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Giulian drove the curricle straight to the stables, a route that his weary team was more than glad to take. He climbed down from the driver's seat at last, and while the horses were being unhitched, stroked them and fed them sugar, and told them what fine, gallant creatures they were. Only when he had seen them safely in their stalls, being rubbed down, fed, and watered, did he head back toward the main house.

Elissa smiled and stroked and fed the horses more sugar along with Giulian. She kissed their velvety soft noses, praising them.

"I'll want to see Korine first, and check on Gallfrey," he told Elissa. "After that... I think we can take a rest too, at least till morning."

"Hmm... Rest sounds wonderful. Let's go and see your family," she said as she walked off with him.

They entered Anderon House through Giulian's wing. They were met there by Peterson, Giulian's manservant, who greeted his young master with thinly disguised relief. Giulian did not stop there long, however, only asking Peterson to have one of the guest rooms made up for Elissa before he went on to the main house to see Korine and Gallfrey.

"Do you want to come with me, or wait here?" he asked Elissa.

"It would be best for us to stick close together until we know what is happening. I do not wish to leave anything to chance. Not while this is going on. We do not know when they will reach your doors, if they do," Elissa said to Giulian and smiled at Peterson.

"From what the guards said, they already have," Giulian noted grimly. "Our people intercepted them, that's all. But I'll deal with that later."

"One interception will not stop them. That will just give them time to gather the forces they need to get through and do it. We'll have to keep everyone on alert," Elissa said.

"That depends on how they are organized," said Giulian. "A group of three men sounds like individual assassins rather than an attack in force." One each for Father, Mother, and me? he thought with an inward shudder. "But that doesn't make what you say untrue."

"Well... Out of this duo, I am the one with the former criminal mind. I might as well put it to good use where I can. Especially if it helps you and your family," she said.

They passed through the kitchen wing and into the part of the house where Lord and Lady Anderon, along with the rest of Giulian's family, made their home. Giulian headed straight for where Korine was waiting, watching over Gallfrey.

"Your home is beautiful," Elissa said, looking around.

"And full of memories," Giulian said quietly. "Not all of them good ones. Though most of mine are."

"Hmm... Still, you have a home that can give that to you. I hope that will happen in my own home. The one I left has only bad memories. None I wish to keep with me when I left it behind." She looked around and back at Giulian, easily keeping pace with him through the hallways.

"I hope we can make some good ones for you," responded Giulian, a smile waking in his eyes as they met hers.

"Oh... I seem to recall a certain night where we did make a wonderful one that I hope will repeat itself again," she said. Her eyes warmed in response to the smile in his eyes.

They were still sharing that secret smile when they arrived outside of Gallfrey's room.

There was a guard on the door who rose and signalled them to be quiet.

"Korine got him off to sleep about half an hour ago," he said. "He was upset, my lord, because your mother didn't give him her goodnight kiss. He waited up for her to return from the Reception, you see."

Giulian nodded, sobering. "I understand," he said softly. "I'll go in and speak to him, if he wakes. For right now, I want to talk with Korine."

The guard stepped away from the door so that Giulian could fetch Korine himself.

Giulian opened the door quietly and peeked in. "Korine?" he half-whispered.

Korine, grey-haired now, but still with the smile Giulian remembered from his childhood, turned and smiled at him, laying her finger to her lips. Then she rose and moved silently to the door, passing through it to talk to him. She looked a little surprised to see a stranger with him, but not hostile in the least.

"What's happening?" she asked softly.

"Mother and the girls went to the safe house," he told her. "I sent Danton with them. Father... will do what he has to do, of course. I believe he went to meet with the Haldane. Martin is with him, anyway. Elissa and I came to find out if Gallfrey wanted rescuing, but it seems to me he's in good hands." He smiled. "This is Elissa, by the way -- Elissa Chatham." He was reasonably certain Korine would recognize the name.

And she had -- Giulian recognised it in a certain flare of her nostrils -- but to anyone who didn't know Korine intimately, there appeared no change in her polite, welcoming smile.

"Good evening, Korine. A pleasure to meet you in spite of the circumstances," Elissa said in a soft voice. She gave the older woman a pleasant smile.

Korine bobbed a little curtsey. "Yes, Ma'am." Then she turned to Giulian. "You're sure that my Lady and the girls are safe? No-one could have followed them?"

"I have to trust Mother for that," Giulian responded. "She and Father have been planning this for years."

Korine nodded grimly. "And your father? Where is he, Lord Giulian?"

It was probably Elissa's presence that made her more formal -- if they were alone, doubtless Giulian would have been 'Master Jules' as he usually was to Korine.

"About his business," Giulian answered somberly, "as he has to be. You know that, Korine. He intended to visit the Haldane at the Carlysle barracks, the last I knew."

Seeing she was causing some...hesitation perhaps, Elissa slowly backed away from Giulian and Korine. "I will go and check on things... Please... continue to talk," she said in a low voice, dropping her eyes as she turned, hating that she was causing all this trouble. She knew she would not easily fit into a family, let alone Giulian's. All she could do was keep him and his little brother safe.

"Don't go," Giulian entreated her, turning and holding out his hand. He wanted Elissa by his side; and the thought also passed through his mind that she would run into less trouble from the household if she was with him than if she were wandering through the house on her own.

Elissa turned and faced Giulian. She looked beyond him to Korine. "I was not going far... Just enough so you could speak privately," she said, soothing him with her voice. She walked back to his side, taking his hand in hers. She leaned her head against his shoulder and pressed a kiss to his shoulder, looking up at him.

Giulian squeezed her hand briefly in return, and brushed his lips over her forehead. "As you wish," he conceded. "But don't go out of call."

Elissa smiled at his concern. "I will not go far. I promise," she said. With another squeeze of their hands and a brush of lips against his shoulder, she nodded to Korine and then made her way once again to the door.

"I'll take you to my Lady's dressing room if you wish to freshen up," said Korine.

Clearly she thought no less a location would be suitable for the young lady that Lord Giulian had chosen to bring to the House.

"I'll wait here," offered Giulian, his expression lightening a little. That Korine would make this gesture of acceptance to Elissa meant much to him.

"Oh... Thank you. Do you think your sister would mind if I borrow an older dress to change clothes? I'll return it once I am able to get into my home," Elissa said with a smile at Korine and another back at Giulian.

"I doubt Nalda would mind, but I don't know if any of her older things would fit," commented Giulian. "I'm sure we can find something for you to wear, though."

"Hmm... True, that would be correct. Hopefully there will be something. I am not picky when it comes to clothes," Elissa said and turned to Korine. "Perhaps you would know of the best place to find something. I'm in your capable hands then."

Korine bore Elissa off ... down a corridor and into a dressing room. Although it was a generous size, it was not overflowing with presses and wardrobes for clothes, as Iolanthe Acciaio's had been. Nor were there many boxes of jewels set out. There was one large and impressive jewellery box, but it was closed. Two stood open -- one contained jewellery that was, to Elissa's experienced eye, rather simple and even relatively cheap -- not the sort of thing that Lady Anderon, wife of the fabulously wealthy Lord Anderon, would wear.

The third box contained a number of simple pieces in the modern fashion, exquisitely designed and, Elissa might guess, fabulously expensive. But only a few of these (although, of course, Lady Anderon had been wearing some for the Reception).

Korine had turned away, opening a cupboard, and Elissa saw a number of dresses inside, made of fine materials, but simple and practical in style. Korine pulled out a pale blue gown, a warm yellow and a grey.

"Here you go, Miss -- you have a choice here," she said. "There's water in the ewer by the washstand and towels beside it. I'll leave you to get washed and dressed -- I'll be back to help you with the fastenings."

And she slipped quietly away.

"Thank you, Korine," Elissa called softly after her as she looked around at the beauty of the dressing room. She took off the elegant, but now dirty ball gown and set it on a side chair. Down to her underthings, she moved to the washstand and cleansed the night from her skin.

Moments later, she finished and chose the pale blue gown, one of her favorite colors. She slipped into it and, used to fastening her gown for years, she worked on the fastenings.

However, whereas her own gowns had been designed with dressing herself in mind, it was clear that Lady Anderon was expected to be dressed by a maid, and there were a great many awkward buttons that needed assistance to fasten correctly.

The door had opened soundlessly, and Korine stood there.

"Might I assist you, Ma'am?" she asked.

"I see what you mean by a little help," Elissa said dropping her arms after a fruitless attempt. She smiled at Korine and turned gracefully. "Thank you, Korine. I would love the help."

Korine moved forward and her sure hands began to fasten the dress. She did not speak, but there was nothing unfriendly in her silence -- perhaps, as a servant, she was simply waiting for Elissa, a guest, to speak first.

"Thank you again for your help," Elissa said softly, not sure what to speak about with Korine.

"My pleasure, Miss," said Korine, with a slight courtesy. "If you would like to come this way..."

She led Elissa out of the room and back down the corridor to Gallfrey's room.

Once the women had left the room, Giulian moved over to Gallfrey's bedroom door and very quietly eased it open to look in on his sleeping younger brother.

Gallfrey seemed to be sleeping peacefully, although smudges on his cheeks suggested that the process of going to sleep had been rather less than peaceful.

Assured of Gallfrey's well-being, and not wanting to disturb what appeared to be a hard-won rest, Giulian closed the door as softly as he'd opened it. As he did so, he sent up a silent prayer of thanks. Then, in the relative peace before Korine and Elissa returned, he composed his mind and spirit to earnest and comprehensive supplication of the Almighty on behalf of all those loved ones he knew or guessed to be still in danger: his father and mother, his sisters; Jack, wherever he was (Would the insurgents think of him? Giulian hoped not); Harry and Decuma; his aunt Nira. He formed a special prayer for Lilly Tremontaine -- whether alive or dead, he had no way of knowing -- and for Renata, who must be in desperate trouble of mind either way. Watch over them, Lord, over all of us... Into Thy hands...

Gallfrey stirred in his soft nest and blinked up at Giulian.

"Jule?" he said, sounding a little bewildered -- that was his own name for his big brother. "Where's Mama?"

"Mama and the girls went to the secret hideout, the one Father and Mother made," Giulian told him. "They're safe, but they may not be able to get back here for a few days. So it'll be just us fellows for a while. Think we can manage?"

"Yes!" said Gallfrey. "But they have to come home soon."

"They'll come home as soon as they can," Giulian assured him. As soon as it's safe. "Now, go back to sleep, Gaffy." The family nickname was derived from Gallfrey's first attempts to pronounce his own name. "You'll need to be bright and alert in the morning."

"All right," said Gallfrey and then, his voice sounding scared, "I can hear people in the corridor!"

Giulian cocked his head, listening, then said, "So can I, but I think it's just Korine and Elissa coming back."

Knocking gently on the door, Elissa stuck her head around the corner and smiled at the brothers. "Ahh... It looks like someone is awake when he should be sleeping," she said in a soft, teasing voice to Korine and the brothers.

"I tried to be quiet..." Giulian said, looking comically guilty. Then he went on to say, "Elissa, this is my brother Gallfrey, as you've probably guessed. Gallfrey, you haven't met my good friend Elissa Chatham yet, have you?"

Gallfrey stared at her with wide eyes. "No," he said. "Are you at the University?"

"I am... That is where we met. I heard a lot about you," Elissa said, settling gently on the edge of the bed. She reached out and smoothed down Gallfrey's hair, a warm smile on her face.

"Don't worry, I didn't tell her what a brat you are," Giulian quipped affectionately. He also noted that Elissa hadn't told Gallfrey where she and Giulian had first met. Which was probably just as well -- he knew Elissa wanted to make a break with her past, and small boys were not notably discreet.

Gallfrey grinned engagingly at them both. Then he asked, tentatively, "Jules ... will you be here? In the morning?"

"I don't plan on going anywhere before morning," Giulian assured him. "My horses need to rest, and so do I. I'll promise not to leave the house without looking in on you again," he offered.

"Nor would I let him leave without seeing you. If you wish, I'll come with him to look on you again. Not to mention, Korine will be by your side..." Elissa smiled at Giulian and back at Gallfrey.

"But right now, you need to go back to sleep," Giulian admonished his brother. "We can talk more at breakfast if you want."

"All right," said Gallfrey, settling down again, seemingly reassured by the presence of his big brother. "Night, Jules. Night, Miss Chatham."

"Good night, brat. Sleep well," Giulian said softly.

"Good night, Gallfrey. Have a wonderful sleep," Elissa said in a gentle tone as her fingers drifted through his hair, calming him.

Long dark lashes swooped down on Gallfrey's cheeks, still soft and downy.

Once he was sure Gallfrey was settled, Giulian moved quietly back into the outer room of the suite.

Rising from the bed, Elissa followed him to the other room. "He's adorable. I'm glad I met him. I wonder if you were like that as a little boy," she said with a soft smile that disappeared when she saw his face.

Giulian was looking pensive as he answered Elissa's question with a nod. "I was a little younger than Gallfrey is now when the accident happened."

She reached her hand up and curved it around his cheek when she heard him. She realized he must not have had much of a childhood after the accident. Her thumb caressed him along his cheekbone as she stepped closer to him. "I wish I knew you back then..."

Giulian's expression softened, and there was a spark of amusement in his dark eyes as he responded. "I'm just as glad you didn't, actually, because if you had, you'd probably think of me as a brother. And that would be a pity." He leaned forward to brush a kiss across her lips.

Elissa chuckled as she returned his kiss, her eyes sparkling soft as she studied him. Her fingers caressed his skin. "Oh... I doubt I could ever do that... Even then..."

She could feel the subtle rasp of beard under her fingers; it had been a long night, one that wasn't over yet. Giulian drew away reluctantly and turned toward the door.

"Next I want to see Dr. Gomast," he said to Korine and Elissa, "and Jackison, the man who was wounded." His expression hardened. "Then it will be time to talk with the prisoners."

Korine gave a short nod and walked purposefully away down the corridor.

"Dr. Gomast? Prisoners... What are you not telling me?" Elissa asked as she stepped closer, placing her hand on his arm.

"I mentioned that the guard intercepted three intruders," Giulian reminded her. "But one of our men was wounded in the process, and Dixon said it was with an offworld weapon. Dr. Gomast, our House physician, is seeing to him. So I have to assume that the intruders are connected with the insurgents somehow."

"Oh... Oh, yes, you did. I apologize, my mind has been in a few different areas. Would you like me to stay with you?" she said.

Giulian considered. "I think the best plan would be for you to be somewhere where you could see and hear the interview, but not be seen," he suggested. "Of the prisoners, I mean. There's no reason you shouldn't meet Dr. Gomast."

They emerged into the corridor to see the Doctor standing politely at the end of it.

"Doctor Gomast," Giulian greeted him with a nod. "May I present Miss Elissa Chatham?"

Elissa smiled and nodded at the doctor. "Good evening..."

The doctor responded with deference.

Introductions completed, Giulian went on to ask, "How is Jackison? Can I see him?"

"Certainly, Lord Giulian," replied the doctor. "He's in the House Infirmary. He will need rest and care but -- even though I am not experienced in dealing with gunshot wounds, I think I may say that he will make a full recovery."

"I'm glad to hear it," said Giulian, starting in the direction of the infirmary. "Where was he wounded?"

Dr Gomast hesitated. "Do you mean where on his body, my lord?" he asked. "Or whereabouts on the estate?"

"I meant the former," clarified Giulian. "Dixon already mentioned that the intruders were caught out near the boathouse. I'll speak with them once I've seen Jackison."

"It was a wound to the chest, my lord," said Dr Gomast. "Fortunately only one lung was affected and we were able to treat that. He should recover -- but he'll be on light duties for a while."

Giulian nodded comprehendingly. "I'm thankful it wasn't worse."

Staying quiet but supportive of Giulian, Elissa followed him down the hall. Her eyes continued to glance around, making sure things were quiet and well within the residence.

(Continued in Carlysle Coup: Questioning the Prisoners)

Page last modified on March 28, 2013, at 10:41 PM