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Here's how it is...

Dworkin had a dream. Not just any old dream, but one of a world that held possibilities of freedom for him and his.

So, taking what was his, he moved out and scribed the Pattern- a symbol for the future. All of the possibilities he had dreamed of were contained within. His son, Oberon, took these possibilities and made them reality in Amber, and his progeny flourished throughout shadow.

The old world - those shadows deemed the Courts of Chaos - found that this didn’t sit too well with them. They decided that they liked things the old way, and tried to bring the scions of Dworkin back under their rule. After all, having been created with an artifact stolen from them, this so-called Pattern was theirs to do with as they wished.

There was some disagreement on that point.

After the Patternfall War, though Chaos was seen to have lost, in the end they won- taking control of Amber while most of its defenders were at the other end of the universe, and in their own way, destroying it. But what they got and what they wanted weren’t nearly the same thing.

Seems the universe has a sense of humor, as the Pattern had become the anchor of everything, and without its stabilizing influence, reality ain’t nearly the same as it was. Shadow is no longer a seamless thing, and what’s between those seams is non-hospitable to Amberite and Chaosian alike.

It’s said that shards of the broken pattern linger on, and that if reconstructed, reality can be restored. But this is just legends, passed down to those few decendants that remain. See, many of the Amberites who had fought and lost drifted to the edges of what shadow, far from Chaos' control, struggling to keep Dworkin’s dream of freedom alive.

And Amber is just the hope that gives life to that dream…

Into the Black is a online role-playing game, played by email - otherwise known as a pbem.

It is set in an alternate version of Amber where shadows are disparate realities, no longer joined as a whole, and the players ply the 'undershadow' that separates these worlds, looking for a place to call home while being chased to extinction by the Courts of Chaos.

For more information about the game and the universe in which it is set, please browse the wiki.

Page last modified on August 05, 2008, at 10:35 PM