The Count is a Russian exile. Fabulously wealthy in Imperial Russia (by his own account), all that was left behind when, as a young army officer, he was forced to flee from the Communists.
His adventures in the intervening years have seen him in Paris, Monte Carlo, Kenya, Macau and Shanghai. There are rumours about his activities – he is said to have fought two duels (and emerged the winner each time), seduced women (and, according to some, men too) in four different continents, ruled an Indian kingdom, crossed the Himalayas to the hidden land of Tibet, acted as a consultant on Russian Imperial culture to several major Hollywood directors, won and lost three fortunes in as many nights on the gaming tables … to be on first name terms with princes and dictators … and with the leading gangsters in five American cities. He is an inveterate gambler.
What he is doing in this comparative backwater in the Zittau mountains is less clear … although it may have something to do with those lost fortunes.
Count Vasily Dolgorukov is a NonPlayer Character in Murder at Christmas. This means that she will be written by Mel Mason, who is running the game.
You can learn more about other characters here.
Murder at Christmas is an online email game that will run over (approximately) the Twelve Days of Christmas – from December 21st 2016 until January 6th 2017. There are eight writers, working collaboratively (see the Rules of the Game). Regular updates will be posted on the website, with links that you can follow on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ so that people can follow the story, root for their favourite characters, and keep up with the twists and turns of the plot.
Followers can also apply to join the Gossip mailing list,where they can discuss the game with the writers!
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