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Basil Mederes-Bahlmis

Basil Mederes was born into a merchant family, his mother a Bahlmis (Rosalor's younger sister Glemma) who had married into the family to cement commercial ties. He was raised on Alice Station, a space port which served as a central hub for traders crossing the Empire.

His parents held an important position in the Mederes family, but it wasn't exactly on the fast track to executive success, and Basil grew up expecting to be nothing more than a mid-level functionary, unless he managed to find an opportunity.

Nevertheless, he worked hard at his training, and showed a real aptitude for it. Along the way, he learned that knowledge may be power, but it's also money, and developed an appetite for learning of all sorts. He sucks up data like a black hole, even if that does sometimes get him in trouble. Still, he never saw the golden opportunity he'd been waiting for. Until the day he received a message from Aquila... He promptly tacked Bahlmis onto the end of his name and hitched a ride on one of the family ships, getting himself named the Mederes rep on Aquila.

In some ways, Basil is worldly indeed, being at least passingly familiar with every form of decadence to come through Alice Station ... which was most of them. In other ways, he is rather naive, never having set foot on a planet's surface, and never having dealt with any society beyond that of the businessmen eagerly scrambling for the last jot of profit or the pilots who blew all their money whenever they came into port.

Basil's considerable business acumen might have gone a long way toward setting House Bahlmis on its feet again and enabling it to hold on to its trade monopoly on Aquila, but unfortunately it soon became clear that his station-bred immune system was not up to the task. Plagued by one illness after another, Basil eventually took his (regretful) leave of Aquila and his Bahlmis relations, though he still keeps in touch by correspondence.

Currently Basil is offworld and inactive as a character.

Page last modified on October 01, 2007, at 05:54 PM