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Krysta Jones and the Temple of the Angel

When last we left Krysta and Noys, they were attempting to infiltrate the temple that they had identified as where Dulcinea was being held by the forces of, or by, Tamora herself. As they made ready to enter, a trio of simian looking guards took an interest in them, Krysta attempted some subterfuge to get the guards to overlook them as a threat as they headed for the main entrance to the structure.

And so we resume the story...

Assuming the guards don't call a halt, the two women head for the temple, attempting to appear as if she is helping her tired and frail companion. Hopefully seeing them head for the temple will relax the guards, as should their demeanor of being exactly what they appear, uneventful, typical and no threat in any fashion.

It is perhaps more than just the actions that do it. With the idea of projecting a frail companion and her aide in their minds, desire becomes reality. They guards see it, and then they start to believe it. They slow their approach, and then stop, watching the two of them as they move toward the gate. They do not molest Krysta and Noys as the gate slowly draws nearer, and nearer...

Just as they are about to reach the gate, Krysta hears the cry of a hawk above their heads.

"Let's go." Noys says quietly and urgently. "That's probably Martin's hawk doing some recon. Those guards might not stay fooled." She gestures toward the entrance that she and Krysta are near. Close by, a group of approaching pilgrims and visitors heading toward the same gate she and Noys chose now provide possible cover, should Krysta wish to take advantage of their presence.

Approaching from the side of the oncoming pilgrims, Krysta waits for a natural gap and deftly inserts herself and Noys. They keep to the pace of the pilgrims, and as they pass through the gate she waits for the group to being naturally breaking up, trying to keep with the largest contingent, until an opportunity to slip away presents itself.

Inside and through the gate, Krysta and Noys mix in well with the pilgrims. Most of these, with lowered heads, have little or no opportunity to scrutinize Krysta and Noys. The gate leads to a short corridor, which all of the pilgrims file through, and thus Krysta and Noys as well, until a larger room is reached.

A larger room indeed. Tens of meters wide, and running ahead for several times that, this is clearly a place of worship, given the banks of pews, the devotional icons in niches on the wall, and the large statue of a four armed nude female at the front of the room, dominating it even from its entrance. The pilgrims atomize their packed status here, some heading toward the statues and niches on the walls, others heading for pews near and far from the large statue. Screens and alcoves break up the space, and there do appear to be doorways and other exits at various points on either side.

There are guards or officers of both sexes, perhaps of a clerical nature given their garments, here and there, watching the proceedings. These , like the pilgrims, are of a couple of different races, a mixture of the ones Krysta and Noys have seen in the city.

Behind them, pilgrims mutter to get past Krysta and her companion on their way to their own destination within the room.

"beautiful" Krysta whispers to Noys. Her words if overheard, could be construed as simply the awe of a country girl at the heart of worship. They step out of the way of the pilgrims, following a smaller group towards the niche's. A screened one is preferred. Krysta is looking for one that is big enough for three, yet close enough to larger ones, so that if something is detected, they will be able to mix in with a larger group as inconspicuously as possible. Watching the others to see if they kneel in prayer, light candles, whatever the local devotions appear to be. They will do the same, staying in a humble attitude.

The ablutions and devotions necessary for worship are, fortunately, not complicated. It proves easy to ape the fellow pilgrims. Their prayers are indistinguishable murmurs, kneeling before a lit candle. Noys and Krysta can copy this pattern without difficulty.

Their location chosen Krysta stays alert, "go as slowly as you can with contact, Noys, see if you can feel any beacons. Let's not push it too much, if we are going to set off alarms, I'd rather do it outside."

"Slowly and carefully." Noys agrees, her voice a whisper. She closes her eyes, and to the uninitiated, it may seem like she is being particularly devout. There is a twinge from Promise, but no other outward sign of Noys' work. This goes on for a minute and a half.

"Not much in the way of beacons." Noys finally says softly, opening her eyes and exhaling a long breath. "I think they are relying on muscle more than magic for security."

Krysta watches the pilgrims for a moment. She wants a time when it looks as if a group will be leaving. "how long will it take to pull her through?" Her guess is that there will be a small window before they realize that she is gone and the complex is closed down. If they can pull her through, throw on the robe, and mingle with a group, they have a better chance of getting out before an uproar is reached. Once outside the complex, they will have a better chance of losing themselves in the crowd. They don't unnecessarily need to go out the gates to leave the city, which should be the first place locked down.

"A couple of minutes, assuming she is not physically bound." Noys says. She pulls out the Trump, and covers it with her palm, so as not to alert anyone passing by the nook that anything is amiss.

Given Noys' estimate on the time needed, she watched the groups around them, spotting what she feels is the best opportunity, a couple of groups are standing, waiting for a few more members to do so, and there is one heading from the far side of the area back towards the doors.

It takes a few minutes for Krysta to get a group that she judges to be the best choice for mingling into, in order to escape.

"Now Noys" Krysta stands ready with the robe open, both sheltering Noys from view, obscuring how many people are in the niche, and ready to throw over Dulcinea as soon as she is through the connection.

Noys doesn't respond in words, instead, she uncovers and concentrates on the card.

"Be ready to help her walk, I need to be able to fight if it comes to that."

Noys holds up a finger to indicate that she has heard Krysta. However as the people pass toward the door, Noys promised two minutes tick away moment by moment.

One minute and fifty four seconds after Krysta called for her to do so, Noys finally pulls a figure through the connection. Emaciated, thin, and dirty, Dulcinea is supported immediately by Noys. It's clear to Krysta that she is not capable of walking unaided. And even with Noys' help, progress is going to be slow.

No alarms or notice has yet been taken of the business in the alcove.

Krysta isn't surprised at all at Dulcinea's condition, it's what she was expecting, while hoping for better. It's a matter of a split second to whip the pilgrim's robe over Dulcinea. Krysta reaches into her bag, a nice little benefit of one of the higher tech shadows, pre-moistened wipes. She hands several to Noys, "get her hands and the worst of it on her face." She reaches again to her bag, pulling out a hair scarf.

"Right." Noys says. With the efficiency of someone used to cleaning up in a modern New York city hotel's bathroom, she begins daubing at Dulcinea as Krysta begins to talk.

She talks softly to Dulcinea, "Martin and a Rebman are just out of town. They have Castor as well, but we're going to get you home first. We're all going to walk out of here quietly as if we've just finished praying."

"P..p..praying?" Dulcinea croaks, uncertainly.

Krysta drapes the scarf over Dulcinea's head, pulling it back and tieing it neatly. She's had to let her ideal group go by, but wastes no time finding second best. heck if they can actually head out before a large group, that will work just as well. As soon as her hair is covered, Krysta pulls the hood of the robe up. She takes the empty packets and used wipes from Noys and puts them back in the bag, no sense in leaving anything anomolous. She put's Noys on Dulcinea's left, so she can draw her sword. She doesn't take Dulcinea's arm, but hovers, ready to if they need to each take an arm and run. But for now, slow and steady is the key. They slip out of the niche, apparently talking quietly to each other, Krysta watching as they head slowly for the door.

With Dulcinea covered up, and between Krysta's left and Noys's right, the three can proceed slowly toward the exit. Krysta can hear a few muffled and muttered syllables from Noys as they step by step head out of the niche and toward the door. Between the two of them, Dulcinea is ambulatory. However, she is definitely slowing down matters.

Progress is slow and agonizing. Most of the pilgrims and other people in the temple do not pay any attention to the trio. However, every so often there is a glance. A piscine looking humanoid with large eyes gives a curious glance as the trio pass him. A walrus-man, similar to those Krysta faced in the Necropolis turns his head, too, but passes by. Step by step, the exit to the temple comes nearer.

Thirty feet from the door, from behind Krysta, Noys and Dulcinea comes a voice, guttural and growling.

"You three!" Remain where you are, please!"

There is the sound of hurried footsteps, people getting out of the way.

"One of those simian constables we saw outside." Noys hisses, turning her head back before Krysta does, and then turning her head again.

"Keep going, we don't know it's us he's talking to, we're just simple peasants, in for prayers for our sick cousin. We couldn't possibly have done any thing. look around as if trying to see who he's talking to, and move to the side slightly" Krysta suits her actions to words, focusing completely on the job at hand, she is the bodyguard to the young woman of the family and her ill cousin, come to pray for her. They have done nothing wrong.

Krysta can sense the tenseness in Noys' gait. Like a tense hound on a leash, she can sense that she has the urge to move faster than propriety allows, or Krysta is going.

Even as they move, Krysta makes sure that Promise is accessible, every step towards the door is closer. "get you trump of Amber ready" If nothing else, stalling for time, let Noys get that connection and leave. It doesn't matter if they ring alarms at that point.

Twenty five feet from the door, and then twenty. The voice rings out again. "I command you three to stop!" the voice from the constable booms. Krysta's peripheral vision shows that the constable behind them has narrowed the gap, and in addition, at least one, possibly two more are trying to angle to interpose themselves between the trio and the exit. All three are carrying clubs.

"You may not leave." the constable adds. To her side, Krysta can see the glow of the card that Noys has pulled out and is furiously trying to concentrate on while they move, not an easy task but she is managing it as best as she can.

Krysta halts her small group and turns to face the guard, astonishment in every line. "us? what have we done? The lady's cousin is in desperate need of fresh air. I would hate for her to be sick on his holy ground." She allows a small touch of desperation to creep into her voice.

"There are questions to be asked." The constable says, giving a bit of a huff on the harsher consonants. Noys does not turn around, clearly intent on her trump call instead. Dulcinea remains unturned as well. "You will not depart until they are answered. Holy Ground or not."

She notes how they are approaching and how long it will take for any other guards to reach them. Three she can take easily, but will they be able to make a break for the door and reach it before others reach them? she weighs this as she waits for an answer, hopefully Noys will get that Trump to Amber open........unless this stop is a whim of the guard..........or he's mistaken them for someone else............

From what Krysta can see, there are exactly three of them and no more. The other two will be there in a few moments. Still if Krysta, Noys and Dulcinea made a dash, Krysta considers it somewhat better than even odds they could make the door before the guards do. The only reason why the odds aren't higher is the presence of Dulcinea to the mix.

The interrogatory guard swings his baton club against his palm in a gesture clearly designed to try and intimidate Krysta.

"I have it." Noys voice comes almost in a tiny, desperate squeak. "The trump is ready."

Krysta is clearly not intimidated by the tub. In an undertone to Noys, she says, "get Dulcinea through now." There is that slight hint of command in her tone, not that she doesn't think Noys won't act with haste, but she's learned that the extra bite tends to get people moving quickly.

The glow of the trump begins to brighten.

As soon as Dulcinea starts to move, Krysta grabs Noys' hand with her right, leaving her left free to grasp Promise.

And Noys starts to push Dulcinea through the connection.

She will step through the Trump pulling Noys with. At least that is her plan and intention.

There is a roar from the simian guards, and objects thrown, lightning quick,at Krysta and Noys. Its a couple of those billy clubs. Even before Krysta can react to the threat, the throws themselves disrupt Noys' attention, fragile as it is in pushing Dulcinea through the connection with her own efforts alone. The trump connection collapses. Dulcinea is through, although it leaves Noys and Krysta behind...

And thus we are moving into a combined, combat thread.

Page last modified on October 17, 2007, at 11:37 PM