentform:)

  1. foxend 1443895390a78912b0#
Page last modified on October 05, 2015, at 06:10 PM