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"I think I'm just about done, and ready to end my first visit on a high note," the Novice said. "After all, better to come back a winner than to crawl back having you only know me as having lost," he grinned.

Fuego went back to his chair and recovered his cloak from the girl, exposing her to the room at large. "Fetch my tunic from where you left it," he chuckled as he patted her on the ass to sent her on her way.

"I think it was a capital time," he decided. "And the exact time to leave for the evening."

The Novice walked to join Fuego, his steps the carefully measured movement of a man who knows he is on the edge of being drunk and Will Not display it. "I want one more drink on the way out." He looked Fuego up and down. "And I suspect that while we both had strenuous evenings, I'll ache the more for it tomorrow."

"I'm sure that Electra would've been happy to massage away any aches or stiff muscles you might have," Fuego chuckled. "But another drink wouldn't be missed."

"So, what do you think of the Club?"

"I think a man could get into trouble here, if he didn't watch out," Devon said, making a quick face. He led the way to the bar, signaled for two drinks, and paid before taking one himself and giving the other to Romeo. "As for the rest... I don't know yet. I get the impression they," he nodded to where his recent opponent approached Mephistopheles, "will be interested in payback the next time I show myself in this place. Showing them up was likely not my best plan."

Romeo nods agreement. "Yes, but now you're a worth opponent," he explained. "They won't trifle with you without expecting a response. It's a two edged sword," he chuckled.

"Good to know. I'm not sure I could repeat it," he muttered. "Got lucky this time around."

He noticed the Cur's present returning with his shirt, clad again in the outfit she had discarded in the arcade. "She's really quite energetic," he observed. "I think it was just the Cur that gave her such a dour expression."

Devon glanced at her, then back at Romeo. "Well then, good of you to put a smile on her face. You sure you're ready to go? I could find my way out if you want to stay longer." He bolted back half the mug of beer.

Romeo chuckled. "No, tonight was for you, and I feel bad enough to have let you be caught by them in the first place."

"Although, this needs to be my last drink, else I'll have trouble making it back up the stairs to the plaza."

"We can stumble together, at least until it's time to part ways," Devon said with a laugh. "I'm more drunk than I've been in months... since I left home. My days of drinking in bad bars and ending in a fight are over, I suppose."

"No reason for that," Romeo answered as he shrugged on his tunic. He found a few coins in his purse and deposited one in her cleavage and another in the bottom of her outfit, taking her moment of shock at the latter to steal a farewell kiss.

"I know bad bars we could fight in," he chuckles as she wiggled from sight.

Devon watched Romeo with the girl, a faint scowl marring his expression. He shook his head. "I promised no more fights when I came here. I'm supposed to be getting through University, not getting myself killed. Or getting myself kicked out. S'pose this place is one outlet for all those behaviours I'm not s'posed to have... Dad'd kill me if he knew I was here."

"Yours and mine, both," he chuckled. "So, anything else before we go?" There was a smile on his face, compliments of the wine, or the girl, or maybe just the friendship. Whichever it was, Romeo seemed happy.

Devon let his gaze roam over the room, noting Lahire talking to Mephistopheles, then shook his head. "I'm halfway to drunk, and I don't want a girl tonight. So I think I'm ready to go."

"Definitely," Romeo answered linking his arm in Devon's and steering them toward the door and the ferry.

Page last modified on October 31, 2007, at 01:42 PM