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On 1 January of 1969, as part of the new US Army Combat Arms Regimental System (CARS), US Army Rangers were re-formed in Vietnam as the 75th Infantry Regiment (Ranger). Fifteen companies of Rangers, two of which (A-75 & B-75) were based in the USA, were raised from units that had been performing long range missions in Europe since the late 1950's and in Vietnam since 1966 as Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol and Long Range Patrol companies. These new Rangers were given a unit genealogy descending directly from Merrill's Marauders on 1 February of 1969.

In Vietnam, the Rangers are organized as independent companies: C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O and P. There is no J Company because the Army considers the phonetic alphabet word for the letter J, "Juliet", to be too effeminate for designating units. Each company is attached to a major American army combat unit. Rangers in Vietnam conduct long range reconnaissance into denied areas. They collect intelligence, plan and direct air strikes, act as force-multipliers in conventional operations, assess bombing damage in enemy-controlled areas, execut hunter-killer missions at night and in daylight, set ambushes, and specially-trained and specially-equipped Ranger snipers kill individual enemy soldiers and officers.

Additionally, Rangers attempt recovery of friendly prisoners of war, capture enemy soldiers for interrogation, tap North Vietnam Army and Viet Cong wire communications lines in their established base areas along the Ho Chi Minh trail, and mine enemy trails and motor vehicle transport routes.

75th Infantry Regiment (Ranger)
Company Unit attached Company Unit attached
Company A V Corps Company I 1st Infantry Division
Company B VII Corps Company K 4th Infantry Division
Company C I Field Force, Vietnam Company L 101st Airborne Division
Company D II Field Force, Vietnam Company M 199th Infantry Brigade
Company E II Field Force Vietnam Company N 173rd Airborne Brigade (Sep)
Company F 25th Infantry Division Company O 82nd Airborne Division
Company G 23rd Infantry Division Company P 5th Mechanized Division
Company H 1st Cavalry Division

Category: TheNam

Page last modified on May 04, 2008, at 11:59 PM