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As Decuma emerged from the interrogation room, the two guards who'd been standing at the door of the next room saluted. "Remove the prisoner now, my lord?" asked one of them.

The door opened and Giulian emerged. He didn't say anything for the moment, awaiting Decuma's answer to the guard's question.

In answer, Decuma shook his head. "Let him sweat a while; perhaps fifteen to twenty minutes." He then turned to Giulian. "You heard? Shall we go somewhere more comfortable to discuss this?"

Giulian nodded. "Let's. Stay on guard outside the interrogation room," he told the guards, "and make sure nothing happens to him." Then he led the way down the corridor to a small conference room: windowless, but lamplit, and with comfortable chairs. He motioned Decuma to a seat before taking one himself.

"You got more than one name out of him," he observed. "Did you notice?"

Decuma smiled. "Harmon and Bailey... yes. Though I've a feeling Harmon may have been that guy I gutted on the way in the door...." Decuma shrugged.

"One of those you killed, anyway," Giulian agreed. "But the name may be of use in the investigation. I'll pass it on to Father."

"Yes, of course," Decuma responded, adding, "However, I think we need to concentrate on Bailey. I think he's our connection to Tonio -- and Elissa."

"It does seem that way. You think Bailey might have been the one she talked to, that night?"

"I do," Decuma confirmed. "Remember what Elissa said... about street justice? She wanted us to leave the kidnappers to her acquaintance and his cohorts. They have to be one and the same. They wouldn't have cared if the kidnappers hadn't been... what did Sanford say? On their 'turf.' They were doing business in a part of the city where they didn't have the right to conduct business." Decuma smiled, but it wasn't a friendly smile. "We find Bailey. We find Elissa."

"Maybe," Giulian said cautiously. "Bailey's 'turf' might not be the same as Tonio's. I'll have to look at those addresses I got."

Decuma's eyes lit up with interest. "Addresses?" Then he smiled, a genuine one this time. "What have you been up to, cousin?"

"Following up a lead Elissa herself gave me," answered Giulian, "while I was researching something else. Tonio ... Tonio is her uncle."

Decuma blinked. "Uncle! By marriage, I hope?"

"Mother's brother, she said," Giulian replied. "But there was some sort of family feud that led to his betraying Elissa's father."

"Bad blood, Jules..." Decuma frowned. "So, this is personal -- but he thought he'd get some gold out of it while he's at it by blackmailing you." Decuma put a hand on Giulian's shoulder. "If it is vendetta...." He shook his head and squeezed his shoulder. "It may already be too late."

Giulian swallowed, but shook his head. "I don't think it's that ... not precisely. If it were vendetta, Elissa should have been going after Tonio, not the other way about. And I think ... my informant would have said something."

"For your sake... and hers... I hope you are right." Decuma then returned to the subject. "And those addresses your 'informant' gave you? I wonder... if they match with some that I have received." Decuma brought out a small square and unfolded it, passing it over to Giulian. On it were three addresses.

Giulian scrutinized the paper for a moment and then said slowly, "I believe we have a match. What did your informant say about these addresses? That they were specifically connected with Tonio? Or something else?"

"I had these from a few informants... that one?" Decuma looked at the address Giulian was pointing at. "That one was connected to Tonio's activities... for the Hellfire Club."

"The Hellfire Club!" Giulian looked up at his cousin in consternation. He had never visited the notorious Club himself, but he'd heard plenty of rumors about it. "What does Tonio do in connection with the Hellfire Club?"

Decuma gave a faint smile at Giulian's reaction to the name. But the smile was brief as he thought of how to explain what it was Tonio did in a way that would not alarm Giulian. "He provides... companions... for the patrons' pleasures."

Giulian's expression went hard. "A procurer, then. I'm not particularly surprised. But that gives us another route of investigation, doesn't it?"

"Yes... I've already taken steps in that regard." Decuma looked at Giulian with a touch of sadness in his eyes.

Giulian paused, then said, "That's where you knew the name from. I could tell you recognized it."

Decuma mentally berated himself for again letting too much show on his face, but he nodded. "Yes. I did recognize the name. I imagine there are more 'Tonios' in Aquila than the one of whom I'd heard, but it was worth investigating, and it appears I may have been correct." His eyes met Giulian's, almost apologetically, as he added, "I know someone on the inside who is looking into procuring a ... companion ... of a certain description for me. I'm betting on Tonio's greed; that he will be unable to resist making a little extra on the side."

Giulian nodded, but said anxiously, "You don't think he'll scent the trap? Because of your connection to me?"

Decuma chuckled, "No, Jules. They won't know of any connection. After all you have no connection with Azrael."

"With who?" Giulian looked puzzled.

"Azrael. The name I use when ... I go to the Club," Decuma admitted. "There are only two individuals who know the two names in connection with each other. And I take every precaution to make sure that number will not grow."

"No one will learn of it from me," Giulian promised. His eyes meeting Decuma's held a trace of sadness, but also understanding. He'd known for a long time that Decuma had needs and appetites that Giulian himself did not share.

"I know. That's why I told you. I feel... safe... with you, Jules. Maybe more so than with anyone in all of Aquila or the Empire for that matter," Decuma confessed. "And I'd do anything for you, I hope you know that."

"I do know that," Giulian said quietly, "and I hope I don't abuse it." He smiled slightly. "That's why I know I can trust you to pursue this line of investigation, in your own way."

He sighed. "I'm not sure what I can do next. Have these addresses investigated, I suppose -- carefully, so that Tonio won't get wind of it. If we can find out where Elissa's being held ... even then, I'd rather strike obliquely. Maybe in several places at once, in different ways."

"You have my sword if you need it," Decuma vowed.

"I'd rather you take it easy with the sword for a while, Lupo," Giulian said gently. "At least until your stitches come out. Besides, after Renata's rescue, that's exactly the sort of thing they'll expect."

"Yes, you are probably right," Decuma allowed, though he didn't actually say that he'd go light on the sword, if it were necessary. He had to suppress a smile, as he thought about the encounter the day before at the coffee shop where he had met that intriguing Morgan Carlysle. He would have to go back and see how she was getting along.

"As for one of the addresses, I can tell you about it, if it would save you some time. My inside man said that it is an 'interview' facility for people wishing employment at the Club. I've already suggested that some type of investigation be done of the bedrooms there to see if a semi-permanent guest is residing in one. It may be more difficult than anticipated, as they do not encourage exploration by those going to interviews. But, I've been thinking that one of the 'masked' might be able to gain access where those without the mask might not."

"One of the members, you mean, rather than an employee," guessed Giulian. "I suppose they must exercise some sort of control? Some oversight?"

"I am quite sure that they do." Decuma smiled. "And Azrael has been approached before to do some of that... testing, as it were. I think perhaps now might be a time to take them up on the... offer."

After a moment, Giulian nodded. "As I say, I'll trust you with that part of it. As for the others... Let me know when you plan to move. I think perhaps the building inspectors may pay an unannounced visit to a couple of these places. Or maybe the ratcatchers ... or even City Guards, routing out pockets of insurgents. If we can hit them all at once, Tonio will have nowhere to bolt to."

"A rat with no hole to hide in." Decuma laughed. "How long will you need to organize? I know we don't have much time..."

"I know," Giulian said worriedly, "and the longer he has her... But I don't think we should risk making a mull of the timing by too hasty a move. Not tomorrow. The day after?" He looked questioningly at Decuma. "Is that enough time?"

Decuma nodded. "My contact is arranging something for tonight. I will come by in the morning and let you know if... and let's pray... it is... her."

"Yes. And if it is..." Giulian's eyes sparked. " will be City Guards for sure. After all, we already have a connection to the insurgents. Or we can make one."

Decuma shook his head. "I would not advise sending City Guards into the Hellfire Club. It might embarrass the sergeant. Besides, the man you want won't be the one supplying. We'll need to be more subtle than that to catch him."

"Well, no, I didn't mean to that address," said Giulian, flushing slightly. "The others, though..."

Decuma chuckled. "Yes. Perhaps." Though he wasn't sure that taking out Tonio was advisable. Removing one known rat just left room for an unknown rat to take his place. He sobered with that thought. He put a hand on Giulian's shoulder, the touch softer than one would have expected, as he added, "We'll find her, Jules."

"I know." Giulian's eyes squeezed shut. "We have to."

Page last modified on June 17, 2008, at 07:19 PM